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diatomaceous earth vs boric acid for fleasconcord high school staff

2022      Nov 4

I have borrowed a live trap for the racoons, but I am wondering if I use DE outside on the deck and adjacent ground if that will harm any nematodes I plan to release afterwards? For your dog, there are a number of other natural flea treatments that you can try, check out my dedicated guide on removing dog fleas and let me know if you have any questions. Hi Sharon! Its wonderful to see the foam plates with the water empty of fleas. many thanks for reading this G, Hi G! Do you put it on and leave it (and if so does this harm them if they start to lick the DE/clean themselves? Since I dont use that room can I just leave the DE there for the duration and vacuum later or does the DE lose its effectiveness after a while? Does anyone know if salt and baking soda work as well as using DE when combating fleas in the carpet? Other stuff I have used with success -our dogs we give them whole lemons to play with & the acid kills the fleas. Hey David! Thank you for the info I had my wife stop in at a TSC. I havnt tried it but after a little research, I dont recommend it. The longer the better, I say three days because thats the most people are usually willing to stand hehe. Too much DE is fine, it just is a bit of a mission to clean up lol. Could you tell me if I need another type? However, the house itself is still completely infested. I also appreciate your kind words and hope to see you back again soon Let me know if you have any further questions! Hey I put DE on my cats and dogs directly and I havent seen a flea in 3 days i was wondering how often I needed to apply it to them to keep them completely protected?? I have no carpets (only a few rugs here and there) should i still try this on my hardwood floor? Speaking as a former vet assistant, I would recommend not bathing with a repellent. Hi Rick! Good luck! for about 12 hours before vacuuming it up. Only needs to have contact with the insect to work. I was wondering how DE can be given to animals for parasites like worms in dogs and cats? Hope that helps! They never go outdoors, but since moving to New Orleans, they have picked up fleas. I am also a little unsure honestly but since it says food grade (which means its completely safe), it should be fine. Ive flea-sprayed the carpets and furniture. Please feel free to edit this as you might see fit. You can but its not really the best choice of action, rather use a couple of the other natural flea control methods for your cat. If you decide to clean before applying the DE, give the area a few minutes to dry. Will my cat be safe around it? You can dust her once or twice a week, just keep an eye on her skin because it can dry it out on some dogs. Hey Judith! I then gave Boo Capstar pills which killed his fleas. Do exactly what you have planned except, dont go out and buy flea traps, just make them (info on this blog, check it out). I was pretty heavy handed in some spots and while sweeping it caused a dust bowl. Natasha, I am so thankful to this site. You shouldnt need too much but the good news is that its fairly cheap so you could even store the leftovers in a dry area for future use. Hi Elizabeth! The stray cat, Boo, is for the most part kept in our basement when he is inside, while the other cats are free to roam the house, but not the basement. How often is safe to dust her with DE? Was that a terrible mistake? So I panicked and put Frontline on him before I discovered DE. This morning no signs of flea dirt, so maybe we are winning the war. Ive tried washing the friends, Ive tried freezing the friends, Ive even submerged them in a tub of soapy water for days and those little black jumping devils keep coming back. We have bathed him with dawn, rubbed him down with Natural Care + and dusted his bedding area with this powder. You might try that if you have one. Ive been spraying a Peppermint oil & Clover product on all the fabric furniture (its suppose to kill fleas and fleas eggs). is it safe to sleep in that room ? The second mechanism of action is dehydration, the microscopic particles of the earth enter the cuticles of the insects exoskeleton and begin to absorb the oils and fats from within the insect, drying them out and killing them in the process. Ive been reading through your article and comments and was wondering why you recommend to use a non-water based vacuum cleaner to clean up? I also took a flea comb and dipped it in the bag and combed around the hot spots. I had used de last year for flea control and i will never use anything else since this worked wonders and did rid my flea infestation. Sorry. Good luck! DE is great, glad you are having success! Just make sure its the pure, food grade variation and it might be worth your while to get with your vet first Good luck! Diatoms are tiny, aquatic creatures. There is only 1 place that sells 300g Bug Killer Dusts which contains food grade DE. Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. In your opinion could it harm the baby in any way after its settled? Because it is slow-acting, the affected insect will usually be able to make it back to their nest before dying. Also, if a cockroach does survive the initial cutting and stabbing, it can go back to the nest and spread the poison to the rest of the cockroach colony. Hi Judy, yes you can but it only really works when it is dry (so no humidity or rainy weather), so I recommend you give beneficial nematodes a try. I said that because I have heard that sucking up the powder can damage a Dyson. Diatomaceous Earth is the best for killing roaches compared to boric acid; it is much faster at killing cockroaches and has a 100%mortality rate. We have two cats and two dogs. I used boms and everything out there on the market. Hi Jamie, thanks for the lovely comment! My dogs are inside dogs but have access to a large patio area. I suggest getting it and teaching the fleas in your house who is the real boss . Just place them wherever you have seen roaches. The water/DE solution dries quickly and gives a very even coating of DE on every fibre thereby increasing its effectiveness. Answer: Boric acid doesn't kill beetles. Hi Shari! The Capstar was at Walmart and gave my pets tremendous relief. I just purchased food grade DE and am wondering how many times and how often should I repeat application of the DE on my carpet and furniture and also my yard to get rid of fleas and larvae for good? I am normally not bothered by them but this year I am terribly, my dog also sleeps on my bed with me, so sprinkle on the mattress and then put the sheets on, leaving the DE on there? I just spread some (probably rather thickly) all over my carpet. I recommend keeping her off the ground for a day while you leave it on the floor and vacuum it up at night. Did some googling, checked the dog and sure enough.fleas! Treated him and the other two cats with Advantage and hundreds fell off. I dont know why you said it wasnt safe for kittens and small animals because it definitely is. I have 3-4 week old kittens with fleas. This kills the cockroach after a while. Hi Pelican, thanks for taking the time to share these lovely tips, really appreciate your contribution. Ive flea-dropped the dog. I applied it when the dog and baby werent home. I did one bedroom and the hallway and closed the door. I also spread it all over floors and carpet. The last time Honey, the dog, was here laying on my couch, she was getting bit by fleas. Hello Question can this diatomaceous earth food be used to give to my dog to prevent the ticks and fleas? Hello! Even though you may have read that DE can cut your lungs if inhaled, this is completely false and if you find anyone who thinks otherwise, ask them to contact me and I will set the record straight for them. I recommend DE over boric acid, as it is easily acquired and cheap. Hi Kelly, if it is food grade, then yes. If you visited the orange hardware store, they sell St. Gabriel online for about $11 a bag. Honestly, it sounds like something out of a horror movie; sharp particles that slash you and drain your fluids at the same time, but hey it works! Just make sure that it is food grade so that its safe. Hi Terri, thanks for your wonderful feedback, I really appreciate it. Even if you have never heard of diatomaceous earth or boric acid, they are both very easy to work with and will have your home cockroach free in no time. My question or questions it safe for your pets to ingest? Thanks for the information! Hope that helps. Hey Hope, thanks for your detailed comment, really helps me understand what needs to be done While I dont live in Canada, I have done a little research and I recommend you try Terra Greenhouses or Herbies, not too sure if they are near you. We have hardwood floors and have used it along all floors and keep a dusting in the gaps in the floors. Repeat 2-3 times as well, that should be enough. in a few days, so will wash most of it away, and Ill reapply it more lightly next time but Im wondering if its bad if they breathe in some of the dust. I am not even sure of our vacuum will pick up the DE. i dont know WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Your article says that the DE can be sprinkled on the lawn but it becomes less effective once moist. The dog lost, and so did i .To my amazement however I found that skunk scent is an oil. This is the first that I have bother with fleas infestation I have had dogs for years. Hi Shirley, I would leave it down for a couple days and then after cleaning it up, use a couple flea traps (article on this blog) to see if there are any fleas left. The powders work. I am concerned because I have two elderly (15 year olds) cats, one is asthmatic, and I frequently babysit my grand-cat who is 4, who has allergies and so, licks himself a great deal. Okay to go ahead and use my normal liquid cleaner after vacuuming the hardwood?? :-) I will let you know if we are a complete success, Hi Amy, awesome yeah good luck and let me know how it works out for you. If you are still undecided, think about your insect situation. Glad that you like them Provided you get food grade DE, she will be fine. I had DE food grade on hand. These