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2022      Nov 4

The course includes negotiation practice based on typical construction acquisition situations to help prepare the student with experience of negotiating in the real world of construction and business. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. Faculty with Research Interests For more information regarding faculty visit the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering website.. CE4361. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. CVEG4842. Corequisite: Drill component. CE1000. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY. One course in mathematics, above Math 100, including any math course required for a major or minor, will fulfill this requirement. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION AND TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS II. May be repeated for credit. Oral Communication Course: Term Taken: Grade: Area A. Communication and Critical Thinking (12 units) 1. Contributors to the solution of complex engineering projects as they apply knowledge of fundamental science and engineering design principles. Students must also choose one elective course in science, engineering, technology, or math (STEM) from among the following: The Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. ENGINEERING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS. The student must complete Civil Engineering 325LX, 325LY, and 325LZ before a grade and degree credit are awarded. Materials studied include concrete, timber, brick, block, asphalt, aluminum and steel. Prerequisite: CE5315 and MATH3319. Prerequisite: CE3343 or consent of instructor. Whitetopping and ultra-thin whitetopping. Topics include pipeline deterioration parameters, asset management technologies, risk assessment, government regulations, renewal technologies, and case studies. Prerequisite: CE3343 or consent of instructor. CE5303. THEORY OF ELASTICITY. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNOLOGY. Environmental Engineering. Emphasis on sampling, distribution functions, tests of significance, and regression modeling. 1 Hour. DESIGN OF EARTH DAMS. Develop building code loads for structures. LIGHT GAGE STEEL DESIGN. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. Civil 3D concepts and essential functions for creating, designing, and analyzing civil engineering drawings will be covered. CE5305. CIV ENG 335 Soil Mechanics. Honors Studies in Structural Engineering. The master of science degree requires the preparation of a thesis or creative component. Credit not granted for both CE4353 and CE5319 Prerequisite: CE3131 and CE3334; or consent of instructor. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Take CLS 201US if > 30 earned credits. Subgrade preparation. Fundamental aspects of the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils, including stress and volumetric state variables, matrix suction measurements and soil-water characteristic curves, shear-strain-strength and volume change responses, suction-controlled laboratory testing techniques and constitutive modeling. Point estimation, interval estimation, sample size determination, tests of hypothesis, analysis of variance, linear regression, matrix methods for multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, transformations, non-linear regression. Introduction to basic analysis, design and manufacture of composite materials for engineered structures. Course emphasizes geometric design of roadway facilities but also incorporates design considerations for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit. Computer Applications in Civil Engineering. Air Pollution Control. The course will also cover an introduction to design with composites, preliminary design, optimization, processing variables, product design. Graded F, P, R. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of Civil Engineering Graduate Advisor. 0 Hours. Pre- or Corequisite: CVEG2113. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Theory and practice of asphalt concrete mix for pavements, including specifications and construction methods for hot-mix asphalt and surface treatments. Characterization of earthquakes for design. The mission of the Civil Engineering Program is to prepare students to succeed in the civil engineering profession by providing them with essential technical tools and skills and to promote the need for lifelong learning. Topics covered include: watersheds, precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, discharge calculations, hydrographs, river and reservoir routing, and drainage design including sanitary and storm sewer design and reservoir sizing. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. CE5367. Land-use impact on public transit policy and operation is also introduced. (Typically offered: Fall). Building codes, American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications, material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents are involved. Prerequisite: Changes with topic; Consent of instructor required and Admission to the CE Professional Program. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. CIV ENG 311 Introduction to Energy, Environment and Sustainability. ADVANCED PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROCESSES. Civil engineering students who have completed 96 credit hours toward the Civil Engineering B.S. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3341 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, METHODS, & MANAGEMENT. Prediction of nonlinear seismic behavior. Loads on pavements, stresses in pavements, vehicle and traffic consideration, climate, environmental effects. Prerequisite: CE5312. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3341 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Engineering Geology. Prerequisite: CE4348 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Use of Gaussian dispersion modeling software. Index, strength, and consolidation properties of soils; test methods and specifications for soil sampling and testing. One of the SBS courses must be an introductory economics course (ECON 102 or ECON 103). CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ADMINISTRATION. CE4291. 3 Hours. Case studies with focus on developing communities will be used and computerized tools for process selection and design will be presented. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3361 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Relationships of material engineering properties to pavement design and performance. The Department of Civil Engineering allows eligible students to count up to six hours of graduate credit (6000- and 8000-level courses) toward both the bachelor's and master's degrees. The program in civil and environmental engineering, which is top-ranked nationally, provides students with a strong fundamental background in engineering science, design, and practice. CE5334. CE 466. CE4314. Employment is possible anywhere in the world. Gonzaga offers 16 undergraduate degrees through 49 majors, 58 minors and 49 concentrations, 24 masters degrees and 5 doctoral-level degrees. 3 Hours. Environmental Regulations and Permits. Transportation Pavements and Materials. 3 Hours. Topics of current interest in the field of civil engineering. Topics include tension members, compression members, flexural members and simple connections. SITE REMEDIATION ENGINEERING. Case studies with focus on developing communities will be used and computerized tools for process selection and design will be presented. (Typically offered: Irregular)May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. Graded F, P, R. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of Civil Engineering Graduate Advisor. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CE3361 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Hydrology and hydrogeology of groundwater to include aquifer and vadose properties and measurements, basic flow systems and solutions, well systems, elementary contaminate transport, water quality, recharge, subsidence, flow system analysis, flow nets, and leaky aquifers. Course Name Semester Credit Hours . Prerequisite: MEEG3013 or CVEG2023. Use of nonlinear structural analysis programs and design code provisions. Prerequisite: CE 4347. Design of beams, columns, pilasters, and walls. Types of construction contracts, contractual relationship between general contractor and owner, contractual relationship between general contractor and subcontractors, legal issues in construction administration, insurance, and concepts in value engineering. 3 Hours. Design of beams, columns, pilasters, and walls. Corequisite: Lab component. Credit not granted for both CE4314 and CE5334. SOPHOMORE UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. 3 Hours. Credit not granted for both CE4355 and CE5326. 1-6 Hour. 2 Hours. CVEG2002. CE1105. A design synthesis course for structural steel structures using Allowable Strength Design and Load Resistance Factor Design. CVEG3131L. Prerequisite: CE3341. Traffic laws, motorist communication by means of traffic control devices, and the design and operation of both fixed time and actuated traffic signals at intersections. Every effort has been made to make the catalog accurate as of the date of publication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3343 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. TOPICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Applications of FEM including pile soil interaction and simple beam simulation. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Topics include slender columns, shear walls, torsion, deep beams, brackets, retaining walls, strut and tie model for shear torsion, two-way slabs, and shear friction. Topic 3 - Air Pollution Chemistry and Meteorology. (University of Texas at Austin), B.S. CE4350. CE4352. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTIVITY. FUNDAMENTALS OF AIR POLLUTION. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Corequisite: MATH2574. All Engineering majors are expected to make satisfactory degree progress by completing attempted units, limiting repeats/withdrawals, satisfying critical benchmark courses in a timely manner, and maintaining minimum 2.0 Overall and Major GPAs. 3 Hours. Students who do not complete all graduation requirements while enrolled in this course must enroll in a minimum of 6 dissertation hours (6699 or 6999) in their graduation term. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering major and senior standing. CE5396. Engineering fundamentals are emphasized in all courses so students are well-prepared to pass . Critical state soil mechanics, dilation and strain-softening in drained shear, pore pressure response in undrained shear, including static liquefaction. CE5328. Justification of the feasibility and benefits of sustainability in environmental, geotechnical, structural, and transportation engineering through verbal and written communications. The goal is enable student to appreciate the larger geological context of engineering and civil works projects, and the long-term forces which affect them. 3 Hours. Credit not granted for both CE4320 and CE5367. CE4354. The course will have three main areas of emphasis including: principles and operations of ArcGIS, design and implementation of standard hydrologic and hydraulic models, and the linkage of these models to engineering analysis of current water resources problems including flooding, water quality and water supply. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CE5347 or consent of instructor. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. CE2391. ADVANCED STUDIES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Covers fluid properties, hydrostatics, fluid dynamics, conversation of mass, momentum and energy for incompressible fluids, dimensional analysis, civil engineering applications including closed conduit/pipe flow. CE4327. Prerequisite: CE5303 or concurrent registration therein. CE5319. Use of fluid mechanics in the engineering analysis and design of components of hydraulic and water resources systems. 3 Hours. The Humanities Elective courses which satisfy General Education Outcomes 3.2 and 5.1 include: CLST1003, CLST1003H, CLST1013, HUMN1124H, PHIL2003, PHIL2003C, PHIL2003H, PHIL2103, or PHIL2103C. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2331; and Grade of C or better in either CE3301 or IE3301 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Advanced topics of current interest in any one of the various fields of civil engineering. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3334 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Drainage selection, design and construction. Characteristics of vehicle movement; basic geometric design of highways; traffic flow relations in traffic streams; highway capacity; traffic engineering; and procedures for transportation planning. Course Title Credits Requirement Designation Course Attributes Components Academic Career; CE 10100 Introduction to Civil Engineering 1 - - 3 Lecture Hours Undergraduate CE 11000 Mech Of Matrls 1 4 - - 4 Lecture Hours . 3 Hours. Design of structural members and connections using the current American Institute of Steel Construction specifications. CVEG2023 provides the student with a foundation in the theory and principles of mechanics of materials for use in subsequent civil engineering courses. Prerequisite: Departmental good standing and permission of instructor. Collaborated effectively on multi-disciplinary teams toaddress the needs ofsociety and the environment. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. This course emphasizes physical geology, the study of Earth's evolution, morphology, its constituent minerals and rocks. Water and air quality parameters and their significance. CE4304. 3 Hours. Courses from the following list satisfy the technical elective requirements. CEE 3274 : Introduction to Land Development Design. The subject title to be listed in the class schedule. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING. CE5363. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Office of Equal Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. Fall. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3302 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313; concurrent enrollment in CE3143 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Maintenance and rehabilitation of flexible pavements. Introduction to key sustainability concepts and challenges. CE5321. Requirements for Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Graduate Faculty Courses W. Micah Hale Department Head 4190 Bell Engineering Center 479-575-4954 Julian Fairey Graduate Coordinator 4190 Bell Engineering Center 479-575-4023 Degrees Conferred: M.S.C.E. CE4322. The graduates of the civil engineering program are: Freshmen admission to engineering majors is to a pre-major status (i.e., Pre-Civil Engineering). Department: Civil Engineering. CVEG2113. 3 Hours. This course explores the characteristics of sustainable systems and how design practices may encourage sustainability. Fundamentals of hydrogeology: the hydrologic cycle; surface water and ground water interactions; principles of steady-state and transient flow groundwater flow; regional groundwater flow; finite difference solutions to groundwater flow equations. REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN. Stress distribution from applied loads and the resulting deformation are addressed in elastic and plastic equilibrium stages. Professional practice issues in the private and public sector are addressed by visiting practitioners. Covers material grade, properties of wood, design criteria using structural lumber, glue laminated lumber and structural panels. An integration of topics essential to the practice of civil engineering, including: 1) engineering economics concepts; 2) project management approaches; 3) contract issues and project structures, and 4) general code of conduct of engineers and ethics. STRUCTURAL TIMBER DESIGN. CE7399. Prerequisite: CVEG3303. (3 credits) Course topics address practical problems of analysis of manipulation and monitoring datasets in environmental sciences and engineering: hypothesis testing, uncertainty, linear regressions, data of high dimension and time domain and frequency domain analysis of series. 1-6 Hour. Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Math and Science Elective Additional mathematics and science electives recommended: CHEM 1312 or any approved upper-level biology, chemistry, or physics course. CE3347. Prerequisite: CE3341. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CVEG3243 and senior standing. Prerequisite: Senior standing. CONSTRUCTION SUSTAINABILITY. Concrete pavement restoration; Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Concrete Pavement Construction. Corequisite: CVEG2053. The following section contains the list of courses required for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree and a suggested sequence. Prerequisites: CE3301, CE3342, and IE2308; or consent of instructor. Credit will not be given for both CE5351 and CE4368. