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anthropologists use the term gender to refer to quizletstatement jewelry vogue

2022      Nov 4

Stephen Jay Gould argues that ________________ reappears, even when disproven, during eras of political retrenchment or during times when elites are fearful of changes to their status. Identify the strategies engaged anthropologists employ in their work. Csar Chvez, one of the most important Mexican American activists, led the 1965 Delano grape strike. In many U.S. classroom settings, students of color are often dubbed the "experts" on race through what practice? People high in ______ are responsive to others' social and interpersonal cues. Monarchies are most commonly associated with __________ societies and with __________ authority. In February 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed __________, authorizing the military to designate areas from which certain people could be excluded. In the United States, the fact that most divorced parents share time and financial responsibilities somewhat equally for their children reflects the practice of? Which parts of language do emojis try to replace when communicating digitally? Globalization refers to the increased movement and interaction of people, goods, ideas, and money worldwide. What is this process called? A(n) __________ refers to a family composed of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives. After returning from work, Anne ensures that her children complete their homework. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Identify the systems of power and meaning that are studied by anthropologists through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives. Identify a characteristic that differentiates professions from other occupations. (page 18), A key anthropological research strategy involving both participation in and observation of the daily life of the people being studied. Anthropologists researching gender in the 1980's came to the conclusion that everlasting male dominance in any culture ? ____________ is Arlie Hochschild's term for the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job. Identify the situations shaped by racial ideologies. When industrial manufacturing centers were relocated in the 1970s and 1980s to countries where profits could be maximized, industrial cities like New York, London, and Tokyo reinvented themselves to stay relevant in the global economy. Culture and economics are closely linked to each other. Which of the following best exemplifies the advice offered by the textbook authors on how whites can contribute to fighting racial injustice? They are applied to moral decision-making throughout our lives. 6. For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol acronym that refers to the collective economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, Provide an example from Ken Guest's textbook, Essentials, of a hegemonic norm in the United States. Often, these conditions include. For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. ____________ is a family structure in which both partners share power and authority equally. The right to own a gun is today considered fundamental to many people in the United States. Who played a significant role in helping the NAACP to become a powerful voice in the struggle for racial equality. Her new friends from other countries are surprised and say that racial categories based on visible differences such as skin color are different in their countries. Curitiba-PR. What was the name of the policy put forward by President Bill Clinton that placed restrictions on how long families could receive welfare? Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of homogamy? The process by which a foreign power invades a territory and establishes enduring systems of exploitation and domination over that territory's indigenous populations is called what? Karen Chance 0 votes 0.0% Jeaniene Frost 0 votes 0.0% Kelley Armstrong 0 votes 0.0% Any Good Male Aurthors : 23 228: Jan 11, 2011 06:36PM.Richard Vick is the husband of SFPD Chief and former SBPD Chief Karen Vick, as well as the Marvin Harris argues that religious beliefs developed in India to prohibit killing cows because, cows were more valuable alive than as meat, due to their role in farming and subsistence, The term shaman is used to refer specifically to a/an, In the study of religion, a cosmology may be defined as, an explanation for the origin or history of the world. In this scenario, which of the following statements describes a function of college education for Jennifer? 22. By the end of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee's (SNCC's) 1964 Freedom Summer, many volunteers had been violently attacked, arrested, and even killed, indicating what? The H-2A guest worker program brings tens of thousands of people to the United States to work in manual labor sectors. In the United States, __________ often creates distinctions and identities within _____________. Identify examples of the use of polyvocality in ethnographic research and writing. The cartoon below offers us an insightful look at how ________________ can take form in everyday interactions. In the context of authoritarianism, military juntas: A __________ has specific geographic territories and borders within which communication and transportation make it possible for people in a larger geographic area to share a common language and culture. ____________ is the social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values within a formally organized structure. When it does occur, it is typically found in societies where men greatly outnumber women because of high rates of female infanticide. they mix with men and people from other classes. 38. What is the correct term for anthropology's commitment to studying the entire picture of human life, including culture, biology, history, and language? Place the events of early European and Asian trade in chronological order. a. were more aggressive after the race b. got ____________ are categories of jobs that involve similar activities at different work sites. Identify the examples of structural violence. In his book Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Haney Lpez describes three important "moves" of racial dog whistling. The striking and elaborate ____________________ stupa is the only surviving monument from the short lived Buddhist Indian Empire. ___________ is a large, organized religion characterized by accommodation to society but frequently lacking in the ability or intention to dominate society. ___________ are organizations that have legal powers, such as the ability to enter into contracts and buy and sell property, separate from their individual owners. In the mid-1950s, civil rights organizing shifted away from a ______ organization and toward a focus on _________ groups? __________ is the Director of Archaeological Research at Jamestown. Anne, a mother of two, is an accountant who stays with her husband and ailing mother. ___________ is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. 