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Throughout the early months of 1987, Koloff continued to defend the United States title against members of the Four Horsemen and Paul Jones' Army, which now included "Uncle" Ivan. Defeats Tully Blanchard to win NWA (Mid-Atlantic) Title; recognized as World Television champion. WebLa World Championship Wrestling stata una federazione di wrestling statunitense con sede nella citt di Atlanta (), fondata l'11 ottobre 1988 da Ted Turner e scioltasi il 26 marzo 2001.. Fondata sulle basi della Jim Crockett Promotions, federazione che fece parte del circuito della National Wrestling Alliance dal 1952 al 1988, la World Championship Dans les coulisses, la WCW tait devenu de plus en plus autonome, et commena tout doucement se sparer de la NWA et de son appellation historique. Dusty Rhodes decided which members of the UWF roster to retain and how best to use the infusion of new talent that he now had access to on an exclusive basis, beginning with a cross-promotional program between NWA Television Champion Koloff and UWF Television Champion, Terry Taylor. D'autres raisons pouvait tre que le mal venait des storylines aux airs de dj vu et sans-intrts, concoctes par des scripteurs sans exprience comme Kevin Nash, mais aussi le fait que les grandes stars n'avait plus la motivation ncessaire pour offrir de bons combats, et se contentaient de leurs salaires exorbitant. Les deux avaient travaills en mme temps la WWF de 1991 1992, et une rivalit a t enclenche entre eux, mais ce grand match qui aurait rapport normment d'argent et qui tait prvu pour WrestleMania VIII tait finalement chang pour un match par quipes Flair/Savage contre Hogan/Sid (un match Hogan/Flair a tout de mme eu lieu la WWF, il fut remport par Ric Flair et fut galement film, mais non diffus la tlvision). As the 1987 Great American Bash tour got under way, the feud between Koloff, Rhodes, The Road Warriors, and Paul Ellering versus The Four Horsemen and J. J. Dillon was booked as the centerpiece. Un McMahon triomphant ouvrait la dernire dition de WCW Monday Nitro en simultan avec RAW le 26 mars 2001. Originally slated as a singles wrestler, Eudy was eventually paired with Danny Spivey to form The Skyscrapers. Pendant une courte dure, il y eut alors deux titres de Champion du Monde. As his wrestling ability and speaking skills grew, the length of his matches and interviews grew as well. Since August of 2021, Tyrus had been reigning as NWA World Television Champion. Le produit cratif de la compagnie s'tait lourdement dgrad en 1992 et 1993 sous la prsidence de Jim Herd et ensuite de Bill Watts. WebThe NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship is a world heavyweight championship owned and promoted by the American professional wrestling promotion National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Quand Hart quittait la WWF aprs le Montral Screwjob aux Survivor Series 1997, il paraissait sr que la WCW allait en finir une bonne fois pour toutes avec la WWF. La WWF ne s'arrtait pas l pour autant. Crockett a quasiment accompli son but de crer une fdration nationale. Beaucoup de lutteurs ont t aussi engags pour les empcher de rejoindre la WWF, tel point, que la WCW n'avait pas moins de 260 catcheurs avec contrats garantis, dont la plupart restaient la maison ne rien faire, et juste toucher leurs payes. It was considered a revived version of the NWA World Six-Man Tag Team Championship that was used in Jim Crockett Promotions; however, unlike the former version, which was often held by main eventers in between Being a professional wrestling championship, it was won via a scripted ending to a match or awarded to a wrestler because of a storyline. The feud was often fought in steel cage Russia chain matches, with lights-out stipulations. In March 2001, certain assets of WCW were sold by AOL Time Warner to the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). La nouvelle WCW, qui tait une combinaison de la Jim Crockett Promotions (JCP) et de la Georgia Championship Wrestling, tait, quant elle, le show numro un sur TBS, et aura permis Jim Crockett Jr. de devenir Prsident de la NWA une nouvelle fois. Koloff's departure resulted in the Junkyard Dog substituting for him as Ivan's partner. Le 11 fvrier 2000, des catcheurs de couleur, Bobby Walker, Harrison Norris et leur manager japonais Sonny Onoo, portaient plainte pour discrimination raciale envers la WCW, affirmant que c'est cause de leurs origines qu'ils n'ont pas l'exposition qu'ils mritent, et qu'ils avaient des gimmicks choquantes en plus du fait d'tre sous-pays. Although formally established in 1948, its lineage has been traditionally traced back to the With Kernodle out of the picture, Uncle Ivan Koloff introduced a new comrade named Krusher Khruschev. The title was introduced on February 27, 1974 in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling (MACW), a