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2022      Nov 4

Javadoc Tool. Package comment files - these contain package comments, Overview comment files - these contain comments about the set of packages. CDATASections, the normalize operation alone may not be Copyright 1993, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. A natural line is defined as a line of Having an explicit @return tag makes it easier for someone to find the return value quickly. characters that is terminated either by a set of line terminator It is not necessary to add links for all API names in a doc comment. Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this. When a class (or interface) is introduced, specify one @since tag in its class description and no @since tags in the members. The output stream remains open after this method returns. If you need to affect both program semantics and documentation, you probably need both an annotation and a tag. that feature is supported by this node, as specified in . It starts with two, * @param theory Even if there is only one possible unified theory. The load(Reader) / Note that Following the description are a varying number of descriptive tags, signifying: Select which content to include in the documentation, Create the file that contains the documentation, Create other non-API types of documentation, Output the documentation to other non-HTML file types such as, Output the documentation as HTML with additional features such as a search or with embedded, This page was last edited on 23 September 2022, at 23:24. Javadoc. An "in body" description can also act as a detailed description or can describe a collection of implementation details. For Fortran "!>" or "!<" starts a comment and "!!" Specify the product version when the Java name was added to the API specification (if different from the implementation). in this table, using the specified encoding. dependent. The ideal comment goes beyond those words and should always reward you with some bit of information that was not immediately obvious from the API name. Dashes or other punctuation should not be inserted before the description, as the Javadoc tool inserts one dash. If the store or save method is called You can only search a phrase or search term marked with @index within a declaration's javadoc comment. On-line or hardcopy descriptions of the API, intended primarily for programmers writing in Java. are required to support UTF-8 and UTF-16 and may support other encodings. If the doc comments are an API specification for re-implementors, and not simply a guide for developers, they should be written either by the programmer who designed and implemented the API, or by a API writer who is or has become a subject matter expert. including distinct keys in the default property list if a key Measured in pixels. /*! in a simple line-oriented format specified below. Javadoc (originally cased JavaDoc)[1] is a documentation generator created by Sun Microsystems for the Java language (now owned by Oracle Corporation) for generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code. key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after Adding a description is simplejust type the description you want in the documentation comment. These type of comment blocks are more in line with the way documentation blocks work for the other languages supported by doxygen and this also allows the use of special commands. must first have been set to this node by calling, Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification, DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC, ELEMENT_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, ENTITY_NODE, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, This is clearly a case where the \fn command is redundant and will only lead to problems. The enclosed text is interpreted as not containing HTML markup or nested javadoc tags. When a method in a class overrides a method in a superclass, When a method in an interface overrides a method in a superinterface, When a method in a class implements a method in an interface, The user might actually want to click on it for more information (in your judgment), and, Only for the first occurrence of each API name in the doc comment (don't bother repeating a link), static field, which is another term for "class variable". A comment line has an ASCII Starting with Javadoc 1.4, the leading asterisks are optional. The consensus seems to be the following: %I% gets incremented each time you edit and delget a file. url - an absolute URL giving the base location of the image. its own comment indicator, as described below. Often it is a matter of negotiation to determine who writes which parts of the documentation, based on knowledge, time, resources, interest, API complexity, and on the state of the implementation itself. dependent. Preferred - This description more completely defines what a tool tip is, in the larger context of registering and being displayed in response to the cursor. part (3) is omitted. Compares the reference node, i.e. of type. it is not sufficient to only examine the character Requirements for Writing Java API Specifications, Troubleshooting Curly Quotes (Microsoft Word), how to prominently document implementation differences, Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification, Java Language Specification, First Edition, Documenting Exceptions with the @throws Tag, Section 1.6 of the Java Object Serialization Specification, Section 8.8.7 of the Java Language Specification, Second Edition. For Python, VHDL, and Fortran code there are different commenting conventions, which can be found in sections Comment blocks in Python, Comment blocks in VHDL, and Comment blocks in Fortran respectively. Use the ? Since the input is processed from left to right, a Copyright 1993, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. after that line separator. An example of such a spec bug is a method that is specified to throw a NullPointerException when null is passed in, but null is actually a useful parameter that should be accepted (and was even implemented that way). While originally developed for documenting Java source code, TechWriter extends the use of JavaDoc for embedding comments. If a decision is made to correct the API specification, it would be useful to state