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use thought in a simple sentenceconcord high school staff

2022      Nov 4

Both are better off than they were, even though nothing new has been created. He didn't respond verbally but his hands caressed her back - as though that would solve anything. He sensed something else about her that made his thoughts heavy. Pacing in her room, she tried hard not to think of what her father was capable of doing to someone he thought was a threat to her. He paused, bristling with lightning and rage at the thought of Darian betraying their family. Me too, thought Dean as the hall phone rang and Cynthia hurried in to answer it. Then suddenly I thought of another matter entirely. But I have since learned that trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business. Sasha.s words echoed in her thoughts, and she tried hard to give them no credence. The two stayed together through the years, even attempting to be lovers once, though they quickly realized theirs was a relationship of brother and sister. Jade was lost in his thoughts for a few minutes, staring without seeing. The standard arrangement of a simple sentence is subject + verb + object, or SVO order. ("Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. Even though this allowed cotton prices to plummet and demand for cotton to increase, some of those fifty people got laid off, no doubt shaking their fists at the infernal gin as they stormed off the property. I'm sure there are exceptions, but for the most part, I think people do just as well with their clergy or a friend though maybe not as fast. Although it was decades since Dean's Boy Scout days and he didn't relish the thoughts of bedding his exhausted body on the ground, he felt, in addition to saving money, his chance of running into his quarry in a camp ground was better. Until she saw the blood on the walls and ceiling, she thought it was a surgical room. And he'd walked away from her, even though she was serious about sleeping with him. It is the enemy of, (11) In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always, (12) Law is the crystallizaton of the habit and, (17) The telephone rang and interrupted my train of, (22) The housing shortage is more acute than first, (24) The solicitor's advice gave me food for, (26) The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a, (27) Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is, (28) The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a. His voice was the only thing that penetrated the haze coating her thoughts. My thoughts have left no track, and I cannot find the path again. Amusement was deep in Molly's gaze, though she made no effort to come to her rescue. He sat down, sank into thought, closed his eyes, and dozed off. Romas had tossed her in bed more than once over the past three months, though he had stopped lecturing her on how unbecoming a lush was to a man looking for a wife. Cyprian had none of that character which makes the reading of Tertullian, whom he himself called his magister, so interesting and piquant, but he possessed other qualities which Tertullian lacked, especially the art of presenting his thoughts in simple, smooth and clear language, yet in a style which is not wanting in warmth and persuasive power. We came back with help, though, but we couldn't find you. Memon appeared lost in his thoughts, oblivious to her huddled on the floor. Can it be possible? An example of an independent clause is the sentence: I went to the beach. He brought the method of intelligence to bear on social issues, education, ethics, and philosophy itself. Napoleon thereupon invited the senate to "make known to him its thoughts completely.". For a whole week it has been "cold and dark and dreary" in Tuscumbia, and I must confess the continuous rain and dismalness of the weather fills me with gloomy thoughts and makes the writing of letters, or any pleasant employment, seem quite impossible. When Elisabeth opened the door and he laid eyes on her, all conflicted thoughts were replaced with raw emotion. To get drunk for the sake of the drink was the mark of a beast; but wine was a powerful stimulant to the brain, and to fuddle oneself in order to think great thoughts was worthy of a sage. But Buffier does not claim for these truths of "common sense" the absolute certainty which characterizes the knowledge we have of our own existence or the logical deductions we make from our thoughts; they possess merely the highest probability, and the man who rejects them is to be considered a fool, though he is not guilty of a contradiction. Connor isn't nearly as strong as we are, though he is much stronger than a newborn should be. We can't do more than that, though, without drawing the attention of the feds, the soldier told her quietly. At their silence, another thought hit her. She has brought you here, and even though I cannot destroy you traitors, others can. This writing simple sentences activity set is a wonderful early writing activity to do in ECE, ELL, and primary school settings. 'and i thought' in a Sentence. This was one of the great days; though the sky had from my clearing only the same everlastingly great look that it wears daily, and I saw no difference in it. On a sudden thought I ran upstairs before any one could stop me, to put on my idea of a company dress. Though he possessed nowhere near the level of power he used to, he was still able to sense the figure cowering in a corner. Even though some of the destinations might have been more efficiently visited by plane, Byrne always took a company car, often resulting in very long workdays. I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy. He thought she was really the psychic tipster and was responsible for his arrest? Kristina drank her morning coffee. Every day she assured him of her love, even though he gave no indication that he heard. ( Kristina = subject, drank = verb) Kristina showered and dressed. Dependent clauses can . One example of a simple sentence would be, I want to eat all of the potato chips! 