country: 'United States of America', Address: '2211 Bonita Dr.', 'app': { date: new Date('2014-05-25'), date: new Date('2015-03-07'), city: 'Pretoria', city: 'Los Angeles', region: 'Europe', region: 'South America', country: 'Canada', amount: 1360, date: new Date('2014-05-18'), date: new Date('2013-07-23'), '@angular/compiler': 'npm:@angular/compiler@12.2.16', date: new Date('2014-02-23'), id: 10859, region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-10-18'), id: 10832, }, { region: 'North America', country: 'Japan', To see how your choice affects "new record" position, click the "Add a row" button in the toolbar. region: 'Asia', 'rxjs': { date: new Date('2013-12-03'), amount: 390, region: 'Europe', amount: 2060, date: new Date('2014-09-21'), date: new Date('2013-10-23'), date: new Date('2014-07-04'), 'prettier/parser-html': 'npm:prettier@2.7.1/parser-html.js', date: new Date('2014-05-08'), date: new Date('2013-08-08'), dataSource.expandHeaderItem('column', [2013]); Let us know if it meets your requirements. }, { id: 10488, }, { }, { country: 'Russian Federation', amount: 3660, city: 'Sydney', city: 'Asuncion', } from 'devextreme-angular'; date: new Date('2014-09-19'), id: 10878, [changes]="changes" amount: 5975, amount: 2250, country: 'Paraguay', amount: 700, id: 10277, region: 'Australia', country: 'Japan', amount: 7950, amount: 3800, amount: 2235, } region: 'North America', country: 'Paraguay', }, { }, 0); // date: new Date('2014-02-18'), region: 'Europe', ', city: 'Tokyo', Grid lines can be configured using one of the following objects. }, { id: 10676, 'inferno-clone-vnode': 'npm:inferno-clone-vnode@7.4.11/dist/inferno-clone-vnode.min.js', country: 'United States of America', city: 'Berlin', region: 'Europe', amount: 7875, region: 'North America', date: new Date('2015-04-04'), Once the conditions above are met, use the exportDataGrid (options) method to export the DataGrid to an Excel workbook. amount: 2730, id: 10698, width: 150px; city: 'Denver', city: 'Berlin', }, { date: new Date('2014-02-26'), date: new Date('2013-02-20'), date: new Date('2014-12-01'), id: 10392, date: new Date('2014-09-02'), He does a great job as a member of our IT department. country: 'Canada', country: 'Brazil', date: new Date('2014-11-21'), Its key features are: multiple summary calculation modes, customizable layout, exporting to Excel, integration with the DevExtreme Chart component. amount: 1680, country: 'Australia', }, { country: 'Australia', }, { [(value)]="newRowPosition" }, { // Prettier id: 10851, id: 10415, .option-container { region: 'Africa', }, { LastName: 'Riley', amount: 7275, region: 'Europe', @Component({ id: 10336, city: 'Moscow', date: new Date('2013-06-21'), autoFilterEnabled: true, area: 'data', }, { FirstName: 'Robert', country: 'United States of America', emitDecoratorMetadata: true, date: new Date('2013-05-03'), id: 10283, city: 'New York', id: 10508, > region: 'North America', amount: 1580, date: new Date('2013-05-02'), city: 'Berlin', amount: 5340, }, { }, }, { region: 'South America', amount: 5400, date: new Date('2015-05-21'), }); country: 'Australia', date: new Date('2014-08-23'), country: 'Russian Federation', amount: 2820, id: 10571, }, { }, { amount: 1770, amount: 1215, date: new Date('2014-10-11'), amount: 3060, State: 'Arkansas', amount: 6425, id: 10668, amount: 2310, country: 'Russian Federation', }, { region: 'Europe', }, { date: new Date('2015-05-26'), city: 'Vancouver', country: 'Australia', region: 'North America', id: 10746, city: 'Sydney', amount: 1950, id: 10418, country: 'United States of America', }, { }, { commonAxisSettings.grid date: new Date('2014-12-12'), }, { country: 'Australia', onBeforeSend: (method, ajaxOptions) => { [allowUpdating]="true" amount: 6150, region: 'North America', country: 'United States of America', region: 'North America', id: 10637, amount: 6060, }, { 'inferno-create-element': 'npm:inferno-create-element@7.4.11/dist/inferno-create-element.min.js', id: 10578, city: 'Moscow', id: 10654, }, { city: 'Beijing', city: 'Buenos Aires', The insertAfterKey property is used to implement this functionality. date: new Date('2013-06-10'), region: 'South America', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-12-26'), }, { }, { date: new Date('2013-04-26'), country: 'South Africa', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-12-06'), packages: { id: 10678, id: 10645, date: new Date('2013-07-11'), city: 'Tokyo', id: 10386, }, { }) region: 'North America', date: new Date('2014-08-09'), main: 'index', System.config(window.config); amount: 2400, city: 'Berlin', country: 'Canada', id: 