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The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said it had confirmed a total of 510 civilian deaths but warned the true toll was probably significantly higher. Insurgencies have been ongoing in Myanmar since 1948, the year the country, then known as Burma, gained independence from the United Kingdom. [32] However, as soon as 2018, the NCA had already begun to fall apart due to alleged violations of the agreement by Tatmadaw soldiers entering EAO territories to build roads. More than 2,720 politicians, activists and civil society figures have been detained by authorities . By Soe Win, Ko Ko Aung and Nassos Stylianou, PDF members train with makeshift weapons, Kayin State, November 2021, Fires in Thantlang, Chin State, caused by shelling from military forces, according to local media - October 2021, Anti-coup protesters used slingshots against approaching security forces (Yangon, March 2021), A man is carried to safety during anti-military demonstrations in Yangon, March 2021, Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng kneeling before police in March 2021, Civil war in Myanmar - how the data was collected, more than 35 men, women and children in December, knelt in front of a police frontline in March 2021. [63] 50 junta soldiers were reportedly killed in a series of landmine attacks by resistance fighters in Gangaw Township. [130], On 23 July 2022, the State Administration Council announced that it had executed four political prisoners, including Zayar Thaw and Kyaw Min Yu, marking the first time the death penalty had been carried out in Myanmar since the late 1980s. [60], In early June, fighting erupted in Myawaddy District in which the military and Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) battling against a combined force of Karen ethnic armed groups and PDF had left dozens of junta troops killed.[61]. Burma Civil War Rambo The Burma Civil War began in 1962 and lasted until 2011. The Civil War was the deadliest of all American wars. If Myanmar does enter a civil war, the United Wa State Army would probably take its time before entering any . The maximum death toll is the combination of the maximum estimated death toll of land reform, war crimes, re-education camps and boat people, which may or may . No one disagrees with that. [102] The anniversary of the coup saw increase attacks in areas where resistance had died down in late 2021. [93] On 17 December 20 resistance fighters from Yaw Defence Force were killed after the Tatmadaw and members of the military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia launched a surprise air assault on the village of Hnan Khar in Magway Region's Gangaw Township where YDF was holding a meeting. According to junta-aligned sources, 367 junta-appointed officials had been assassinated in targeted attacks since February of 2021. Mining giant ordered to pay 275m over oil bribes. Urban warfare became less practical and resistance forces began targeting junta-aligned officials. Myanmar, also known as Burma, has been embroiled in a civil war for decades. They destroyed people's livelihoods, properties and possessions. The death toll in Myanmar's military crackdown has passed 500 - prompting rebel groups to threaten they will shoot back at the junta if the bloodshed does not come to a stop, raising fears of a civil war. Myanmar has long been beset by ethnically based insurgencies, many stemming from British colonial-era cartography, the paper continues. Myanmar Army helicopters allegedly entered Bangladeshi air space to attack Arakan Army and reportedly fired a shell within Bangladeshi air space. "Children can't go to school. Later at noon, PDF attacked soldiers again who were leaving the village of Mintharkya on foot, sparking a shootout between the two sides. 2 additional resistance fighters who escaped were also captured later on by plain clothed and armed Tatmadaw troops who were wearing bulletproof vests. The BBC has spoken to a man who survived another attack by the military - also in December - by playing dead. Princess of Wales reassures a royal fan who missed a salon appointment to come and see Juan Carlos' ex-mistress Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein reveals 'unhinged' former King of Spain called her 10 Anti-vaxxer, 61, who went to then Health Secretary Sajid Javid's home armed with glue and posters is cleared 'Dying without dignity..failed at every stage': Furious families slam emergency services as report finds British Airways pilot and groundcrew worker were injured when Boeing 787 Dreamliner's nose hit the ground Britain braces for TWO years of pain: BofE warns 'longest recession in a century' will last until mid-2024 House prices could drop by as much as 30 PER CENT in the next year, mortgage lender warns. Seeing his colleagues getting arrested, the surgeon fled to