territory of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Muta defeated Sting to win the vacant title. L'une des dernires choses cratives que Dusty Rhodes avait ralis, tait le tout premier Clash of The Champions, la nuit de WrestleMania IV, avec un match pique entre Ric Flair et Sting, qui faisait de ce dernier l'un des meilleurs la WCW. In March, as part of his ongoing feud with Ivan and Dick Murdoch, Koloff's neck was "injured" by a Murdoch brainbuster on the concrete floor (of course this was a work). It is the promotion's premier title. On 1987, Krusher, who left the NWA for the World Wrestling Federation, asked Koloff to join him. According to PWInsider, the NWA will formally announce the championship on this weeks NWA Power. Vacated title for NWA Florida tournament. Et rsultat, l'arena tait guichets ferms, avec plus de 40000spectateurs et des millions travers le monde devant leurs tlviseurs esprant pour le bon droulement de ce match revanche. Arn Anderson holds the record for most days as champion, with 870 over four title reigns. The NWA World Television Title started out as the NWA Mid-Atlantic Television Title in 1973. Prior to committing themselves with Jim Crocket Promotions, The Koloffs feuded with then AWA World tag team champions the Road Warriors in both the AWA and the NWA in a brutal series during 1985. [20] At her funeral he met Mandys longtime friend and his future wife, Victoria. Vacant after Hernandez fired for dressing room fight with Wahoo McDaniel. The title was created in 1974 by Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling (MACW) as a secondary title. La nouvelle quipe de scripteurs tentait d'apaiser le dmoralisement des catcheurs et des fans en faisant de Chris Benoit le champion de la WCW lors du PPV Souled Out en janvier 2000. Duggan found the championship belt in a dumpster and claimed the title. Comments. A booked showdown at StarrCade '88 in December was to pit Ivan and Koloff against the Russian Assassins. She is currently signed to WWE, where she performs on the SmackDown brand under the ring name Natalya.She is a two-time women's world champion, having won the Divas Championship and SmackDown Women's Championship once [1] In 2009, Pro Wrestling Fusion revived the title until they left the NWA in 2011. Par exemple la trs attendue confrontation entre Randy Savage et Ric Flair au Great American Bash 1995 se droulait au Hara Arena de Dayton dans l'Ohio avec une capacit de seulement 6000places. It was introduced in National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) affiliate and ECW precursor, Eastern Championship Wrestling in 1992, but was established under ECW in 1994. Dans les annes 1980, Jim Crockett Promotions(en) et la Georgia Championship Wrestling(en) deviennent les principales fdrations de la National Wrestling Alliance[1]. Currently, only four (all but the Welterweight Avec toutes ses acquisitions dans le but de crer une seule fdration sur le plan national, Crockett avait lourdement endett son affaire. Ensuite venait le fameux match Fingerpoke of Doom avec Hulk Hogan en janvier 1999. was stripped of his title. At WrestleWar on May 17, 1992, Koloff teamed with Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, and Dustin Rhodes to face The Dangerous Alliance in a WarGames match. Jimmy Valiant dropped the "Charlie Brown" alias and vacated the title. When Alwayz Ready rolls around, Tyrus will have already passed the one-year mark as champion. George Murdoch, popularly known by his stage name Tyrus Wrestler is an American professional wrestler and television news personality. By entername333. En 1986, Jim Crockett Jr. contrlait plusieurs territoires de la NWA sous l'appellation Jim Jim Crockett Promotions, notamment des territoires traditionnels de la NWA comme la Caroline du Nord et la Caroline du Sud, la Gorgie et le Missouri. Koloff continued wrestling in the NWA and the AWA for the remainder of the year and the first half of 1990, headlining numerous television broadcasts and Twin Wars '90, the last major event with the AWA under Gagne. A new World Television Champion will be crowned. It was picked back up in 1966 by CWF and lasted until 1987 when the company was purchased by Jim Crockett Promotions. He enrolled in Golden Valley Lutheran College where he played college football alongside fellow future wrestler Joe "Animal" Laurinaitis. He is presently signed to the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), where he holds the NWA World Television Championship. Defeated Mike Graham in tournament final. En effet, la WCW possdait les plus grandes stars de cette industrie, comme Hogan, Savage, Sting, Flair, Hart, Hall et Nash. Koloff became a born-again Christian in 1993. La WCW leur offrait des contrats trs lucratifs pour les engager en octobre 1999 pour essayer de relancer la WCW et freiner l'lan de succs de la WWF. [3] In 2006, WWE relaunched ECW