3- A sobering thought , that very few of us actually recognize. He apologized to her silently before he pushed deeper into her thoughts. Revealing her secrets, though, would drive Gabriel away forever. This weekend looks worse than we thought. He paced, mind racing with memories he could no longer suppress, thoughts of his brother, of Claire, of Darian's death. In some cases, a clause can stand alone as a complete sentence; however, a clause does not always express a complete thought. To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning. Jonathan ghosted to his room for the evening, as though escaping the tension. I cringed at the thought of who might have spent their last nights on earth on that pallet. Another thought crossed her mind as she stood in Hell's library. One word may be spelled one way while the word that rhymes with it is spelled differently. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying! One name, and one alone, leaped to men's thoughts, that of Bonaparte. Jackson retrieved another bottle, though he didn't drink from it. Don't put words in my mouth - or foolish thoughts in your head. He did have second thoughts about this marriage. The whole tenor of his thoughts instantaneously changed; the battle seemed the memory of a remote event long past. I thought I might be able to fix the time setting by trial and error but I was at a loss establishing a location. His intention - -to complete the mating ceremony - -exploded into her thoughts. A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two (or more) independent clauses that are joined by a semicolon or a coordinating conjunction. All this time I thought the company was interested in him because he could speak both Spanish and English. Dean thought about Lydia Larkin, the new redhead in town. I thought last night you said we were going to be honest. Another idea emerged from his dark thoughts, and he trotted out of the secretary.s office and to Katie.s chamber. The roof was the soundest part, though a good deal warped and made brittle by the sun. Every year you bitch about it, he said, enjoying the distraction from his dark thoughts. It was very pleasant, when I stayed late in town, to launch myself into the night, especially if it was dark and tempestuous, and set sail from some bright village parlor or lecture room, with a bag of rye or Indian meal upon my shoulder, for my snug harbor in the woods, having made all tight without and withdrawn under hatches with a merry crew of thoughts, leaving only my outer man at the helm, or even tying up the helm when it was plain sailing. All the thoughts, words and deeds of each are entered in the book of life as separate items - all the evil works, &c., as debts. Don't ask for my blessing, though, because you're not going to get it. Her thoughts went in a different direction. I thought I heard you crying this morning. Though the peasants paid quitrent, Alpatych thought no difficulty would be made about complying with this order, for there were two hundred and thirty households at work in Bogucharovo and the peasants were well to do. Only his eyes gleamed feverishly and his thoughts followed one another with extraordinary clearness and rapidity. (92) just as i thought! She backed away from his door, wondering how that deviant thought emerged. Come to think of it, maybe that thought troubled him as well. An independent clause has one subject and one verb. Before I entered college, however, it was thought best that I should study another year under Mr. Keith. After Cynthia came out and administered a cold face cloth, Edith seemed somewhat better, enough to decline medical attention, though she remained disoriented even after reaching Ryland's small quarters. To be a complete sentence it must: Start with a capital letter and end with either a period, exclamation point, or a question mark. Though the latter held on tenaciously, her voice lost none of its honeyed firmness and softness. One inconvenience I sometimes experienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to a sufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the big thoughts in big words. This much he could see, though he couldn't tell why. So easy is it, though many housekeepers doubt it, to establish new and better customs in the place of the old. Her thoughts turned to the mansion on the lake and to the idea of spending her life there with Brady. Example sentences: " I went to school, though I really wanted to stay home. thought: [noun] something that is thought: such as. Rissa's voice drew him from his thoughts. Start each day with a positive thought. If he thought he could terrorize her, he had another think coming. In spite of what Allen thought, no incriminating words had crossed her lips. She probably thought Destiny was a spoiled child. The night's battle lit up her thoughts, and what she saw made her gasp. Jonny's words bounced around in her thoughts as she recalled the look Darian had given the portal they stumbled upon. He wasn't likely to travel hundreds of miles to address the issue, though. You came here to escape something else, though. He wants me to get you to talk to that sex offender who's free; the one they thought killed Annie. She didn't know how he could take the chance of hitting her, though! Others in that heat and crush racked their brains to find some thought and hastened to utter it. You have the most basic sentence or what we call an independent clause. She hadn't recognized it as depression then, though. The flow of energy between them, though, was open and warm. He'd laid his trench over the couch, though he still wore boots and gloves. It probably means things are working out with her mother and I shouldn't think selfish thoughts. That thought coupled with her nightmare made her even angrier at not being able to eat. You faced what you thought was a great danger, and you were not afraid. She stared down at her sandwich, shocked that the thought had crossed her mind. His dark eyes glowed like a demon's, though his face was still that of an Immortal. I'm joking about that. He did not finish his sentence, but his tone showed how highly he thought of his friend and how much he expected of him in the future. Listen to such a way that others love to speak to you! She withdrew from her thoughts and addressed him. Judging by his expression, he probably thought it was provocative. Nothing could be gained by dwelling on such thoughts. You could say, "I have thought of a new way to use the internet to learn English." You can use this tense to express an opinion. A simple sentence is typically made up of a subject, verb, and object, or SVO, and creates a complete thought; however, since a simple predicate is a verb or verb phrase only, a simple sentence can also be made up of only a subject and verb (SV). Being wrong won't stop her from taking Destiny if she's determined, though. