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2022      Nov 4

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. There it is again, shall humble themselves. Youll not do it without humbling yourself. What do you think might have been the reason for linking it to failing to keep this promise to God? Do you justify God? In Whitefields day, immorality and drunkenness were common in all classes of society. Read John 15: 1 -17, and 1st John 1: 7 - 10, and discuss what these two passages tell us about Christian character development for ourselves, and how it is to take place. Thats what we need to do when we hear preaching. If we have any seriousness at all, the older we get, the more we want to be right with God. (Matthew 12: 38 - 41.) During all revivals you read of people getting so under conviction that they could not sleep at night. Allowing filth to be set before us. They had started to rebuild. Why should it be done? Get your eyes off money. The Bible studies in this booklet seek to open up some of the treasures to be found in the accounts of revival movements recorded in Biblical times. It is the spiritual principles involved in the story that are the centre of interest here. We must give ourselves to God. You might say, Well, they didnt have productive fields. You have to understand that some of those areas were the breadbasket of eastern Europe. Thats one thing I dont like about having to preach and being the head of the service all the time. Discuss how this happened to Jacob in chapter 35. He says, Revival is nothing less than a new beginning of obedience to God Now lets stop. Revival. Ive preached sermons directly about sin on Sunday mornings when we have had a lot of unsaved people here. You must be thoroughly dissatisfied with yourself. When someone prays, our minds should not be going all over the place; we should be praying with that person. Beloved, in verse three, when he was twelve he began purging the land of idols. And as He dealt with him alone, over a long period of time, God made him what he ought to be and used him to bring revival. LonRofR: Psalm 85:6. We dont want that. Samuel called upon the Israelites to show the reality of their turning back to God by getting rid of all the idols, and worshipping and serving God alone. Discuss the importance of earnest and persistent prayer in the revival of spiritual life in the churches, and in bringing about a general turning to God throughout society. Without that revival, I wouldnt be the person I am today. To God be the glory. God breaks my heart over the need. Read Galatians 5: 22 - 23, and Luke 11: 7 - 13, and discuss what these passages tell us about Christian character development. 2. 28:15 37.18 mb 744. This could not help being an object lesson teaching what would happen to Judah, as well, if they also forsook the Lord, or practised high degrees of injustice. Anything that comes before your church, worship, prayer, or Bible reading. (verse 22.). I rarely hear anyone preach on it. We say, All that matters is Your will, God. But pretty soon money matters. It does not come from dynamics or ability of some preacher. Im not saying that hunting and fishing are wrong; but if you put it before God in any way, shape, or form, it is an idol. 3. You become undone when you see a holy God. Under the Old Testament dispensation, you find God coming out of His place to shake terribly the earth. But when we face death, we take a different view of life, dont we? The Israelites had learned to worship this god from the Canaanites, although the Ashtaroth was worshipped far more widely than just in Samuel's area. In the Old Testament, we see this spiritual decay in Hezekiahs day when they were giving their children as burnt sacrifices. In what way was it a promise to Asa? 2. If you come down to this altar and say, God, Im sorry for this, and you draw a circle around it, its not going to get you anywhere. Just as in the case of the converted sinner, the first step is a deep repentance, a breaking down of the heart, a getting down in the dust before God with a deep humility and a forsaking of sin. We know that a sinner needs repentance, and we fight over the doctrine that a sinner needs to repent to be saved. Gods presence would come into the Holy of Holies. 848 members. I believe God tries to wrest the control out of our hands. I was never satisfied with my children. It is hard for people living in Western countries at the end of the Twentieth Century to realise what it can be like if people cannot read, and if the Bible is not available. Thats the sad thing. In this sense, the repentance of the people of Nineveh, following the preaching of Jonah, would have to be classed as an "awakening", and not a revival, because it occurred amongst a people who had no previous devotion to the God of the Bible. Revival is a humility of mind and a cleansed heart. Discuss similar changes that are needed in our own societies today. I attended two of his revivals. Many people became aware of their need of God, and persisted in calling on the Lord, although for a while there seemed to be no response from God. Think about it as we close. Weve covered it. In the last days God will do it again. I want to give you some elements of revival along with some thoughts that I have on the subject. You are going to hear me say this until Im no longer your pastor. Today, many things and many personal commitments, are placed before God. He had revivals often lasting for weeks. The people had begun to rebuild the temple; and under the leadership of the godly scribe Ezra, they had began to restore the priestly ministry and the worship. Were playing church too much. In the days of the kings, revival swept across the land of Israel under David and Solomon. They beat them and let them go. 12. Review what has been said in this discussion about faith in Jesus Christ being the key to Christian character development. TEXT REFERENCE. What promises does the letter contain? Our text is verse 15, and again as normal, keep your finger there in our text passage as we look around. God tells Moses about the sin and Moses implores God to not annihilate the Israelites. Again they would read from the word for a 1/4 of the day and the other 1/4 confess and worship. How many revivals have you been to? No rationalization would soften the pressure of guilt. In answer to your question, I suppose my response is to study these revivals in the Word! I love to share the message of freedom in Christ and that we are redeemed. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve find themselves in a fearful, worried state. TITLE OF SERMON or LECTURE. (verses 5, 6, 9 and 10.). Do you pray and read the Bible and get something from it? Sacraments. Although I had only attended one of Billy Grahams revivals, I watched almost all of them on T.V. 4. Herod was an immoral, violent king of Edomite descent who claimed to be a Jew in his religion, but was such in name only. Describe the factors involved in the return to God:- the putting away of idols; renewing the altar; celebrating the Feast of Weeks, and the making of the covenant. 1. In the Old Testament there was the Holy of Holies. Im talking about anything that comes before God. We want a worship service. In America today, we are in a state to be revived. 6. 2. Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, in sackcloth, and with dust on their heads. Revival is a new obedience to the Word of God. Ill just say again as your pastor, if you are not revived you are going to be destroyed. The possibilities of the widespread impact of an evangelical revival were greatly enhanced by these developments in invention and technology, by the widespread ability to read, and by mass-produced books. I want to do away with it. The person who is right with God has to be held back because he wants to give every red cent he has when maybe God doesnt want him to. Are you a spiritual part of this church? Looking at this information it sounds like your average church service, but this started early in the morning and went until the afternoon. Many tonight are resting on their laurels of five, ten, or twenty years ago. Do you hold up your hands in despair? Doesnt this describe us? List as many of these as you can from chapters 14 and 15. 10. Dont take your refrigerator full of food for granted. Isnt it unbelievable? We have too big of an estimation of ourselves and what we can do on our own. OE: Genesis 6:3 . Name two reponses by king and people to the words of the prophet (verses 13 - 21.). It was not that many years ago. The Reckless Penknife. For the choir director. There are many events in Biblical history which might be classed as a revival, under these definitions. Here is just a brief outline of revival in history. Your idol is that thing that you put before soulwinning, that you put before church, that you put before being totally right with God. You have to come down and say, God, Im a sinner. The events on Mount Carmel provide a classic example of what the missionaries call a "power encounter", to demonstrate the Lord's superiority. The ability to mass-produce books co-incided with the translation of the Bible into English by William Tyndale, and into German by Martin Luther, and with the production of the New Testament in the original Greek by Erasmus. Look at revival in Jehoshaphats day, in II Chronicles 17:3 and 4, And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim; But sought to the Lord God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not after the doings of Israel. You see? Turn to II Chronicles 17. It means bruised to the place where it is almost bleeding. I passed Bibles out to the Russian army in East Germany, and I was in their facilities. Maybe even your Christian brother might not call it sin. 3. 3. 1. 9. This period seems to have been a time of revival, and there is little doubt that many people truly turned to God, and worshipped Him sincerely. I think thats why so many people stop having their devotions, because it becomes like a rosary or a prayer book or a textbook. Most modern day surveys indicate that up to 85 percent of all people who get saved are converted before age 30, and . Anything is wrong if it comes between you and your Bible, your church, your communion with God. Get your eyes off of IU or whoever it is, Illinois, now. Amen! Describe in your own words what happened. You cant help but say amen. Seventh, in every revival there was compounded joy and gladness. Haggai asked the people if they noticed that when their spiritual temperature went down, so did the productivity of their fields. I dont want it. We can just prepare our hearts, and then God comes in and He takes control. My father would carry a piano in the back of a truck. The ones which have been chosen here are the ones about which the author hopes there will be more general agreement. Old Testament Revival The book of Nehemiah describes when the Jewish exiles were allowed to return to their homeland from captivity in Babylon and Persia. "In some churches, on principle, the Old Testament isn't read. As you know my father was a pastor, however, evangelism was what he loved. So, for example, we read a prayer to God in Psalm 85:6, "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?". What decision do you need to make in response to this post? The Revival under John the Baptist. But I will beg of you, read the Bible! There can be no faith without repentance. 8. What messages arise for us from this passage relating to the need for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all kinds of people in our society? The Scriptures show us Samuel as a man of prayer, like his mother. 2022 Lectures: Growing Stronger; 2021 Lectures: Influence; 2019 Lectures (Hope is Here) 2018 Lectures (A New View of Life) 2017 Lectures (Follow Me) 2016 Lectures (Growing In Godliness) Converted at eighteen years old in a revival meeting, he pastored in Brooklyn and was known . A revival of religion is located in the church, and assumes a previous state of sad and guilty backsliding. But if we prepare and till the soil, as it were, God can bring revival. In Nineveh, Jonah proclaimed the word of the Lord and the whole city turned to the Lord! Roy McKenzie, of Gore, Southalnd, New Zealand, wrote a book entitled "Evangelical Revivals in New Zealand". Exodus 32:19 In 1857 there was a 46 year old man named Jeremiah Lamphere who lived in New York City. Even after God showed His great mercy to the people of Nineveh, Jonah was still not pleased. You love your business, and you are more interested in your business than you are in God. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. At times they worshipped other gods. Be close to God. Things are so bad today that I cannot comprehend that God would send revival to America. Do you blame them? 3. Not just a few good men or a few good families, but the Israelites promised God to live by His Law. Accordingly, revival is defined as an awakening, in churchorcommunity,ofinterestinandcareformattersrelating to personal religion. Their wings didnt touch, but they came very close together. Gad also gave him a dramatic victory in the face of overwhelming invasion. God was with him because he wasnt like anybody else in Israel. (verse 2.) Most of us agree that we need revival. We need to pray for God to lead us. After this sermon, I may leave you with more questions than answers, but it is impossible to cover revival in the Old Testament in one sermon. Our text is verse 15, and again as normal, keep . He continued to be very self-oriented later in life, and was often not wise in the way he treated family members. As we shine His light into the vast darkness, we pray that our readers will be drawn closer to God through our blog messages so that they will be used to reach many hearts around the world to further His kingdom. Today, we murder them in abortion. It was there the Lord healed a deep cut in my heart from my Judas Experience, as I refer to it. It might be something that nobody else in the world would call sin. 8. You only do if you want to. Are you hungry for revival? The Bible begins, on page 1, in Genesis 1:1, with God's creation of the universefrom nothing . Yet verses 33 - 34 show another side of things. What is the main character of this prayer? How do you account for the two aspects of spiritual life in those days? This chapter describes the third occasion. Up until the invention of a machine for printing, and of movable type, in Europe, allowing the mass-production of books, libraries were generally very small and beyond the reach of the average person. Even more so are whole societies much more complex than mere individuals, being made up of many different and complex people. Old Testament Sermons: The case for preaching the whole Bible When Ellen Davis was growing up in the Episcopal Church, the standard lectionary readings were from the epistles, gospels, and psalmshardly ever from elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. God and the Ideas of Man. Some people are so shallow. That our community and the surrounding communities would come into right relation with Him. As Joyce would say, we are blessed to have you serving on our special blog ministry team. Amen. When we sing as a congregation, we should be thinking about what we are singing. These sermons on revival will help you preach a powerful sermon. What did it produce? From what little we know about his career, in what ways did John fulfil these prophecies, and in what ways did he not fulfil them? (Kaiser p. Well keep pretending. I have taught womens bible studies and shared my testimony in Nazareth on a mission trip to Israel where several people came to know Christ as a result. OLD TESTAMENT. He explained how to be born again covering this verse in the Gospel of John. relating to your personal Chrstian character development, and (b.) We just read the description. This decline in attention to God had developed over many years. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. His message was simple, Jesus is Lord and Savior. Thank you Joyc3, I love having my Fathers notes. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, says And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.". A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Evening, August 29, 2010 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh" (Joel 2:28). "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt."-. Then the last part of our text verse, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Theres that word againcontrite. We are so blessed to have you as a beloved Co-heart, and I'm grateful to God for bringing you into the ministry! What are they? Revival doesnt come through charisma or personality. Turn to Acts 5:40, And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. I always mention this idea of people wanting to go through open doors. An idol is anything that is more important than God. I believe we are on the verge of something like that. A Firm Family Foundation - Genesis 2:18-25. The Season Of Revival In This Psalm. Thank you for commenting. Revival can be found in the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments, and Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones' sermons draw inspiration from both. And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the. (Haggai 1: 13 - 15.). How was God going to help them? Religion was cold, and they followed the theory of deism, that God created man but just let him go and had no interest in man. Through our HeartWings Blog, we send our testimonies and messages of faith, hope, and love into a complex and troubled world. REVIVAL SERMON OUTLINES Revival or Regret (6 of 13) by Bailey Smith 4. The Israelite society was not divided into sacred and secular areas, as our society is today. Just think, that great and holy God comes down to a little tiny blue speck called Earth and then dwells in the hearts of men. He fortified some of the country towns. And when there is revival, there is absolutely no need for psychological maneuvering on the part of the pastors. 2. I say again, men, I dont care what anybody says, you dont have to allow it to conquer you. Im not asking if you are a deacon or a Sunday School teacher. Children During the Revival. No. It was at that point that the most significant of the revivals of this period took place. If you have your bible's with you can read in verses 6-37 the praise and confess they bring to the Lord. The Bible was brought back to the place of real prominence. Then he read from it in the open square that, in front of the Water Gate from morning until midday, before the men and women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people, Then all the people answered, Amen, Amen! while lifting up their hands. People seem to worry more about the approval of some preacher and his traditions than having God move in their lives. And if Hes the same Holy Spirit who is inside of me, He can take care of it. But it must have been before the destruction of Nineveh, which is now known to have happened in 612 BC. God was put out of their government like God is being put out of our government. Before Jesus came the first time he sent a revival that brought thousands together, that heard and understood his word, this brought them to conviction, which after confession and repentance brought them in right covenant with Him. I want to give you some elements of revival along with some thoughts that I have on the subject. Isnt that hard? Its not a professional heart. The next characteristic is that Gods Word is brought to prominence. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. Do you know of any modern examples of this kind of thing? The book of Nehemiah describes when the Jewish exiles were allowed to return to their homeland from captivity in Babylon and Persia. a new beginning of obedience to God. Im not saying the devil cant throw things in your head. 3. What sins in our society are the main ones needing repentance when people return to God? 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