10626, }, { '@angular/platform-browser': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser@12.2.16', date: new Date('2014-11-20'), amount: 2940, date: new Date('2013-04-13'), id: 10486, id: 10543, region: 'Australia', region: 'Africa', id: 10546, city: 'Seoul', I've extracted a portion of my markup below. paths: { }, { region: 'Asia', id: 10629, region: 'Asia', area: 'column', 'npm:': '', bootstrap: [AppComponent], export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { Demo }, { Please go through below sand box link. region: 'Europe', }, { date: new Date('2014-06-23'), city: 'London', date: new Date('2015-01-14'), region: 'Asia', 'devextreme': { window.config = { }, { region: 'South America', }, { country: 'Australia', 'app': { city: 'Buenos Aires', country: 'Australia', e.component.navigateToRow(e.key); region: 'North America', date: new Date('2013-11-12'), date: new Date('2013-02-13'), 'npm:devextreme-angular@22.1.6/ui/*/package.json', [confirmDelete]="false" id: 10871, id: 10538, region: 'South America', region: 'Australia', amount: 1520, }, { amount: 990, html: `${args.seriesName} | Total
`, 'inferno-hydrate': 'npm:inferno-hydrate@7.4.11/dist/inferno-hydrate.min.js', country: 'Paraguay', }, city: 'Los Angeles', id: 10618, }, { amount: 2580, }, { country: 'United States of America', country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-02-11'), HireDate: '2009/08/11', date: new Date('2014-06-02'), constructor(service: Service) { city: 'Buenos Aires', }, { amount: 2820, city: 'Edmonton', region: 'South America', region: 'South America', id="pivotgrid" city: 'Denver', 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/package.json', }, Picture: '../../../../images/employees/01.png', country: 'Australia', }, { date: new Date('2013-08-21'), 'npm:@angular/*/package.json', country: 'Republic of Korea', city: 'Moscow', amount: 3090, }, { country: 'Brazil', date: new Date('2013-06-22'), city: 'London', If you have questions regarding Angular functionality, consult Angular docs. 'npm:devexpress-diagram@2.1.65/package.json', country: 'Australia', amount: 5320,
region: 'Australia', date: new Date('2014-04-08'), id: 10788, region: 'South America', 'tslib': 'npm:tslib@2.3.1/tslib.js', id: 10504, country: 'Russian Federation', styleUrls: ['app/app.component.css'], }, { 'typescript': { id: 10397, id: 10487, }, { id: 10697, country: 'China', window.config = { amount: 2715, region: 'North America', City: 'San Jose', DxChartModule, city: 'Rio de Janeiro', amount: 5550, country: 'United Kingdom', import { Service } from './app.service'; }, import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; amount: 1230, region: 'Africa', city: 'Madrid', amount: 1750, id: 10593, date: new Date('2014-04-07'), amount: 5120, date: new Date('2014-01-15'),
if (!/localhost/.test( { country: 'United States of America', margin-top: 10px;
date: new Date('2013-01-05'), city: 'Vancouver', country: 'Russian Federation', city: 'Edmonton', city: 'Sydney', amount: 4530, defaultExtension: 'ts', id: 10636, date: new Date('2013-01-14'), id: 10548, region: 'South America', country: 'Russian Federation', id: 10707, } ', }, { id: 10633, id: 10692, amount: 7710, Notes: 'As our ombudsman, Kent is on the front-lines solving customer problems and helping our partners address issues out in the field. country: 'Egypt', }, { updateUrl: `${url}/UpdateOrder`, city: 'Pretoria', city: 'Rio de Janeiro', amount: 1995, country: 'United Kingdom', country: 'China', country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-03-24'), country: 'Paraguay', DevExtreme Angular Pivot Grid is a client-side control for multi-dimensional data analysis. city: 'Melbourne', country: 'Paraguay', city: 'Cairo', region: 'North America', id: 10252, region: 'North America', country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-04-08'), id: 10403, amount: 2600, amount: 4220, id: 10375, }, { id: 10608, city: 'Tokyo', amount: 1500, city: 'Rio de Janeiro', date: new Date('2014-01-26'), amount: 5160, }, { city: 'New York', }, { region: 'South America', id: 10822, city: 'Pretoria', date: new Date('2014-04-06'), amount: 2125, region: 'North America', id: 10530, Users can edit cell values in-place or in a separate edit form. city: 'Madrid', region: 'Asia', amount: 5140, }, { }, Alternatively, you can contact us at the DevExpress Support Center if you own an active DevExtreme license. city: 'New York', Does not apply in infinite scrolling mode. enableProdMode(); date: new Date('2013-10-11'), country: 'United States of America', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/09.png', amount: 4420, id: 10702, country: 'United States of America', city: 'Moscow', }, { region: 'Europe', region: 'Europe',