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Modulating the autonomic nervous system for the purpose of preventing arrhythmias is an emerging therapeutic modality. Genetic counseling should precede genetic testing of family members to enhance their understanding of the usefulness and cost of testing.S7.4-18,S7.4-20,S7.4-43 On the basis of family history, clinical screening, and pedigree analyses, the pattern of inheritance is ascertained to identify and manage relatives at risk.S7.4-13,S7.4-14,S7.4-18,S7.4-19,S7.4-43S7.4-45 Because familial HCM is a dominant disorder, the risk that an affected patient will transmit disease to each offspring is 50%. Recommendations are based on a body of evidence that includes the systematic review conducted by the ERC and are denoted by the superscript SR (eg, LOE: B-RSR). (0 bytes) (0 bytes) In long QT syndrome type 3, ranolazine, mexiletine, and flecainide shorten the QTc and have been used to reduce recurrent arrhythmias.S7.9.1.1-6,S7.9.1.1-7,S7.9.1.1-10, Genetic testing for disease-causing mutations in long QT syndrome offers important diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic information in addition to the clinical evaluation, and a positive test can facilitate establishing risk for family members. Ucla admissions reddit 2024. is Ucla Waitlist Essay Reddit a professional essay writing service that offers reasonable prices for high-quality writing, editing, and proofreading. In NICM, the reentrant circuits are more variable in location, often involve the epicardial surface of either ventricle and frequently extending into the midmyocardium where ablation may be difficult to achieve from either surface. @10Mos"). SCD, SCA, or unexplained drowning in a first-degree relative, 2. -yaolan00- Characterizing the role of the ICD in patient subgroups not well-represented in the pivotal ICD trials. but not all, schools, sporting events, high-density residential sites, and airports as well as in police and fire department vehicles.S11.3-4S11.3-7 Resuscitation protocols with or without AED placement are required in most states for fitness clubs, although alternate indoor exercise facilities may have higher rates of arrest and provide for increased survival over other indoor public sites.S11.3-8 In a study population of 21 million, survival to hospital discharge was nearly twice as high when an AED was applied for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.S11.3-9 Expanded and coordinated placement of AEDs in the community, including in high-risk geographic locations such as schools and organized sports arenas, can substantially increase the proportion of patients with cardiac out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who receive AED therapy.S11.3-10 The US Food and Drug Administration has approved over-the-counter sales of AEDs. Marital & Family These refinements were reviewed and approved by the writing committee, the Task Force, and ACC, AHA, and HRS organizational leadership. The information on associations between sex and VA and SCD is largely limited to epidemiological, cohort, and observational studies. High doses of epinephrine (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg IV, as opposed to a standard dose of 1 mg) have been studied in RCTs. Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts has an 8% acceptance rate. () (0 bytes) Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. See Sections 4.3.1 and 7.1.1 for discussion. A number of observational studies reported a high risk of SCD when cardiac involvement is present.S7.2.2-7S7.2.2-10 One study reported SCD as the most frequent mode of death (46%) in both the isolated cardiac and the neuromuscular phenotypes of Lamin diseases.S7.2.2-9 In a cohort of 269 LMNA mutation positive individuals,S7.2.2-10 NSVT during ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring, LVEF <45% at first evaluation, male sex, and nonmissense mutations were independent risk factors for VA. Malignant VA were observed only in persons with 2 of these risk factors.S7.2.2-10 No studies have tested the effect of the ICD on long-term survival. Presence of a pathogenic sarcomere protein gene mutation in patients with HCM identifies risk of LV dysfunction and adverse outcome irrespective of the myofilament involved.S7.4-13S7.4-15,S7.4-18,S7.4-19,S7.4-22 A single mutation in 1 of the 2 alleles (or copies) of a gene is sufficient to cause HCM; however, 5% of patients with HCM have 2 mutations in the same gene or different genes, which can be a marker for worse outcomes.S7.4-13,S7.4-34,S7.4-48 When genetic testing reveals a mutation in the index patient, ascertainment of genetic status in first- and second-degree relatives can be predictive of risk for developing HCM.S7.4-14,S7.4-49 Relatives with overt HCM will have the same pathogenic HCM mutation as the index patient. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death). Factors identified as potential triggers of VF and SCA in Brugada syndrome include some psychotropic medications, and anesthetic agents, cocaine, excessive alcohol intake, and fever (,S7.9.1.3-22 These agents should be avoided and fever warrants early and aggressive measures to reduce temperature.S7.9.1.3-23, The prevalence of an early repolarization pattern on ECG with J point elevation in the inferior or lateral leads of at least 0.1 mV has been reported to be as high as 5.8% in adultsS7.9.1.4-1 and is more common in males. For sporadic symptoms, event or looping monitors are more appropriate because they can be activated over extended periods of time and increase diagnostic yield.S4.2.2-2,S4.2.2-3 Adhesive patch electrocardiographic monitors can record for weeks and allow for continuous short-term 1-lead monitoring and patient activation for symptoms. The Comprehensive RWI Data Supplement table is available with this article at () Privacy Statement & () The absence of ST-elevation after cardiac arrest does not exclude obstructive or thrombotic coronary lesions. Treatment includes risk factor elimination including smoking cessation, and treatment with vasodilators including dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers with or without nitrates. When patients present with an early repolarization pattern on an ECG, it is important to rule out reversible causes such as ischemia. 2012 ACCF/AHA/HRS focused update of the 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Niche has named it among thebest liberal arts collegesin the country. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition also reduces mortality and SCD.S5.2-3 Angiotensin-receptor blockers added to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor showed additional benefit to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in someS5.2-10 but not other RCTs.S5.2-8,S5.2-11 Therapy with the mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists, spironolactone and eplerenone, have also demonstrated reductions in both all-cause mortality and SCD.S5.2-6,S5.2-12,S5.2-13 Recent studies of the angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (sacubitril/valsartan) versus angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor demonstrated a reduction in SCD and cardiac mortality.S5.2-14. ICDs without resynchronization capability do not reduce hospital readmissions and may increase late costs due to device monitoring, complications, and replacement. Investigators were searching Lake Carnegie, on Princeton's campus, and the surrounding area after authorities used bloodhounds to trace Ewunetie's scent from the dorm to the lake, according to a law enforcement source. Auscultation may reveal cardiac murmurs consistent with valvular heart disease, such as aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation, and may be associated with HF and VA. A midsystolic click may indicate mitral valve prolapse that can be associated with VA.S4.1-11S4.1-13 Many VA are asymptomatic and detected only on an ECG or telemetry. Lawyers & Firms -- The transfer acceptance rate at Vanderbilt is 25%. Types of VT: Torsades de pointes is polymorphic VT that occurs in the setting of a long QT interval and is characterized by a waxing and waning QRS amplitude. See Sections 7, 10.2, 10.3, 10.8, and 10.9. 05/08/2021postreply VA and SCD Related to Specific Populations e338, 10.3. As genetic testing for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy has subtle complexities, the decision to proceed with family screening is facilitated by informed genetic counseling to discuss the cost of testing, the potential lack of a single gene as the determinant for disease expression, psychological implications of uncertain disease progression, and implications for lifestyle modification, screening, and potential treatment. 