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " Let's think happy thoughts about the situation. She straightened her hair and collected her thoughts before opening the door. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. The soul must be immaterial since it has the power of cognizing the universal; and its immortality is further based by St Thomas on the natural longing for unending existence which belongs to a being whose thoughts are not confined to the " here " and " now," but are able to abstract from every limitation. Then he heard the door close with a bang and Dean was alone with his thoughts and unanswered questions. Brady forced his thoughts to his mission. She thought of how she'd felt safe with Jule during their brief encounter. Damian's gaze turned to the door to the bedroom, and she ducked back, remembering he could hear her thoughts. Though countless have paid for me, never has a man risked paying so dearly for my body; his honor, his reputation, his family and even his soul. Dean could now see Cynthia Byrne was unconscious though her arms remained tightly about his neck. ( Kristina = subject, showered and dressed = compound verbs) What is a simple sentence for kids? The last was a thought he never expected to have. For a minute there, I thought I was getting forgetful. She pushed the thoughts of Darian from her head, instead focusing on seeing herself seated in his throne. " My job is stressful, though it's a great place to work. Advertisement. There were a few strands here and there, though certainly not enough to connect to the dream. Privacy Policy. Though his eyes were still dark, the devil appeared calm. I thought he loved me; but his love was . He resembled his father in height and narrow face, though there was warmth in his father's face she didn't see in his. She closed her eyes, the home videos playing in her thoughts. The Word "Though" in Example Sentences Page 1. And, Dean thought, the price is the samefree. I wanted the thought of having your baby to stay with me, even if I was mistaken. (Novelist Jean Giraudoux) Reality continues to ruin my life. You want room for your thoughts to get into sailing trim and run a course or two before they make their port. The thought of us residing in utter blindness petrified me! (29) Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, (30) Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest, (9) The housing shortage is more acute than first, (30) Thomas made a little grimace, perhaps he. He recalled agony, and the darkness of his thoughts amplified the pain of the new magic in his blood. You'd have thought they were rare gems, not just plastic baubles costing pennies at most. human600 1 2032003 Even though I didn't want to drink alone, I did. Sure, Dean thought, I'll put it on the list, right after food, clothing and shelter, all of which were tough enough to fund given Bird Song's present budget. Other thoughts were skittering through her brain, those that reminded her she was no longer on her own territory and he hadn't told her something she hadn't heard before. Though his side was soaked with blood, he showed no sign of slowing. The thought pierced her thoughts, and she sagged against Two, not caring if she survived or not. A sentence is a group of words that forms a complete thought. Of all the thoughts on Kris.s mind, Hannah and Jade were foremost. He was handsome, though she wouldn't go so far as to call him gorgeous. (90) i thought i'd win. It must have convinced Katie, though, because she went away. A'Ran said nothing, though he clenched the arms of his chair hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. It acclimated to her and accepted her until it obeyed her thoughts before she thought them. Though she sensed nothing, she'd never know an Other was there until he'd zapped her. Katie's musings interrupted her thoughts. She thought he was a friend and told him you were at the house. Yet the tense exchange remained in her thoughts. He enjoyed listening, though music did not feed his soul as it did the other three. Renting your room is the last thought on our minds! (83) Just as I thought. But as soon as she had said it a new train of thoughts and feelings arose in her. It's a fact, though, that ageism is rampant right the way through our institutions. He pronounced every word plainly, as though he were talking to his schoolmates. Hey, look at me now though, all adjusted and loving the vamp stuff. Fukuzawa Yukichi, founder of the KeiO Gijuku, now one of Japans four universities, did more than any of his contemporaries by writing and speaking to spread a knowledge of the West, its ways and its thoughts, and Nakamura Keiu labored in the same cause by translating Smiless Self-help and Mills Representative Government. Though of the two of us, I'm the one who can't read minds, so it makes sense I'm clueless. Several times she'd thought Dusty had the upper hand and could've killed the leering vamp, and several times, he'd stopped, once with a glance at his watch. Thoughts of you crept into my mind at every turn. We stopped for an ice cream to compose our guest though I disliked taking the time from calling Daniel Brennan to run the license plate number we'd recorded. You'll probably have some explaining to do to her, though. Her face grew wistful as she thought of the dance. English words and Examples of Usage use "thought" in a sentence I thought he had