7. Identify how an anthropologist might attempt to establish ethnographic authority, often early on in the ethnography? In this scenario, Kevin is most likely an adherent of __________. Identify the following situations as examples of either hegemony or material power. Laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery. Any person with three or four Jewish grandparents was considered a "full-blooded" Jew; those with fewer (but more than zero) were considered "half-breeds" or "mongrels." A primary difference between the early census process and the census of 2010 was the: Maria Kromidas's work in New York City schools reveals that children are creating a "new" racial category based on the post-September 11 media stories they receive. In the salsa dance world, which of the following best describes the coming together of people at salsa dance "congresses" and festivals? '", "the market town I call Bom Jesus de Mata", "My involvement with the people of the Alto do Cruzeiro now spans a quarter of a century and three generations of parenting. Sweden, Great Britain, and France have mixed economies, which are sometimes referred to as __________. According to the textbook, which of the following best defines "racial domination"? The skin color cline means that, a certain skin color may be more common in one region than another, but the variation is gradual and continuous, Among people who self-identify as "white," one aspect of their lives tends to influence their experience of society and the advantages conferred, more than other aspects. Sociologist Arlie Hochschild used the term __________ to refer to the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job. Clifford Geertz urged anthropologists to explore culture primarily as. Anthropology's approach to the study of human diversity helps us avoid the intellectual pitfalls of. 19. Jarrod is a 48-year-old wealthy, African American CEO. In fact, family life may be negatively affected by the decreasing distinction between what is work time and what is family time. 41. The world's eight richest men now control as much wealth as the bottom __________ of the entire world's population. European nations attended and divided the African continent into fifty colonies, Identify the key threats to the future of humanity. Novo Mundo Chronicles an African American community's organized resistance of racially discriminating policies. Which type of property exchange demonstrates a higher value placed on women and their ability to work and produce children? Recent Hispanic population growth has been mostly driven by immigration, not births. Which of the following represents a symbolic cost of segregation? Identify the topics that cultural anthropologists study in depth to better understand human society and culture. Economists Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes contributed key yet opposing viewpoints on the ideal situation for capitalism to flourish. (page 70), A system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions that are created, learned, shared, and contested by a group of people. Which statement is at the core of the American Anthropological Association's statement on ethics? What term do sociologists use to describe this phenomenon? During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? In the context of political systems, which of the following is a difference between city-states and nation-states? In analyzing the values and functions of education, sociologists using a functionalist framework state that some functions of education are __________, which are open, stated, and intended goals or consequences of activities within an organization or institution. According to contemporary functionalists, which of the following is not one of the four main functions of government? Conflict theorists criticize __________, which refers to the practice of assigning students to specific curriculum groups and courses on the basis of their test scores, previous grades, or other criteria. What made cultural relativism radical at that time? ___________ is the subdiscipline of sociology that attempts to describe and explain patterns of family life and variations in family structure. Match each racial situation to the country to which it pertains., Historically, race relations in the United States have been primarily centered on white and black relations. According to the authors, how is the concept of time and its worth viewed by various ethnic groups? Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine. __________ is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, from which personal profits can be derived through market competition and without government intervention. Over the entire span of U.S. history, 1,895 people have been elected to the Senate. The first was that politicians who opposed racial justice could garner great support from white voters. Newt Gingrich's denial that his frequent references to President Obama as the "food stamp president" had any racial basis is an example of which of these three moves? Which of the following is a true statement about cohabitation? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like race, racism, genotype and more. 2. Place the events in the history of food production techniques in chronological order. ____________ is the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society. According to the textbook, roughly 25 percent of black and Latino families renting their homes spend at least what percent of their income on housing? In the context of the sociological perspectives on religion, rational choice theory is based on the assumption that: In the context of the conflict perspective on religion, a similarity between Karl Marx and Max Weber is that: Sam was a farmer in the 1740s. Identify the correct definition of applied anthropology. a flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups, individual thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create unequal access to power, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups, the inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism's physical form, the way genes are expressed in an organism's physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors, the practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own borders over an extended period of time to secure access to raw materials, cheap labor, and markets in other countries or regions, a demeaning historical term for interracial marriage, a set of popular ideas about race that allows the discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem reasonable, rational, and normal, the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races. Consider the figure below, "Effects of Stereotype Threat." With the weakening of the NAACP, the Civil Rights Movement shifted its focus from legal action to which kind of action? Participant observation is an essential anthropological research strategy. The iron triangle of power is a three-way arrangement in which __________, and a bureaucratic agency make the final decision on a political issue that is to be decided by that agency. (page 50), An area of study in the field of genetics exploring how environmental factors directly affect the expression of genes in ways that may be inherited between generations. (page 15), The study of living nonhuman primates as well as primate fossils to better understand human evolution and early human behavior. What do anthropologists call the uneven distribution of resources and privileges, often along lines of gender, racial or ethnic group, class, age, family, religion, sexuality, or legal status? ____________ is Pierre Bourdieu's term for people's social assets, including values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture. Identify possible reasons why it is difficult for people in the United States to acknowledge the continuing existence of racism. Would they be suspicious? _____________ is the practice of marrying within one's own group. ___________ is the complex framework of societal institutions (such as the economy, politics, and religion) and the social practices (such as rules and social roles) that make up a society and that organize and establish limits on people's behavior. Despite the initial racist attitudes directed toward Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants, these groups eventually "became white" through. Anthropologists agree that in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality. In 1960, what percentage of Mississippi's black adults was registered to vote? Students may learn information in school that contradicts beliefs held by their parents or their religion. Identify which of the following practices have been enforced legally in the United States. Critics of ability grouping are often in favor of __________, wherein students are deliberately placed in classes of mixed ability to improve their academic performance and test scores. In this particular category, people are categorized by what factors? What was one of the bases on which the Irish were segregated and racialized? Citizens' groups such as the American Conservative Union and the Population Connection are examples of __________. 28. - Capitalism works best when government is not involved. People from the Middle East have been considered "white" in the United States for some time, but since the terrorist attacks on September 11, anyone with brown skin who seems foreign is now considered "different" and possibly an enemy. From a __________, increased training for teachers and more-stringent academic requirements for students are the best ways to address these problems. However, he used to believe that impersonal forces existed in people and natural objects, and these forces affected people's lives either positively or negatively. What is this an expression of? Identify the actions taken by cultural anthropologists during and after ethnographic fieldwork. __________ is a system of tracing one's descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family. 32. (page 25). While numerous groups such as Black Girls Code have tried to encourage women of color to enter industries traditionally dominated by white males, such women continue to be underrepresented in top levels of employment in these industries. District officer and antiquarian __________ first transcribed the Priprahwa urn inscription. Japanese-American interments victims didn't receive, recognition, compensation, or a formal apology until the 1988 __________ Act. Following the recent economic recession that began in 2008, many Tea Party Republican poli-ticians proposed cutting taxes for the wealthy as a way to boost the economy. The differences in menu items in McDonald's restaurants around the world is a counterexample to what potential consequence of globalization? What comprises all of the inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism's physical form? Which concept refers to anthropology's commitment to looking at the full scope of human diversity and experience, including the cultural, biological, historical, and linguistic ? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Identify the statements that describe anthropology, types of anthropologists in order starting with who studies the oldest material to who studies the newest material, Flow of greenhouse gases ending with the impact on people around the world and more. 24. Which of the five fallacies or misconceptions about racism best describes this example? Which of the following statements is true? Samir pursued a law course at college and graduated at the top of his class with exceptional credentials. What term do anthropologists use to refer to the smallest units of sounds that can make a critical difference in meaning within a language, but do not have any meaning on their own? In An American Dilemma, Gunnar Myrdal argued that segregation was furthered by which group's sense of status competition? - Nancy Scheper Hughes's use of direct quotes from a mother lamenting the death of her daughter. Imagine it is the year 2400 and this garbage mound has been buried underground. In what tradition do such programs follow? 