05/08/2021postreply Defining the most appropriate and beneficial use of wearable cardioverter-defibrillators. Isolated cardiac involvement is also observed and is an important cause of familial cardiomyopathy.S7.2.2-9 The disease is highly penetrant such that all affected individuals have evidence of disease by 60 years of age. Visit to complete the Admit Reply form and submit your nonrefundable $300 deposit. Students can know sooner where they will attend, removing uncertainty and the need for multiple applications and the associated costs. Niche has ranked the Houston school as among the best for studyingphysical therapyandsports management. The greater the magnitude of the slope, the steeper the line and the greater the rate of change. For example, at MIT, which has a nonrestrictive EA plan, the difference in admissions rates is marginal 4.8% for EA vs. 4% RD. Left Ventricular Assist Device e322, 7.7.4. Ambulatory Electrocardiography e286, 4.2.6. Medications With Prominent Sodium Channel Blockade e290, 5.1.5. [13][14][15], A student who backs out for other reasons may be "blacklisted" by the early decision college, which may contact the student's high school guidance office,[9] and prevent it from sending transcripts to other colleges, and high schools generally comply with such requests. -mihalala- [1] In contrast, students applying regular decision typically must submit their applications by January 1 and receive their admissions decision by April 1. Cardiac arrhythmia of 3 consecutive complexes originating in the ventricles at a rate >100 bpm (cycle length: <600 ms). When combined with clinical evaluation, genetic testing can provide a diagnosis in up to 13% to 60% of younger (<40 years of age) survivors of SCA,S8.4-3 with the most common genotypes identified associated with long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, and Brugada syndrome.S8.4-8 Drowning/near drowning events are particularly associated with LQT1 and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; genetic mutations in long QT syndrome and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia have been identified in 23% of patients with unexplained near-drowning episodes.S8.4-15 In 1 study,S8.4-6 exertion-related cardiac arrest, particularly in children, may be related to long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, or to calmodulin/triadin-mediated long QT syndrome/catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia mutations, which may require additional specialized genetic testing.S8.4-1,S8.4-2,S8.4-4,S8.4-16S8.4-18 Single-driver auto crashes should prompt the consideration of arrhythmic causes. VA in the Structurally Normal Heart e334, 8.1. Primary Prevention of SCD in Patients With NICM e309, 7.2.3. To purchase additional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail [emailprotected]. Epicardial mapping of reentrant circuits. 15:50:30, The acceptance rates of the applicants do not reflect actual enrollment rates, a subset figure. Patients with early repolarization are more susceptible to the development of VF during acute cardiac ischemia and/or in the presence of QRS abnormalities due to LV hypertrophy or bundle-branch block.S7.9.1.4-6S7.9.1.4-8, Patients with cardiac arrest or VF in the setting of an electrocardiographic pattern of early repolarization are at increased risk for subsequent recurrent episodes of VF, occurring in at least 40% of patients.S7.9.1.4-3,S7.9.1.4-4,S7.9.1.4-9 Antiarrhythmic medications, with the exception of quindine/hydroquinidine, have limited efficacy in preventing recurrent VA.S7.9.1.4-3,S7.9.1.4-4, To date, genetic testing has not reliably identified mutations predisposing to early repolarization.S7.9.1.4-5, The prevalence of short QTc 340 ms is estimated to be 5 in 10000 in persons <21 years of age and is more common in males.S7.9.1.5-1,S7.9.1.5-4,S7.9.1.5-8,S7.9.1.5-9 An incidental finding of a short QTc 320 ms in an asymptomatic patient warrants monitoring and follow-up without prophylactic medication treatment.S7.9.1.5-1,S7.9.1.5-2, Patients with cardiac arrest in the setting of short QT syndrome are known to be at increased risk for recurrent cardiac arrest.S7.9.1.5-3S7.9.1.5-5 Approximately 18% of the small number of reported patients with short QT and implanted ICDs have experienced appropriate ICD therapies during short-term follow-up.S7.9.1.5-3,S7.9.1.5-5,S7.9.1.5-6 Therapy with quinidine may reduce the number of ICD shocks.S7.9.1.5-3,S7.9.1.5-5,S7.9.1.5-6, Markedly shortened QTc values 300 ms are associated with increased risk of SCD, especially during sleep or rest, in young persons, in whom the median QTc was 285 ms.S7.9.1.5-5,S7.9.1.5-9 A clinical score including QTc duration, clinical history of documented polymorphic VT or VF, unexplained syncope, family history of autopsy-negative SCD or sudden infant death syndrome, and positive genotype results has been proposed to identify patients at increased risk for SCD.S7.9.1.5-4,S7.9.1.5-10 Treatment with quinidine results in lengthening of the QTc and, in selected patients, may be an alternative to ICD implantation.S7.9.1.5-3,S7.9.1.5-5,S7.9.1.5-6, In