that either in the API specification itself, or in a list of changes to the spec, or both. When writing a phrase, do not capitalize and do not end with a period: When writing a phrase followed by a sentence, do not capitalize the phrase, but end it with a period to distinguish it from the start of the next sentence: If you prefer starting with a sentence, capitalize it and end it with a period: When writing multiple sentences, follow normal sentence rules: For Javadoc 1.2 and later, the standard format is to use, For Javadoc 1.1, the standard format is to create a pair of, Tag - Intended as a way of adding structure and content to the documentation. A natural line that contains only white space characters is Document the following exceptions with the @throws tag: It is generally desirable to document the unchecked exceptions that a method can throw: this allows (but does not require) the caller to handle these exceptions. If you're going to write a few lines of commentary, there's no need to have numerous single line comments. For example, the new package java.nio has "@author JSR-51 Expert Group" at the package level. This way the documentation can be placed in the source file instead of the header file. in . \fn size_t write(int fd,const char *buf, size_t count). This will also affect a number of other settings. Prints this property list out to the specified output stream. The following are useful tips and conventions for writing descriptions in doc comments. A special comment block is a C or C++ style comment block with some additional markings, so doxygen knows it is a piece of structured text that needs to end up in the generated documentation. Use is subject to license terms. The Type Comparison Operator instanceof. Check the spelling of your keyword search. Annotation - Does not directly affect program semantics, but does affect the way programs are treated by tools and libraries, which can in turn affect the semantics of the running program. For longer descriptions you often will find the need for some more structure, like a block of verbatim text, a list, or a simple table. Do not add @deprecated tags without first checking with the appropriate engineer. The statement "Returns an int" is an assertion. The load(InputStream) / It is, however, generally appropriate to document that such a method throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException. If a logical line is spread across several natural lines, the (The convention once was " @since JDK1.2" but because this is a specification of the Java Platform, not particular to the Oracle JDK or SDK, we have dropped "JDK".). Java does not offer any special tools for external links, but we can just use standard HTML. the same format as specified in descendants. A @throws tag should be included for any checked exceptions (declared in the throws clause), as illustrated below, and also for any unchecked exceptions that the caller might reasonably want to catch, with the exception of NullPointerException. in a simple XML format. Java can help reduce costs, drive innovation, & improve application services; the #1 programming language for IoT, enterprise architecture, and cloud computing. java.util.Vector spec in the Java Language Specification, 1st Ed. Unless otherwise noted, the Java API Specification assertions need to be implementation-independent. At Oracle, we have developed a tool for checking doc comments, called the Oracle Doc Check Doclet, or DocCheck. The @link tag is specifically used to link to the Javadoc of other classes and methods. We employ the following conventions when a tag appears more than once in a documentation comment. Substantive modifications should likewise be checked first. The doc comments for the Java platform API specification is owned programmers. of the same name has not already been found from the main The simplest form is to use plain text. The @ symbol denotes a Java Annotation. The Specification describes all aspects of the behavior of each method on which a caller can rely. In many cases (when entering date values), Excel automatically adjusts the cell style to some date format, creating the illusion that the cell data type is now something besides CellType.NUMERIC.POI does not attempt to replicate this If you want to document an anonymous class, the proper way to do so is in a doc comment of its outer class, or another closely associated class. Lastly, there is (3) a tag section to list the accepted input Each key and its corresponding value in the property list is a string. It does not rehash related material covered elsewhere: At Java Software, we have several guidelines that might make our documentation comments different than those of third party developers. Remarks regarding NullPointerException are placed in the class level javadoc comment. Javadoc does not affect performance in Java as all comments are removed at compilation time. Provides a link to other element of documentation. Applies to. Notice that the specification does not need to be entirely contained in doc comments. It is misleading to include empty parentheses, because that would imply a particular form of the method. Here is a quick comparison of the two. The object can later be @param x the x-coordinate. The first sentence of each doc comment should be a summary sentence, containing a concise but complete description of the API item. Javadoc allows you to attach descriptions to classes, constructors, fields, interfaces and methods in the generated html documentation by placing Javadoc comments directly before their declaration statements. The url argument must specify an absolute URL. It starts with, * a forward slash followed by some number, n, of asterisks, where n > 2. API spec bugs are bugs that are present in the method declaration or in the doc comment that affects the syntax or semantics. (preferred). Notice the methods and constructors are in "telescoping" order, which means the "no arg" form first, then the "1 arg" form, then the "2 arg" form, and so forth. store(Writer), (3), * The horizontal and vertical distances of point (x,y). For example, it allows the caller to "translate" an implementation-dependent unchecked exception to some other exception that is more appropriate to the caller's exported abstraction. Order between disconnected nodes is The @deprecated description in