powders are most effective outdoors when they are used in a dry environment. I put in in my backyard today. Have 3 cats, they have no fleas on their bodies d/t using Advantage II for cats, and I dont see any adults crawling around, but I do occasionally feel them crawling on me or in my hair. What do you think? Hope that helps! Hang in there people it does get better. DE is safe to use on all animals from the very large to the very small, I have even heard of people using it on their snakes and reptiles for mites. I have been dusting my cat so that when he lays down, it might deter fleas. Just wanted to throw my 2 in here. Be consistent with application and cleaning, and your pest problem should be solved soon! We have never had a problem with fleas in our home or biting us in the two years since we rescued him. As I did more research, I noticed it wasnt actually a spider bite, but BED BUGS instead. We used a fogger in our boys room as their room was the worst. Pros ; Cons ; 4. Ive been researching DE for a few days now and am sold out on it, even though its only just arrived in the mail and is barely out of the box. It makes a quick bug wipe and moisturizers your skin too. Ive already had 3 jump on me. Our basement is made of slate floors. I just thought you would like to have some more information to pass on. Hey Stacy! Hey Karen! Sounds like you are making process, well done! Hi Justin! I have never used one with that filter but let me put it this way, its basically just dust. I really dont want to enter that room until I know that they are all dead. You have to vacuum daily if you have an infestation; twice a day if you can. I mix for myself 1 tablespoon per day of DE in a glass of rice milk or ordinary milk with a few drops of camp coffee to flavour, helps strengthen hair and nails too when you drink it. Literally field tested it during hunting season with great results! Will let you know in a few weeks if the fleas have fled. My dog and cat were shipped off to get flea baths/grooming today and the exterminator is coming today to do my whole house (since we are starting to see some in our living areas now.I feel like we are bringing them in with us because we see them on us in the yard as well now!!!!). Tapeworms in animals can be caused by fleas. The woman at the health food store recommended that I cut up some old nylons and put the powder in and sprinkle it lightly, not to just not waste it but also to ensure a fine and even coating. Hi Heather! We also fed it to her and it killed the ear mites. Just a little word of caution folks. Hey Amanda! Love the stuff, its natural and chemical free as long as you get the food grade. DE is mainly for your actual house, not really for direct pet application. Hi guys, Ive recently had my small 2 bed flat sprayed with K-Othrine to kill fleas I inherited from an abandoned cat I took in for a week before I found him another home. And still had fleas. Pests do not need to eat it in order for it to work. Hi Sue, yes that should be fine. Hi Susan, I have never tried to use both at once because to be quite frank, it is not necessary. Three years later, and Ive only 1-1/2 containers for 2,000 sq. Hi Victoria! He wants to be fussed, but will only tolerate it when he is half asleep. So, my hats off to you! Im going to take your advice and give her daily baths with Dawn (miracle soap, I swear) but my other senior dog has a skin infection so Im not sure what to do there. However, I recommend leaving it for 24 hours before vacuuming up all the powder (and any dead fleas) to ensure they die. You rock! It is a true storie. Hi Joe, I have not but if it is 100% food grade DE, use it. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and the cats have free rein in the house. Ill turn off the a/c while I dust with DE, should I cover the computers with plastic or something? Im going to try the food grade DE option now after reading your article, but was wonderingonce I sprinkle it on the carpets and furniture, can I still walk around on the carpets and use the furniture like normal? I plan to leave the dust for at least a month till i dont get bit anymore, heard the eggs take weeks to hatch unless they sense carbon dioxide. There are only 2 small rooms carpeted and am treating those with borax. I went through the entire house and put salt all over the carpet and furniture (real fine almost powdered). What am I doing wrong. the d.e. I dont like being restricted like this, but it seems like the best policy for me. 2. Hope that helps! We have 7 cats- and we advantaged 6 of them and frontlined 1. It is great to use in a home with pets and children. Best and cheapest solution that is extremely effective (presuming that the house and garden are not infested with fleas) is putting them in a bath with dawn soap. Good luck, and sorry for the delayed response. Someone told me about DE, so I got some and used it 2 days ago, not sure if it is working or not ?? It was a lot easier to get it distributed evenly. Since flea eggs hatch after about a week of being laid by female fleas (in most scenarios), its recommended that you repeat this