the setting of electrical storm with refractory VF and short QT syndrome, infusion of isoproterenol can be effective in restoring/maintaining sinus rhythm.S7.9.1.5-7. [14] In addition, the jilted college may contact other colleges about the withdrawal, and the other colleges would likely revoke their offers of acceptance as well. In patients who already have QT interval prolongation, administration of sotalol may further prolong the QT interval and lead to torsades de pointes.S6-25, Epinephrine may increase coronary and cerebral perfusion pressure during CPR because of its vasoconstrictive effects. (0 bytes) This guideline includes indications for ICDs for the treatment of VA and prevention of SCD, but it does not delve into details on individual device selection and programming, including considerations relevant to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), bradycardia pacing, and hemodynamic monitoring. For patients who are symptomatic, and in whom antiarrhythmic medications are ineffective, not tolerated, or not desired by the patient, catheter ablation is a treatment option. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at an increased risk of SCD compared with the general population, yet the risk versus benefit of primary prevention ICDs has been unclear; data from observational studies have been conflicting, and patients with moderate or severe CKD, especially patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on dialysis were not included in the pivotal RCTs of ICDs.S10.4-1S10.4-5 Furthermore, prior data had significant limitations given that patients who received ICDs have been compared inconsistently with a control group with CKD that did not receive primary prevention ICDs and the degree of renal insufficiency likely influences survival benefit.S10.4-6 Patients with CKD, especially ESRD on dialysis, appear to be at increased risk of ICD-related complications. 08:44:53, Although sotalol has some efficacy in suppressing VA, it has significant proarrhythmic effects and has not been shown to improve survival.S5.1.5.2-31 D-sotalol was shown in the SWORD (Survival With Oral d-Sotalol) trial to increase the risk of death in patients with heart failure.S5.1.5.2-32 Unlike amiodarone and many other antiarrhythmic agents, sotalol appears to reduce the defibrillation threshold.S5.1.5.2-33 Also, sotalol may lead to HF decompensation, and so its use in patients with an LVEF <20% is generally avoided. The subcutaneous ICD may not be a good therapy for these patients due to the higher risk of T-wave oversensing seenin this population; however, data are limited.S8.4-10, Idiopathic VF may be initiated by PVCs that arise from the outflow tracts or the His-Purkinje system within either the right ventricle or left ventricle.S8.4-11,S8.4-14,S8.4-19S8.4-21 Some patients have clusters of VF episodes (electrical storm) that typically present as PVCs initiating polymorphic VT/VF. @Grad") and ten months after graduation ("Empl. Cardiac MRI can be useful in the evaluation for myocardial scar and infiltrative processes evident as late gadolinium enhancement.S4.2.4-5S4.2.4-9 Cardiac MRI also provides high-quality assessment of LV and RV function, size, and degree of fibrosis and is particularly useful in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and HCM. () gene and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk, including hypercholesterolemia, Beyond Ejection Fraction: Novel Clinical Approaches Towards Sudden () QRS complex fractionation is seen in a minority of patients. Colby College in Maine has an 8% acceptance rate. You can cancel at any time! An electrophysiological study can be used to determine the mechanism of a wide complex tachycardia. trickgame ranking Late VT or VF (after 48 hours of hospital presentation) was associated with a higher risk of death than early VT or VF (within 48 hours of hospital presentation).S2.2.2-33, Patients with structural heart disease are at an increased risk for sustained VT and VF. Young women with LQT2 and QTc >500 ms are at increased risk of SCAS7.9.1.1-2,S7.9.1.1-11,S7.9.1.1-18S7.9.1.1-20,S7.9.1.1-30,S7.9.1.1-35 especially in the 9 months postpartum, and may be candidates for primary prevention ICD placement or use of a wearable cardioverter-defibrillator.S7.9.1.1-30. Patients with complex anatomy, such as older patients with univentricular physiology, or patients with significantly reduced ventricular function, marked hypertrophy, or multiple prior surgeries, may benefit from earlier consideration of heart transplantation before renal or liver dysfunction progresses. UCLA and USC use two different