been killed, but actually, as I learned later, he survived. Nicholas felt this, it seemed to him that everyone regarded the Italian in the same light, and he treated him cordially though with dignity and restraint. He did not notice the sound of the bullets whistling from every side, or the projectiles that flew over him, did not see the enemy on the other side of the river, and for a long time did not notice the killed and wounded, though many fell near him. Caleb knelt in a grotto of the tunnel, and at first she thought he had fallen, too. When he speaks, it is not to impress others, but because his heart would burst if he did not find an outlet for the thoughts that burn in his soul. He hadn't thought about a sitter before now, or hadn't thought about how much he would pay? Joshua visited me last evening though he stayed just long enough. But just at moments when such thoughts occurred to him, he would ask in a particularly calm and absent-minded way, which inspired the respect of the onlookers, Will it be long? His attention shifted from his thoughts to the scene before him, and he slowed. Another warm buzz traveled through her, scattering her thoughts at his nearness and scent. Lets explore some unusual spellings in English and commit them to memory. I thought all the Dawkinses were out to dinner. Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) Jessie ate dinner. " I am at work, though I would rather be in Hawaii. sentence of "thought" (91) you thought right. It certainly sounds as if it might be the thoughts of one ofthose girls not Mrs. Martin. I knew that I had ceased to be my mother's only darling, and the thought filled me with jealousy. The defection of Marshal Marmont and his soldiery on the 4th of April rendered further thoughts of resistance futile. and Perhaps they are the ghosts of thoughts that once inhabited the mind of an ancestor. This is my computer. Is it not all the same? Darian watched her then finished his cheeseburger slowly, listening to her thoughts. Though it would kill Dean to admit it, he was proud as punch at his stepfather's guts and ability. Though in hindsight, it doesn't seem like anything is really ever enough. Bird Song was empty, or so they thought, when they returned. It seems like the easiest thing for you, though. Creeping around campgrounds at midnight didn't seem like a well thought out plan. Sometimes he would pass hours thinking of a certain illustrious lady, devising means of seeing her and of doing deeds that would win her favour; at other times the thoughts suggested by the books got the upper hand. Elisabeth didn't need Jackson to sit any longer, though she wanted to spend more time working on his portrait. The children running about are a serious temptation though I know this place is far too risky for what activities I have in mind. Nowadays, you'd be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff. Only the mediocre are always at their best. An expedition against India had recently occupied his thoughts, as may be seen by the instructions which he issued on the 10th of May 1807 to General Gardane for his mission to Persia. Sasha wasn.t that stupid, though Kris wondered what game his brother played. I always thought they had a pretty solid marriage, especially with Claire, but she's acting as crazy as a teenager and just watching her marriage crumble. I take him for a ride up the road every day, though. He thought before answering and then smiled. The coup d'etat was favourable to Bonaparte; it ensured his hold over the Directors and enabled him to impose his own terms of peace on Austria; above all it left him free for the prosecution of his designs in a field of action which now held the first place in his thoughts - the Orient. I tried to comprehend his thought process but I found it irrational. I thought she was here with you but when I got here, I didn't see her. Thoughts cut across his mind like razors. Kris looked at him, anger building. That is why I should really like to save him from evil and lead him into the path of truth, but evil thoughts of him did not leave me. I'm Claire shook her hand, and the visions that protruded into her thoughts floored her. Though it's interesting that's what you came away with. Her mind was open to him, and he watched the thoughts passing through. If people were permanently obsessed with food, all individual thought, all capacity to argue, even people's sex drive, would disappear. Jenn asked, thoughts going to the Original Vamp. Not only could he no longer think the thoughts that had first come to him as he lay gazing at the sky on the field of Austerlitz and had later enlarged upon with Pierre, and which had filled his solitude at Bogucharovo and then in Switzerland and Rome, but he even dreaded to recall them and the bright and boundless horizons they had revealed. I thought Dr. Mallard was the only doctor you hadn't fired yet. There were too many paths and factors, though all seemed to lead to one of two futures. Even though he'd just met her, the bond between them was as strong as his father told him it would be. The outside world distracted her from her troubled thoughts. If not for the worried flicker of her gaze past him to see who followed, Damian would have thought this a social call. Some examples of simple sentences include the following: He always forgets . He seemed a genial sort though, if not a bit of a show-off. His thoughts drifted to the second night of the strange dream. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Even though they made his instincts uneasy, they were harmless lies. Darian snorted in amusement, though she heard the note of tension in his voice. Even though her bed was a cot, she didn't think she'd seen anything so appealing. I didn't get you the full touch screen, though. I thought to do all for the best for you. She can't go out in sunlight Jake trailed off, deep in thought. We gave him our assurances we'd not violate his trust though I thought Betsy's suggestion was reasonable.

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use thought in a simple sentence

use thought in a simple sentence