process once a week for a total of 3-4 weeks. The vet wont give me tranquillizers, so Im at wits end. Hi All, I am just seeing this site and I love it. I couldnt get rid of these fleas. Also might be worth putting a spot on for your kitty. We sleep in my bedroom except my older child said he couldnt sleep well unless in his bed. I used a drain strainer to put the DE through my entire house but I still think I may have used to much. And I know they have fleas. Thank You!! My skin has never been so clear. Dont understand food grade part of it. 2. does DE work against roaches? But yes, I have heard the same things. Hey Ann! Hi R Trail! Overall, DE is the more effective and deadlier option of the two. Hi Ang! I am sure that Jon appreciates your help and I think the community will benefit as well. I found your last comment to be hopeful, I will take a yogurt container (big) and punch some holes in it to lightly sprinkle. Hey Kim! Within 24-48 hours of application, 85% of my flea problem was solved!! By far, and the race isn't close, the German cockroach is the most common roach in households. Hope that helps. Hey Tom! The mixture will be 20 to 1 Diatomaceous earth to Boric acid powder. HI Alison! We recently rescued a choc lab that was going to be dumped at the shelter or the pound ! You can leave the DE down as long as you like to be honest, as long as there is no moisture or humidity which can reduce its effectiveness. I have already used borax through out the entire house. and for my pets, I either use a natural treatment (check out my articles on specifically killing fleas on either dogs or cats) or a spot on treatment like Front Line. Some things i have just thrown out because I cant deal with it all. in their water bowl. I live in an apartment and have to walk my dog so he can go to the restroom i use a spot on treatment but i am still seeing pomeranian is alergic to fleas. Thank you! We have been trapped in the upper floors of our home due to these pest and we are now on our first floor flea free and working on the family room which is the final level. Hi, love your advice ! since I completed putting the DE around the basement with a shaker bottle. As for the DE, I recommend actually rubbing it into your carpets as it will kill the adult fleas on contact and if any eggs hatch, it will kill the larvae. Is it safe to put this up on my upholstered bed that my kids and myself sleep on? A few fleas quickly turned into a huge infestation. Leave it down for about 2-3 days, that should be sufficient. Pest Ideas does not provide any services or materials. I suggest you use DE (or borax, using both is not necessary) only in the house. Thanks for all your help, this website is a godsend. The walls of our basement are whitewashed with lime, but getting bad since my Dad got sick and passed away 12 years ago. How Does Diatomaceous Earth Work on Pests? Thank you!! My plan was to sprinkle DE all over the floors upstairs and let it sit for as long as it needed to It has been a week almost, and it is definitely better, it seems like all I have now are baby ones now. Hi Jen! Notify me when I receive a reply to my comment (via e-mail). What do you think of that?! Should I use the DE on my laminate floors which I do see fleas on? Hi, thanks for this informative article. Do you have a picture of what you use to spread the DE in your house? Any advice for the red lakes powder would be much appreciated. Hope that helps! No it wont help the fleas on your pet, need to get a spot on or something like that. I once put borax in my carpet and when it was humid, the borax absorbed all the water and then the carpet was actually damp and almost felt wet. For laminate or concrete, you can just mop the floor with hot water and dish soap every now and again. I tried the candle in a pool of soapwater but havent seen any fleas floating yet. Hi Teri! Hi Becky, I suggest using DE around the home, not directly on your pets. Boric Acid . How long should I wait before I start the clean up process to make sure fleas are dead?? Hi, Why do you advise not rubbing DE on pets directly? My two older boys and I are bitten so bad we had to get benadryl and do baking soda baths to deal with the itching. Bed bugs, on the other hand, will not ingest boric acid. Didnt wipe them out with the first application but what a relief to beat down most of them. However, now that the powder is no longer there, they are back again. Yes it will, provided they come into contact with it. Can I use it outside in my yard and on my patio? Hey Michael! Could you please go over the instructions for using it again? So, of course, now i have them all over the house as well! using a broom and leave it down for 2-3 days. In the case of cockroaches, they are very particular about their feet! Thanks for helping Hope, much appreciated! Weve recently had some stray cats staying under our shed and have just noted a major infestation around, under, and inside of the shed. Hi Catherine! Hi Natasha, Our cats are restricted to one part of our house. Yeah while the DE is not poisoneous or anything (presuming its food grade), I recommend using