an area controlled by an armed opposition group. The BBC's Burmese Service also collected information on fatalities from clashes between Myanmar's military and the PDF from May to June 2021. [78] On 25 November, junta forces ambushed and killed 4 resistance fighters who were part of a scouting team of 6 men from Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) near the village of Hohpeik in Demoso Township. [58] Towards the end of May, the Tatmadaw used artillery and helicopters to strike PDF and KPDF positions in Loikaw and Demoso. All you need to know about everything that matters. [141], On 16 September 2022, the Burmese military killed 11 children and wounded another 17, during an airborne strike at a school in Letyetkone village, Sagaing Region. Two dozen ethnic minority rebellions have flared in Myanmar since independence from . "The military has killed innocent people. [26][27] Over the course of the 20th century, several prominent ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) rose and fell in influence and control. [120], On 15 April, junta soldiers suffered at least 30 casualties after being pushed back by the KNLA at the battle for Lay Kay Kaw. They didn't care. Video footage and images from the incidents appear to show most of those killed were tortured first and buried in shallow graves. I cry whenever I think about it," she told the BBC. How high will rates go? The killings appeared to be a collective punishment for attacks on the military by civilian militia groups in the area, who are demanding that democracy is restored. Fighting between the military and the local branches of the People's Defence Force - a collective name for civilian militia groups - had intensified in the area in the months before the mass killings, including clashes near Zee Bin Dwin. The death toll in the Myanmar military's crackdown on protesters has passed 500, as armed rebel groups on Tuesday threatened the junta with retaliation if the bloodshed does not stop. Three of them were elderly and two had mental health conditions, villagers say. The Chinland Defense Force began an armed resistance in Mindat, Chin State. Foreign journalists have been barred from reporting in Myanmar since the coup, and most non-state media outlets have been shut down, making on-the-ground reporting all but impossible. PDF claimed the ambush injured at least 3 soldiers. The resistance fighters had to retreat due to the superior firepower of the assaulting Tatmadaw troops. [92] Depayin PDF leader reported that Tatmadaw forces have surrounded the Sagaing's Depayin Township where PDF fighters erre positioned. [116], On the evening of 21 March, Brigade 6 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) stormed and occupied a Tatmadaw camp in the village of Maw Khi in Wallay Myaing subtownship, Myawaddy District, Kayin State. The killings took place in July, in four separate incidents in Kani Township - an opposition stronghold in Sagaing District in Central Myanmar. "They told me: 'If you really want to do it, do it to the end. There was also a woman with them.". "Some soldiers looked young, maybe 17 or 18, but some were really old. The state-owned Global New Light of Myanmarreportedthat troops fended off armed terrorists and later found four mortars and six percussion lock firearms. [82] On 20 December, Tatmadaw forces left the village of Kunnar in Loikaw Township after capturing it from KNDF late last week. [65][66], The declaration of war increased the number of skirmishes and clashes between PDF militias, EAOs and the military junta across the country. [133][134] The international community, including United Nations Secretary-General, the G7 nations, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and the European Union strongly condemned the executions. The Diplomats Strangio writes that the emergence of the militias heralds the increasing fragmentation of Myanmar state authority into smaller shards of jurisdiction under the sway of local armed groups. Number given is the sum of all deaths in battle recorded by writers during this time period, does not take into account civilian deaths, the actual number may be much greater. As the death toll among Myanmar's protesters rose dramatically last weekend, military air strikes against one of the country's largest rebel groups stoked fears of another problem:. An open source investigation by Myanmar Witness - shared with the BBC - confirmed that Russian armoured vehicles were unloaded in Yangon a few weeks ago. It's thought the killings were a collective punishment for attacks by militia groups demanding a return to democracy following a military coup in February. [162] As of September 2022, the value of the Burmese kyat has depreciated by over 60%,[163] while basic commodity prices have increased by up to 57%. [29] By the time of the 2011-2015 Myanmar political reforms, the junta had regained control of many long-time rebel strongholds including Kokang and the KNU-controlled Karen State. 