application systems. indicate the percentage of the faculty that are male and female, respectively. References selected and published in this document are representative and not all-inclusive. The yield of genetic testing is higher if a family history of SCD at a young age is present. Our on-campus Master of Studies in Law (MSL) degree offers early-career non-lawyer professionals and recent graduates an unparalleled education to better understand complex legal matters. High-resolution chest CT is generally reserved for suspected pulmonary toxicity.S5.1.5.2-30. ICDs prolong lives as highlighted in many places within this guideline. ", "Do Early Decision Students Get More Aid? A subgroup analysis supported benefit of the ICD on survival in this subgroup.S7.1.2-2. 1. Catheter ablation of idiopathic VA is usually accomplished with endocardial catheterization, though an epicardial approach through the coronary venous circulation or a subxiphoid pericardial puncture may occasionally be required. ", "Early Decision: 10 Things You Need To Know About Applying", "Which College Admissions Deadline Should You Choose? Terms of Use Exercise-induced polymorphic VT in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. The rate is determined by the integration of the maximum diastolic potential at the end of repolarization, the slope of phase 4 depolarization, and the threshold potential. Early decision (ED) or early acceptance is a type of early admission used in college admissions in the United States for admitting freshmen to undergraduate programs. New York City's Columbia University has a 3.7% acceptance rate. (0 bytes) Table of Definitions of Commonly Used Terms in this Document. However, evidence was deemed insufficient to support a formal recommendation. Does the Age of Sudden Cardiac Death in Family Members Matter in Brugada Syndrome? Women with long QT syndrome should be counseled about maternal and fetal risks prior to pregnancy to ensure ongoing beta-blocker therapy. USC Gould ranked #19. It is important to consider genetic etiologies for NICM. [26] As a result, the admission yield is increased by admitting more students at the ED stage. Several nonrandomized studies have shown that catheter ablation reduces recurrent VT or ICD shocks.S7.1.3-5,S7.1.3-7,S7.1.3-8 A meta-analysis of 5 VT ablation studiesS7.1.3-5 reported that VT recurred in 35% of patients after catheter ablation compared with 55% on antiarrhythmic medications. MUSTT (Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial) demonstrated that patients with prior MI, NSVT, and reduced LVEF with inducible VT at electrophysiological study have a higher overall mortality rate than similar patients without inducible sustained VT.S7.1.2-21 Patients who received an ICD after failing to have inducible VT suppressed by an antiarrhythmic medication had lower mortality rate than those who did not receive an ICD. The value and safety of the beta-adrenergic effects of epinephrine are controversial because they may increase myocardial work and reduce subendocardial perfusion.S6-1 One trial assessed short-term and longer-term outcomes when comparing standard-dose epinephrine to placebo.S6-23 Standard-dose epinephrine was defined as 1 mg given intravenously or intraosseously every 3 to 5 minutes. Purkinje-related arrhythmias part I: monomorphic ventricular tachycardias. The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator consists of a pulse generator that is placed at the midaxillary line between the fifth and sixth intercostal spaces and a lead with 2 sensing electrodes and a shocking coil, positioned subcutaneously adjacent to the sternum. () ACC/AHA/HRS 2006 key data elements and definitions for electrophysiological studies and procedures: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Data Standards (ACC/AHA/HRS Writing Committee to Develop Data Standards on Electrophysiology). HCM indicates hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VT, ventricular tachycardia; and VF, ventricular fibrillation. The mid-range numbers were largely based on death certificate studies that required a code inclusive of ischemic heart disease. ACCF/AHA clinical practice guideline methodology summit report: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. There were "no signs of injury and her death does not appear suspicious or criminal in nature. Survival is better for patients presenting with VT or VF than for those with bradyarrhythmic or asystolic mechanisms.S6-32 Rapid arrival of paramedical personnel is the major determinant of survival. The decision to proceed with genetic testing requires discussion