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Advanced principles of unsaturated soil behavior in light of critical state based soil mechanics. Introduction to basic analysis, design and manufacture of composite materials for engineered structures. INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP. Reinforced Concrete Design I. Provides students opportunities to literally get their feet wet while making various observations and measurements in field exercises to evaluate physical and ecological stream characteristics assess stream stability. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall). Selected problems in civil engineering on an individual or group basis. Aquifer tests; ground water law and management; contaminant transport. C E 120: Civil Engineering Learning Community. Comprehensive engineering design project primarily related to environmental issues. BASIC FLUID MECHANICS. CIV ENG 250 Engineering Surveying. The theory and design of water treatment processes. (Typically offered: Irregular). The Civil Engineering degree offers breadth in several Civil Engineering fields: Construction Engineering, Engineering Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Water Resources. CVEG4983H. Study of sources and fates of contamination in groundwater. CE5377. CE6358. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTION. Planar and spatial kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies utilizing Newton's Laws of Motion, the principle of work and energy, and the principle of impulse and momentum; introduction to single degree of freedom vibration. Geotechnical Design Project. CVEG4433. (WNC) Students who start their career at Western Nevada College may complete a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Civil Engineering by following the course of study described below. 1 Hour. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. (University of Madras, India), University Professor, James T. Womble Professor of Computational Mechanics and Nanotechnology Modeling, 1986, 2010.Thompson, GrahamW., M.S., (New Mexico State University), B.S. Arguably civil engineers were practicing between 4000 and 2000 B.C.E. A minimum of 120 units is required for the Bachelors Degree. May be repeated for credit when topic changes. 2. Pre- or Corequisite: CVEG2113. C E 160: Engineering Problems with Computational Laboratory. The Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. See Requirement for Entry into Professional Program in College of Engineering Overview section. Topics include P3 benefits, limitations, contracting and implementation strategies. Prerequisite: CE3334 or CE5321 or consent of instructor. 1 Hour. CE5344. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. Topics of current interest in the field of civil engineering. 3 Hours. Infrastructure asset development and management. This includes the design of horizontal and vertical alignment, cross section, intersections, pavement materials, and structural capacity. Design of structural steel elements by elastic design the Load and Resistance Factor Design method. Building codes, American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications, material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents are involved. in C.E. Prerequisite: CE 5379 and CE 5386. Projects related to advanced topics in graduate area. 32.5 Hours must be upper-level courses (300-400 level) Grade of 'C' Minimum required for all courses in the major, quantitative studies, and technical electives 25% Of major taken through. Prerequisite: CE3301. Qualify and quantify the economic, environmental, societal, and engineering drivers behind sustainability in Civil Engineering. CE 2191. Application of MODFLOW and GIS to groundwater problems. RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Core Courses (5 SCH) ENGR 510: Intro To Engr and Sci Res Methods 2 Semester Credit Hours . Numerous applied examples of structural facilities are used throughout to further relate theory to practice. Advanced analysis of indeterminate beams, frames, trusses, arches, and cables. Students must complete two of the following four CVEG design project electives:CVEG4812 Environmental Design Project, CVEG4822 Geotechnical Design Project, CVEG4832 Structural Design Project, and CVEG4842 Transportation Design Project. SENIOR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). CE5337. Solution of continuous systems: differential formulation; variational method; and weighted residual methods. Aquifer restoration strategies. University Catalog Civil Engineering - Undergraduate Programs Overview Bachelor Courses Undergraduate Programs The following sections apply to each student majoring in any undergraduate program housed in the Civil Engineering Department: Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Construction Management. Prerequisites: CE2221 and CE3343; or consent of instructor. CVEG4413. CE5317. Measurement of elevations, distances and angles using total stations and global positioning systems. 3 Hours. Basic concepts include: building thermal performance, indoor and outdoor environmental quality, passive and active energy systems, water reclamation strategies, life cycle analysis and current sustainable building rating systems. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Individual supervised research projects. Case study project. Materials of construction, process control interface, and operation and maintenance factors are also discussed. Failure to satisfy the academic progress requirements will result in the student being disqualified from the major. Prerequisite: MEEG2003 or CVEG2013. 3 Hours. CE6397. Credit not granted for both CE4354 and CE5358. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Prerequisite: CVEG3243 and INEG2413. Fundamental aspects of elasto-plastic behavior of soils along axisymmetric stress paths, shear strength of soils in light of critical state soil mechanics, and constitutive models to predict soil response under saturated conditions, including Cam Clay and modified Cam Clay models. Prerequisite: CVEG2113 and CVEG3303. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3342 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Mathematical modeling of reactive and nonreactive pollutant movement. Speed, density relationships of vehicular traffic flow; statistical aspects of traffic events and queuing processes; deterministic models and simulation models of traffic flow behavior; applications of flow theory to traffic problem solutions. CE3161. Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor. CONSTRUCTION FINANCE. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Topics include material balance, environmental chemistry, risk assessment, air quality, water quality, and water and wastewater treatment. Or any other approved upper-level mathematics course. The course covers introductory concepts of geographical information systems and related technologies. Lectures will cover advanced analytical procedures for the analyses of air, liquid, and other wastes, including optical, Chromatographic, electrical, and other instrumental methods of analysis. Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and design of GIS-developed hydrologic/hydraulic models commonly applied in the water resources field. Prerequisite: CE3131 and CE3334; or consent of instructor. Optimization of infrastructure asset procurement and preservation through good data input and the use of economic models, benefit cost studies, and good maintenance and rehabilitation practices to protect assets investments. A grade of C or better must be achieved in all of the courses required for the major. Topics include pipeline deterioration parameters, asset management technologies, risk assessment, government regulations and case studies. Introduction to matrices; vector spaces; tensors, Eigenvalue problems. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS, SPECIFICATIONS, & ADMINISTRATION. CE6311. Year 2 Theme and Question: Being and Becoming: Who are we and what does it mean to be human? General principles behind foundation design. 3 Hours. FUNDAMENTALS OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE. 2 Hours. CVEG492VH. 3 Hours. Physical and chemical principles of clays, clay mineralogy, coupled flow, hydraulic conductivity, in situ and laboratory tests, chemical transport, adsorption of chemicals, risk assessment and soil remediation technologies, bioremediation, phytoremediation, electrokinetics and soil washing, waste containment. Prerequisite: Completion of all required 3000 level courses and admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. Topic 2 - Air Pollution Control System Design. Control algorithms and optimization of splits, offsets, and cycle lengths for arterial progression and traffic signals in networks; computer simulation techniques; problem solving with computer simulation and optimization packages; freeway control using ramp meters and dynamic motorist communications. Techniques for generating creative and innovative alternative solutions to sustainability problems. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Junior level undergraduate research. Research and preparation pertaining to the master's thesis. May be taken a maximum of 3 times. Study of the states of stress and analysis/design techniques associated with cuts, fills, and retaining structures. Topics include equipment operating characteristics, underground construction, job site safety, and field management. Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department and sophomore classification in civil engineering. Treatment of in-place testing of the ground, obtaining the necessary information, and estimating soil behavior in the context of soil-structure interaction is included. Special Courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Fundamental aspects of mechanical behavior and characterization of soils and earth structures subjected to dynamic loads, including wave propagation in soils, dynamic soil properties, liquefaction of soils, dynamic bearing capacity of shallow foundations, seismic design of retaining walls, and seismic slope stability. Courses are designed to present real world applications without sacrificing conceptual and theoretical basics. The foundation for the course is a quantitative perspective, beginning with Newton's laws of motion and gravity. 1-3 Credits. These courses will include subjects such as structural analysis and design, water resources management and . Open channel hydraulic principles, flow classification, backwater curves, transitions, obstructions, bends, flood flow computations, and urban watershed applications. CVEG4313. Examples of civil engineering projects include bridges, roadways, buildings, transportation systems, irrigation water supply and treatment systems, wastewater collection and treatment systems, flood control and river restoration facilities, solid and hazardous waste management, and environmental restoration.

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