29. a. cooperation b. conflict c. social exchange d. coercion e. conformity. In a(n) __________ political system, the state seeks to regulate all aspects of people's public and private lives. How did the United States acquire the land that today is New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, parts of Arizona, and disputed areas of Texas? However, voucher programs are considered controversial for various reasons. What was the second? Given the information, Lily's parents are depicting a(n) __________. In order to determine if and how discrimination affects hiring decisions, sociologists conduct studies in which they send paired actors to apply for real jobs. A biological mother and biological father, A social contract between (most often) two individuals and potentially their families that specifies rights and obligations of their union and their offspring is how anthropologists think of, The title of the ethnography, Chopsticks Work Only In Pairs (1999), reflects the Lahu society's emphasis on, the importance of the male-female dyad, or partnership, in domestic life, work, and leadership, In the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, candidate Hillary Clinton was described as 'ambitious, goal-focused, strategic, "wanting" the presidency.' 33. Globalization affects even small communities around the world and sparks a number of different responses from local residents. Which political party is he most likely to vote for? Despite the initial racist attitudes directed toward Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants, these groups eventually "became white" through: What do we call the process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people? After graduation, Billy Bob began to call himself William and to use his schoolmates' elite way of speaking, instead of his own regional dialect. Anthropologists refer to full-time religious practitioners as. This statement reflects how education serves the manifest function of __________. Which explanation for why are whites less likely than people of color to identify themselves in racial terms is discussed in the textbook? Because Nancy Scheper-Hughes has been a community activist and an advocate for her research subjects, what kind of anthropology can we consider her work to be? What is one factor that might complicate the assumption that the percentage of Hispanic voters will grow in direct proportion to their population growth? Neoliberalism has emerged as a guiding economic philosophy since the 1970s and has been promoted by large, worldwide institutions since the 1980s. This demonstrates what idea that anthropologists have about race? 11. The pluralist model is rooted in a __________ which assumes that people share a consensus on central concerns and that the government serves important purposes no other institution can fulfill. What was the famous march in which activists walked along a stretch of land in which no black people were registered to vote? 29. 14. __________ is a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption. 40. In the field of anthropology, what statement best describes the relative positions of male and female professors? agreeableness What do anthropologists call a nonstandard variation of a language? 6. c. The term is almost always used to refer to poor, uneducated rural whites. Sociologist G. William Domhoff used the term __________ to refer to a small, relatively fixed, and privileged group of people with the power to constrain political processes and serve underlying capitalist interests. Imagine that you are one of these rural Chinese migrant workers. Which quadrant represents the highest levels of segregation? Racism manifests itself in society in various ways. 32. 39. Identify the fieldwork methods and practices that anthropologists have adopted as a result of globalization. What does Chapter 5 identify as a "new tactic of white fight?". The U.S. government program that ran from 1942 through 1964 to recruit Mexican nationals and has been referred to as "legalized slavery" was called what? 36. What was the purpose of "grandfather clauses"? Which of the following directly contributed to white flight out of urban centers and into the suburbs? 37. Any person with three or four Jewish grandparents was considered a "full-blooded" Jew. Over the duration of her course, she learned about atheism and its principles. The story of Shellcracker Haven and how the local white residents were gradually disenfranchised from their lives and work because of their class status is a strong reflection of the tendency to do what? What is the term for the intentionally designed features of human settlement, such as buildings and public spaces, transportation, and infrastructure? Why? The American Indian movement attempted to organize against federal "Indian Termination" policies. Identify which techniques cultural anthropologists employ in their work. 10. 1. From the information given in the scenario, Valerie is most likely to be Rhea's __________. Why does having an awareness of how these practices vary across cultures demonstrate a healthy sociological imagination?, Harriet Martineau These protestors most clearly followed in the tradition of which group? Identify the force that anthropologists of finance suggest is behind the global expansion of capitalism in the twenty-first century. (page 22), The unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization. 39. Historically, race relations in the United States have been primarily centered on white and black relations. In the context of the categories of religion, __________ is associated with early hunting and gathering societies and with many Native American societies, in which everyday life was not separated from the elements of the natural world. Sociologists use the term __________ to refer to a social institution composed of a unified system of beliefs, symbols, and rituals that guides human behavior, gives meaning to life, and unites believers into a community. 19 ), the study of past and the well-being of individuals and families dimes before died //Quizlet.Com/374514464/Anthro-Inquisitive-Exam-1-Flash-Cards/ '' > < /a > WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards terms Almost anthropologists use the term gender to refer to quizlet of all U.S. adults despite legal changes permitting it shock and ethnographic, Year was the most racially diverse in U.S. public schools was illegal or The Philippines suggest the Conference were what practice 1. cross the U.S. voting-age population participates in beyond Order to make their ethnographic writing techniques have changed dramatically since Malinowski and Evans-Pritchard published their books in the __________. 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