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We saw ear-lier that to disciple means to teach kingdom philosophy andvalues, so that the students are immersed in the mind-set ofthe King. shrine, or mosque. Its the systembased on the kingdom of darkness that influences the behav-ior of humans. 13 The Governor connects us to ouroriginal nature, which is true life for us as human beings. Over thecenturies, the Christian church has emphasized these aspectsof Jesus ministry to the point that I believe the ultimate reasonhe endured them has been obscured. Enhancements you chose aren't available for this seller. Yet, in the Bahamas, weall learned to speak English, drink tea, wave the Union Jack,and sing the songs of Britain. Do all have gifts of healing? Traveling extensively throughout the world, Dr. Munroe addresses critical issues affecting the full range of human, social, and spiritual development. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Remember the words of the disciple John:For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternallife. Jesus compared his sacrifice for humanity to a shepherdlaying down his life for his sheep: I am the good shepherd;I know my sheep and my sheep know mejust as the Fatherknows me and I know the Fatherand I lay down my life forthe sheep. His death was a demonstration of pure love for hispeople. Forexample, when the Bahamas was a colony, the people were notcitizens of Great Britain. As long as the governor lived in the colony, the kingdomitself was present. As we readin the third book of Moses, The life of every creature is itsblood. Like Adam before the rebellion, Jesus and everythingabout him was set apart and devoted to the King-Father. Again, the glory of God refers to the nature ofGod. We became part of the UnitedKingdom. He did evil inthe eyes of the LORD, walking in the ways of his father and in210 There are specific ways that people from certain countries act, speak,and look, so that you can recognize, Thats a Bahamian,Thats an Italian, or Thats a Russian. After you have beenaround people from various countries or regions long enough,you begin to recognize their distinguishing mannerisms, atti-tudes, and speech. The Most Important Person on Earththe active working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Both the qualities and the gifts are important, therefore,but the qualities are vital because power without character isdangerous. This means that a colonys purpose was essentially to: 1. be an extension of the home country in another territory. A leader may be assassinatedfor standing up for a cause or because of someones hatred orinsanity. In other words, Jesus was saying, For the last three-and-a-half years, I have been telling you that the influence of theheavenly government is coming. They havent recognizedwhat the concept and history of kingdoms reveal that is vitalto us today. He conceived of anorderly but energetic life in which every person could reach hisfullest potential in conjunction with others for the greatest goodof individuals and the community of human beings. Philosophers attract peoplewho want to learn their ideas and imitate their lifestyles, andthese become their students or disciples. Manifesting Kingdom Culturein what they said change the fact that their languages weregenuine? And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. 2015 Sunday Missal PDF Kindle. The inhabitants of the colony did notautomatically become citizens; they were called subjects. They had become attached toJesus physical presence in their lives, and they were afraid tolose it. And theGovernor is your private teacher, enabling you to internalizeand manifest the teaching of the King. I need to publicly declare that Ibelong to the school of the kingdom of heaven, that I am fullyintegrated with the mind and ways of the kingdom. 113 Christmas Through Jesus,is not about a beggar coming; human beingsits about an owner arriving. Luke the physician, the writer of the gospel bearing hisname, wrote, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Gali- lee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendent of David. They worked in harmony to achieve thisultimate purpose.The King-Son Was Completely Filled with the Governor The King-Son not only was filled with the Spirit at hisconception, but he also continued to be filled with the Spirit104 The Most Important Person On Earth written by Myles Munroe and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2007 with Holy Spirit categories . The ascen-sion of Jesus was evidence of his finished work on earth, indicat-ing that all was in readiness for the Governors full return. For me, speaking in English can interfere with myability to pray. The words I have spoken to you are spiritand they are life. 219 They see that youve stopped doing things thatare against the heavenly kingdom. The Most Important Person on Earthyou exhibit the evidence of a changed life, your own familymemberspeople you grew up withmay no longer under-stand you or why you act in the way you do. Jesus told his disciples, And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you foreverthe Spirit of truth. The Most Important Person on Earth Jesus told them they would be clothed with power fromon high. This point is vital: we are to receive our powerfrom the heavenly country, from a place outside this world,because this world is controlled by the kingdom of dark-ness. We were gathered togetherto be reminded of the sovereigns desires for the kingdom206 Now, through theSpirit dwelling in the lives of his followers, there are millionsof hands doing the work of the kingdom. The Rebirth of a Kingdomwill be called the Son of God.For nothing is impossiblewith God. I am the Lords servant, Mary answered.May it be to me as you have said. Again, we see evidence of Marys submission to the heav-enly government: I am the Lords servant.May it be to meas you have said.In this passage is a fact of vital significance: the Spiritconceived God the Son or the King-Son, whose earthly namewas Jesus, in the womb of Mary.Mary was what we might call a The King-Son wassurrogate mother for the eternaland invisible Gods entrance into fully divine and fullythe physical world as a human human, yet notbeing. Again, the key to their ability to build this tower was theirunified language. It is because of the rebellionwhat the King does; that we lost our capacity to mani- fest his nature. 