'If they do not stop, and continue to kill the people, we will cooperate with the protesters and fight back,' the statement said. Gathered under the name of the People's Defence Force (PDF) and under the orders of the National Unity Government (NUG), formed by former parliamentarians in office before the coup d'tat, the PDF and the NUG officially declared a "defensive war" against the military regime in September 2021. Two dozen ethnic minority rebellions have flared in Myanmar since . The authorities now demand factories in Yangon provide them wi The witnesses in Yin - whose names we have withheld to protect their identities - told the BBC the men were tied up with ropes and beaten before they were killed. I can't accept that in any way.". [100] In March, a local defence force based in Tanintharyi Regions Kawthaung District claimed that they managed to kill three Myanmar army soldiers, confiscate weapons and occupy a police station in the area. [38] The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw also proposed the formation of a "federal armed force" to combat the military. State media accuses the People's Defence Force of responsibility, which the PDF denies. Thai foreign ministry spokesman Tanee Sangrat insists the reports of a pushback are inaccurate. [84] The United Nations have called for a 'thorough and transparent investigation' into the incident. Almost900people have been killed by the security forces, according to latest figures from theAssistance Association for Political Prisoners, andmore than5,000 are currently in detention. The junta supporters watch them and encourage their arrest. More than 50 died in the attack, but the toll is expected to rise after the military stopped ambulances from taking wounded to hospitals. She says she was motivated to join the PDF after the high-profile death of student Mya Thwe Thwe Khaing who was shot during the February 2021 protests. The BBC put the allegations raised in this story to Myanmar's Deputy Minister for Information and military spokesperson, General Zaw Min Tun. Nagar, a former businessman who controls several PDF units in the Sagaing Region in central Myanmar, told the BBC that it is not an equal fight. Clashes have grown deadlier month on month since August. It is believed that the coup may have been a way to re-establish the military's long-reigning power over of the country which ended ten years prior. So I talked to my trainer and fully joined the revolution five days after the training.". Myanmar threatens to descend into civil war as rebel groups warn they will retaliate against military junta after death toll of protesters passed 500 Three armed groups warn they will. The base was also the site of a workshop where the PDF had made explosive devices. Two dozen ethnic minority rebellions have flared in Myanmar since independence in 1948, fighting over autonomy, ethnic identity, drugs and natural resources. Myanmar (MNN) Civil war threats loom large in Myanmar. In the past week the country's ethnic armed groups have declared they will launch a 'Spring Revolution' supporting the protestors. But fears are growingthat the country is on the verge of anew, full-blown civil war, as communities increasingly take up arms to protect themselves from a relentless campaign of military violence, saysThe Guardian. [103] 35 junta soldiers had been killed in attacks by local PDFs in the Sagaing and Bago regions on the 8 February. Hera's parents were initially concerned when their daughter began a PDF combat training course, but they relented when they realised she was serious. [97], Furthermore, a member of a local armed resistance group was shot dead and three others were captured during a military raid in Yangon Region's Thanlyin Township. [30][31], As part of its political reforms and democratization, the 2008 Constitution created self-administered zones with increased autonomy. Always exhausted? The military rarely gives interviews, but in an exclusive interview with the BBC in late 2021 junta spokesman, Zaw Min Tun, described the PDF as terrorists - using the label as justification for action against them. 2022 BBC. All rights reserved. The Burmese Army have deployed their Light Infantry Division 99 (LID99) into the region, a unit notorious for brutality and its role in the Rohingya genocide of 2017 that saw over 10,000 civilians murdered and another 700,000 displaced into neighbouring Bangladesh. The wounded included a 1-year-old baby in the Yangon region, where at least 27 people were killed. There are units across the country, but it is significant that young people from the Bamar ethnic majority in the central plains and cities are taking the lead - joining forces with youths of other ethnicities.

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