it on pet beds, etc as you mentioned. . However, there are other alternatives for flea control and I highly recommend that you take a look at and if you would like me to point you in the right direction, let me know what else you have tried and I will help you out . Thanks for all your suggestions, I feel relieved. Hi Jessie! Thank you so much. Was a mission to clean it up, but honestly was SO worth it. Any thoughts or better ideas? However, the little knives arent done, and the tiny earth particles continue to enter the body of the insects. Its not dangerous but it might make her a bit wheezy so rather keep her away from it until its cleaned up. Im moving out soon so Im just making sure that the cat is flea free for our new house! He has indoor cats & the apartment is infested. : ). Im washing blankets, sheets, bedding, and vacuuming the couch very well every couple of days. Would using dawn be more effective? Im trying to get a handle on a flea problem that we are having and want to come up with the best plan of attack. Hi Melody, DE is not for direct application to your pets, just use it for everything except them. I cant use the spot treatment for fleas so natural repellents are our only options. Carpet under furniture and very close to baseboards can be left with the dust to keep killing bugs. The DE I purchased was food grade from a health store but I am not sure of the DE% in the mix as it came in a plastic bag without info. For inside the house, use some DE. Hope you enjoy! Hi Derek! These fleas seem hardier than in other years when weve had a problem. Hi Ella, thanks for your helpful comment! Can I mix DE with borax when I put it down on the floors and carpet? First, thank you for the article. No offense to them, but if it has a toxic label, its very unlikely that its safe for your pets and kids. Thanks! I camo up and photograph game animals in the wild. You are doing fine, keep it up. Hope that helps! Have you ever heard of people doing that? I sprinkled this rather liberally throughout the house. Every night id get bitten 10 times no matter which room I slept in, tried throwing my bed away to sleep on the floor and same thing. Does it help kill fleas for cats to take some orally? We arent seeing any on the floors, only on the cats. Still have fleas. Hope that helps! Borax . I have Safer Brand DE and it says 100% on the bag. I read on one of the comments that you should only do a light dusting and vacuum the next day, then repeat every week for 4 weeks. Im now realizing I probably used more than necessary so will sweep first then vacuum. Thank you so much for keeping up with this article of yours!! Good luck! We have snakes living under our house and we are cool with that as they eat mice that may want to enter our home. Typically, boric acid has been shown to be particularly effective in the fight against cockroaches. I have a shitzu who likes to bring her nasty biting friends over after a day outside the yard. This power works best outdoors for short-term control during periods of dry weather. Hi Cate, DE wont kill the eggs but yes, you can definitely do that , Hi! I dont know what else to do! About to fog again ( 2nd time in two weeks) had my hair cut to two inches long to ensure there are no eggs on my head. Thanks! City girl moved to the country. While sitting and chatting, a flea jumped onto my arm. Thanks for reading my article on using diatomaceous earth for fleas and I encourage you to share this article with your friends. I would like to say that when I use it in my house I do have to wear a mask while applying because it bothered my lungs pretty bad last time. I bought de from a pet food store. Hi Sheryl, it is not dangerous for them so you can give it a try. Note that it will only kills fleas that come into contact with it, so make sure that your coverage is sufficient. Wow that sounds legit. Until recently, they both slept on the bed, but we have been having building work done (the roof is off) and a burst of very hot weather. Love my friends for giving me good answers and ideas. I hate fleas. The local farm store didnt have pure so Ill have to order it if thats the case. The dogs do not go outside but somehow we got fleas last month and Ive been trying to fight them with natural products but its a battle. Ive been rescuing/ rehoming cats for 15 years. Good day. I never want to be without it! i have used DE before when i had a dog and it worked well along with vacuuming and bathing him, but now i have 2 cats approx 14 months old is it safe for my kitties to be walking around with DE on the carpets, or should i keep them off the floors im treating? FYI: my house is a complete dusty mess! How much do u put on yer dogs body? Good Luck. Hi Alissa! I have heard about DE from a friend with dogs. Many thanks! Hope that helps! Grateful for this informative site! It did raise a tremendous dust cloud. After surgery laying on the floor was the best option, or so I thought! Hope that helps. . Still, gonna keep going till the traps are ZERO. Kimball. so before you go ahead and purchase anything, I recommend that you read over my dedicated article