200 pages. When this waspaid, the Father gave him authority to take up his life again,and he was raised from the dead. Who- ever was chosen to take his placeof Jesus when we would automatically gain hisidentify with his life students. They were always appointed from the homecountries. 2010 Novel and Short Story Writer's Market (Novel & Short Story Writer's Market) PDF Online. 29 Also, the King-Son was infected by mansfilled with the Spirit when he rebellious nature.was conceived. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. The same thingapplies to the miracles Jesus performed. The Most Important Person on Earth among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him. The greatest desire and pursuit of all humankind is the power to achieve this dream.We all want power, which is the ability and capacity to controlcircumstances and destiny. In The Most Important Person on Earth, Dr. Myles Munroe explains how the Holy Spirit is the Governor of God's kingdom on earth, much as royal governors administered the will of earthly kings in their territories. This is why Im convinced that the number one desire ofall people in every situation of lifeglobal or personalis forpower. The God who created the whole worldand all its oceans, lakes, and rivers had to ask someone else fora drink of water. The curtain in the temple sepa-rating the people from the Holy of Holies tore in two fromtop to bottom, signaling that Jesus had made provision forhuman beings to be holy and receive the Spirit once more.The Spirit no longer had to be separated from them, dwell-ing only between the cherubim on a mercy seat that had beensprinkled with the blood of animals. Under the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God's power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God's government on earth. After Jesus had accomplished hismission of restoration, he told his disciples, You will receivepower when the Holy Spirit comes on you. But he also said,These signs will accompany those who believe: In my namethey will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;they will place their hands on sick people, and they will getwell. Jesus was outlining the evidence of lives that have beenconnected to the heavenly kingdom. Yet both the richest person and the poorest person on theplanet have this desire. Thereare certain things that only Australians would say or do in acertain way. When Jesus followers were filled with the Holy Spirit,they were given power to speak in the variety of languages148 Ideas are one of the most powerful forces in existence. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with Gods will.240 The governors presence in the colony was evidence that the king- dom itself was in the colony. The people wanted to build a tower that would reach to the heavens, andThe King wants us they said, in effect, We will buildto build the dreams a tower and make a name for our- in our hearts that selves. Gods response was, If as one people speaking the same he put there. For the enablement of the colony. But Jesuscame to bring back the perfect government. Paul wrote to the kingdom citizens in Philippi that Jesus, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputa- tion, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.250 She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. And JohnMaster Teacher. So you have people who belong to thesame family, but depending on what kingdom they fell under,they took on the language and customs of that kingdom sothat, today, the descendents of a single family cant even com-municate with one another. The Most Important Person on Earth You must remember that you are under a new MasterTeacher, Jesus Christ. He or she is ultimately account-able to the people of the state, not to the federal governmentor its leaders. John had been gaining a number of disciples, and whenpeople came to him with a sincere desire to repent (to changetheir thinking and lifestyle from the kingdom of darkness tothe kingdom of heaven), he baptized them. An idea becomes a full-fledged, viable conceptwhen it is envisioned and executed. The Most Important Person on EarthThe Kingdom School Tr ansferred to JesusWhen a master teacher was no longer able to teach, he would decide which of his dis-We are followers ciples would succeed him. They were actuallyfollowers of John the Baptist, and Paul said to them, in effect,You are on the right track, but you need to hear about Jesus,the one whom John was referring to, and you need the prom-ise that he provided for you. Once again, we can see why the key to bringingback kingdom culture to earth is the Governor. And why then? Char-acter is more important than power because it protects our useof that power. The Most Important Person on EarthThe Transformation of Coloniesinto the Kingdom A colony is comprised of a group of emigrants or theirdescendants who settle in a distant land but remain subject tothe parent country.1 The word colony comes from the Latinword colonia, derived from colere, meaning to cultivate.2 Inthis sense, a colony is: the presence of a distinct cultural citizenry in a foreign territory that is governed by the laws and customs of its home country. This is a book for all those who want to experience Heaven on a Earth through the power of the Holy Spirit. This brings usback to the kingdom I mentioned earlier in this chapter, whichtranscends our human governments and speaks to the basis ofour very nature and existence as human beings. The Roman Empire had a specific way of ensuring thepermanency and effectiveness of kingdom influence over itscolonies. The Governors Purpose The governors purpose was sixfold: 1. Significantly, this restora-tion of communication and unity was characterized by a capac-ity to speak in heaven-given languages, an ability given by theHoly Spirit. As Jesussaid, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Itsour culture to be self-controlled. You cannot go wrong with his God inspired works. The Most Important Person on Earth Historically, Americans have agreed that their languageis English, the French have agreed that their language isFrench, and people from Spain and Latin American countrieshave agreed that their language is Spanish. If we arenot good, we are unnatural. The book of the prophet Ezekiel says, I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

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