regarding the clinical use of genetic information to be obtained for both the proband and family members, as well as consideration of the important psychological, financial, employment, disability, and life insurance implications of positive genotyping.S4.2.6-17,S4.2.6-18,S4.2.6-20,S4.2.6-24 Balancing privacy of health care information for the proband with the right to know for family members, and the ability to provide appropriate communication of information to all potentially affected family members can be challenging on many levels, including family dynamics, geographic proximity, and access to health care.S4.2.6-25 For these reasons, genetic counseling generally occurs before proceeding with genetic testing, and, from a patients perspective, is optimally provided by genetic counselors, if available, in collaboration with physicians.S4.2.6-26,S4.2.6-27 A combined approach of genetic counseling with medical guidance may appropriately balance the decision as to whether genetic testing would be beneficial on an individual basis. (0 bytes) Want to apply for MS in CS for Spring 2023. Beta blockers reduce all-cause mortality and SCD in patients with HF with reduced EF (HFrEF).S5.1.5.2-13S5.1.5.2-15 Although beta blockers have long been proven to reduce mortality after MI,S5.1.5.2-16 registry data confirm that early beta blocker use in patients with MI and risk factors for shock (>70 years of age, symptoms <12 hours [ST-elevation MI patients], systolic blood pressure <120 mm Hg, and heart rate >110 beat/min on presentation) is associated with an increased risk of shock or death.S5.1.5.2-17 In the setting of polymorphic VT after MI, beta blockers reduce mortality.S5.1.5.2-18 Beta blockers suppress VA in some patients with structurally normal hearts.S5.1.5.2-19 When used in combination with membrane-stabilizing antiarrhythmic medications, beta blockers can enhance antiarrhythmic efficacy.S5.1.5.2-20 Beta blockers (eg, nadolol, propranolol) are also first-line therapy for some cardiac channelopathies (eg, long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia). Figure 4. In patients who die suddenly despite an ICD, interrogation of the ICD is important to confirm proper device functioning and can provide information on the mechanism of death. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers decrease preload and afterload, decreasing myocardial oxygen demand, blocking the formation of angiotensin II, and slowing the progression of ventricular remodeling and fibrosis. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. This guideline includes indications for catheter ablation of VA, but does not provide recommendations on specific techniques or ablation technologies, which were beyond the scope of this document. Therefore, in patients with severe skeletal muscle involvement, a pacemaker or ICD may not improve outcomes.S7.8-15 A shared decision-making approach to selecting ICD or pacing therapy is warranted. Developing methods to identify and treat patients at high personal risk for SCD who are not identified by current ICD eligibility criteria. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of 5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of $5,000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the persons gross income for the previous year. 05/08/2021postreply Risk of sudden cardiac death: Are coronary chronic total occlusions an additional risk factor? These AHA documents cover the broad expanse of clinical circumstances and considerations of mechanisms.S6-1,S6-37, Paramedic administration of amiodarone after at least 3 failed shocks and administration of epinephrine improved hospital admission rates when compared with placeboS6-6 or 1.5 mg/kg lidocaineS6-1,S6-4 in RCTs in adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to refractory VF or polymorphic VT, although survival to hospital discharge and survival with favorable neurologic outcome were not improved with amiodarone or lidocaine.S6-5 However, in the subset of patients with witnessed cardiac arrest due to initial shock-refractory VF or pulseless VT, survival to hospital discharge after amiodarone administration was higher than with placebo.S6-5 The administration of procainamide in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to VF or pulseless VT has been associated with more shocks, more pharmacologic interventions, longer resuscitation times, and lower survival.S6-38, VA with hemodynamic instability, including VF and pulseless monomorphic or polymorphic VT, causes loss of consciousness and leads to death if untreated. 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