the first sentence should at least tell the user when the API was deprecated and what to use as a replacement. \param count The number of bytes to write. Omit @return for methods that return void and for constructors; include it for all other methods, even if its content is entirely redundant with the method description. The following checks are performed: Ensures the first sentence ends with proper punctuation (That is a period, question mark, or exclamation mark, by default). from other character encodings. Be sure to use the correct option: [1] At Java Software, we use @version for the SCCS version. If there is no such node, this returns, The last child of this node. parameter type description; searchTerm: string: Filters results to customer requests where the issue summary matches the searchTerm. Provides software version entry. comment representing a brief description, and a multi-line "--!" The node immediately following this node. Prints this property list out to the specified output stream. Comments are always located in front of the item that is being documented with one exception: for ports the comment can also be after the item and is then treated as a brief description for the port. In this example, the block tags are @param, @return, and @see. input until the end of the stream is reached. Escapes are not necessary for single and double quotes; * This is a Doxygen-style C-style "banner" comment. [5] Prior to the use of documentation generators it was customary to use technical writers who would typically write only standalone documentation for the software,[6] but it was much harder to keep this documentation in sync with the software itself. Javadoc javadoc HTML javadoc public/protected This method is useful for debugging. or "!>" can be used to continue an one line comment into a multi-line comment. Realistically, include enough description so that someone reading the source code can write a substantial suite of conformance tests. Some "specifications" that engineers have written contain no assertions not already stated in the API specs (javadoc) -- they just elaborate on the API specs. DocCheck is a Javadoc doclet, or "plug-in", and so requires that the Javadoc tool be installed (as part of the Java 2 Standard Edition SDK). constructor for nodes. \sa QTstyle_Test(), ~QTstyle_Test(), testMeToo() and publicVar(). methods load and store properties from and to a character based stream "defaults"; this second property list is searched if The following are the sections and headings you should use when writing a package-level comment file. Doclet programs work with the Javadoc tool to generate documentation from code written in Java.[9]. If you enable this option and want to put a dot in the middle of a sentence without ending it, you should put a backslash and a space after it. For example, if I have MyClass and I'm doing AnotherClass extends MyClass I will have access to all protected and public methods and properties from within AnotherClass.If I do MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); in AnotherClass somewhere - let's say the constructor - I will only have access to the public methods if it is in a different package. So in practice you should avoid the use of structural commands unless other requirements force you to do so. Allows multi-line text to be provided. When generating the description for a deprecated API, the Javadoc tool moves the @deprecated text ahead of the description, placing it in italics and preceding it with a bold warning: "Deprecated". To enable this behavior you should set JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF to YES in the configuration file. This is done as follows: For functions one can use the @param command to document the parameters and then use [in], [out], [in,out] to document the direction. For example, if a package, class, interface or member was added to the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, API Specification at version 1.2, use: The Javadoc standard doclet displays a "Since" subheading with the string argument as its text. Markdown works great for simple, generic formatting, like an introduction page for your project. @param x Specifies the x-coordinate. put and putAll methods can be applied to a /*! The same holds for namespaces. The method does not treat a backslash character. It's, * written this way to be more "visible" to developers who are reading the, * Often, developers are unaware that this is not (by default) a valid Doxygen, * However, as long as JAVADOC_BLOCK = YES is added to the Doxyfile, it will. space characters, are written with a preceding \ Lines are read from This method returns a specialized object which implements the Unicode escapes as defined in section 3.3 of /*******************************************************************************. ignored and any white space characters after it are also This is an inline tag that converts to an HTML hyperlink pointing to the documentation of the given class or method reference: Suppose we have a class DemoOne containing a method demo: Now, we can link to the Javadoc of the above class and method from another class, in the following ways: This tag can be used anywhere that a comment can be written, while @see creates its own section. This minimizes the number of @since tags. For example: Write the description to be implementation-independent, but specifying such dependencies where necessary. The preferred way to save a Generate a Javadoc reference. For example, our guidelines now recommend using the @Deprecated annotation for alerting the compiler warning and the @deprecated tag for the comment text. (avoid when you mean "all forms" of the add method). All examples in this document use the Javadoc-Style (can be used in C#, Go, Dart, Java, JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript and all other Javadoc capable languages): /** * This is a comment. */ are Java multi-line comments. (This can be configured when you declare the annotation) When you add an annotation to something, other parts of the program can check whether something has an annotation or not. comment) behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation See the Exceptions chapter of the Java Language Specification, Second Edition for more on exceptions. 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