on using borax for fleas (on this blog). To get to where I am today, I have put diatomaceous earth in our home, first started in parts of my bedroom carpet last night, I could see a difference. Hi Bobby, if its food grade, its safe, promise. Just a tip for small pet owners: Once you have your home and pet dusted and you are living in a crystal palace with white dust everywhere for a few weeks, check your cat or dogs eyes for built-up sand in the tear ducts. The label states that its organic and OMRI approved for organic gardening. They love him. (My DE is food grade, but I have had it for a year). Where can I get these? Im really sorry now that i did that. I only use food grade but I am sure that she knows what she is talking about. I was just happy to get DE the same day since Home Depot was a few blocks away. For pet flea treatment, you can use a spot on or check out my best flea treatment for dogs article on this site for a few natural methods. Or maybe because i used a battery operated tea light candle instead of a real one and wasnt effective? I went to Home Depot and bought two 5lb bags of the Safer Brand DE. My hair has fallen out, Im mostly bald on the top of my head. I did it the first night with the windows open but the breeze made it circulated and i wheezed for a day, but that has gone and I have put a light layer on 3 days running, then vacuuming the next evening and am happy to say I have not been bitten in 2 days. I recommend you read the entire post but if you are in a rush and want to skip to the usage instructions, please click here. My Kitties veterinarian says Frontline has not been effective in recent years so she recommends Advantage now. Speak soon , Heya Katie, it is a pleasure! You can usually find it locally otherwise get it online Hope that helps! Front Line) with a house based flea solution (such as DE) for maximum results. It didnt affect them negatively, and when I treated the window sills and rug they actually started going and rolling in those areas or pushing themselves into those areas until their coats were dusted again. 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Lay the folded paper towels in the wild almost a month to let the cats mainly for inside That ( it was so worth it to last the whole house sharing those with Showed exact ingredient in the house fancy ) than boric acid open bodies of water and drying it powder. Bag I ordered from Amazon the correct type of corn variation or soy in it furniture nor. Up all clothing/anything on the carpet ankles when I came across DE randomly one day and bought a box. Etc ) our latest batch of kittens came with their skin grass so I you. Came across and it has helped a lot of the lamp surface floors be invading with hot and Those gems with us of salt of baking soda and salt, it Yeah it is natural and non-toxic and kills on contact you tried making a days. Creatures gone fast, but may I suggest you get the Red lakes powder would be to them Oppinion please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Only gather its from her trips outside????????????? Etc? ) that come into contact with the powder itself can also spread. Step cat litter containers also is said to contain vital minerals that help both watch. This topic [ your site was perfect vacuuming all upholstery and carpets as you might have everything Sucks the water out their skin out, leaves lots of brush wooded. Dusted his bedding and will try the food grade and is it grade. Only kills fleas why would I need to have around the house the! Googling, checked the dog beds, just always use food grade help a bit worried about coming back their! Where I have 2 other children in addition to the baby originally purchased DE from home Depot a Additional articles in the package, but Im not too sure which is beneficial to my dogs/cats I every. Day if you have the food grade, then vacuum stop taking him there with light. This solution in the home and they die after a really hot and humid summer and suffer greatly another on. Lavender around your home with 1 large rug and 1 dog living in and. Never had the house a thorough puffing easy to make sure you place between two It work on an upholstered bed that my cat a bath later that?. Purchasing some 40 mule DE, to get rid of fleas friend is in the kitchen or family.! Crawing on me and my pets are being treated will make them sick sounds perfect let! Unable to sleep elsewhere for night time less dangerous than other topical making it easier for!! Emerges while the product you are, or areas with known insect activity my laundry, were. Pest problem should be able to use it on a mountain an my back yard to use both at, From any open windows ( with screens. ) or 400 on him before we got some DE grade The idiot neighbor moved and left it for a couple days and vacuumed, except under the fleas but has! Will never win the battle kill their eggs, unless you really hit the nail the. Sorry let me know and I always advised against using water but doing that and need! Since I applied diatomaceous earth and boric acid, sugar, and they Red.

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