as a WWE brand that remained active until 2010. Cependant, aprs WrestleMania XIV en mars 1998, Vince McMahon reprenait la tte dans les Monday Night Wars avec sa nouvelle WWF Attitude et toute sa nouvelle gnration de stars montantes comme "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, et Mankind. Beaucoup de talents de la WCW n'avaient rien d'autre faire que de rester dans l'ombre d'Hogan et Nash travers la nWo, ou d'autres prenaient leurs opportunits dans les matchs de seconde zones. His wife Mandy was suffering from Hodgkin's disease and died in the summer of 1989. On October 13, 1970, the championship was introduced as the NWA Eastern Heavyweight Championship during a taping of Championship Wrestling. In spring of 1986, Koloff started one of the biggest, most anticipated feuds in the history of Jim Crockett Promotions when he attacked NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Magnum T. A. During the bout, Koloff sustained a herniated disc in his neck after receiving a stiff clothesline to the head from Vader, leading him to retire from professional wrestling. The current champion is Trevor Murdoch, who is in his second reign.. The worked injury set up the pretext for dropping the US Title to Lex Luger. Defeated Barry Windham in tournament final. L'une des raisons possibles est la venue de clbrits (comme Dennis Rodman et Jay Leno) pour catcher dans des matchs de PPV. La compagnie commena perdre beaucoup d'argent, en plus de perdre cette guerre, ce qui obligea AOL Time Warner vendre la WCW la WWF pour prs de 7 millions de $ en mars 2001. His improvement negated the need for Kernodle to continue teaming with Ivan and, shortly thereafter, the Russians turned on the American turncoat. The tour began and ended with two revolutionary matches created by Rhodes, known as WarGames: The Match Beyond. Leur rencontre qui se droulait au Halloween Havoc en octobre 1998 passa quasi inaperu, et le Warrior quittait la WCW par la suite. The WWE Television Championship was a professional wrestling world television championship owned by the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) promotion. The couple had two daughters together, Kendra, who was born in June 1992, and Kolby, who was born in May 1996, while Victoria had two daughters (Teryn and Tawni) from her previous relationship. MORE INFO. WebL'attuale campione Seth Rollins. Une rivalit s'engagea entre Crockett et Vince McMahon, chacune des fdrations voulant emboter le pas sur l'autre au sujet des droits tlviss. There have been four NWA World Television Champions and along with Tyrus, those names are Ricky Starks, Zicky Dice and Da Pope Elijah Burke. [1] This was during the time Eastern Championship Wrestling was a member of the NWA. Given by Rotunda after winning the NWA: World TV Title in. Eventually, Koloff eased back into the business part-time. [2] On January 3, 1997, wrestling legend Killer Kowalski presented ECW World Tag Team Champions The Eliminators with brand-new title belts in Webster, Massachusetts. Ivan and Krusher lost the titles to The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) on July 9. WebRoy Wayne Farris (born January 25, 1953), better known by the ring name The Honky Tonk Man, is an American retired professional wrestler.He previously wrestled for World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). He attended Robbinsdale High School where he played for the Robbinsdale Robins football team as a defensive lineman and on offense[3] was an all-conference wide receiver. Ils taient tous presque loigns des main-events, et cette dcision de ne pas mettre ses jeunes en avant ajout l'Ere Attitude de la WWF, vont causer dfinitivement la perte de la WCW. Cependant, tous ces lutteurs ont fini par s'engager avec la WWF l'exception de Sting, aprs l'invasion. Also during The War Games, Flair and Blanchard reaggravated Koloff's neck injury by delivering two spike piledrivers. Mais en plus des stars montantes n'tant pas encore au premier plan comme Chris Benoit et Raven, sans oublier une excitante division cruiserweight (poids-moyens) qui runissait des voltigeurs du Mexique (les luchadors) et du Japon en plus de ceux des tats-Unis. La ceinture a t renvoye la WCW par Flair quand Jim Herd fut parti, et Ric Flair fut donc rembours. partir de ce moment, beaucoup de personnes pensaient que Jim Crockett tait rellement la NWA. Best Score? Ils lanaient une nouvelle faction forme de jeunes talents (qui tait nomme la New Blood) et qui affrontait le Millionnaires Club qui comprenait les stars les plus anciennes et surtout les plus payes de la fdration comme Hogan, Sting ou encore Diamond Dallas Page. Bien que JCP et la NWA restaient spars, avec Crockett comme Prsident de la NWA, ils taient dsormais plus sur la mme longueur d'onde. Koloff was born on March 9, 1959 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one of four children born to Paige and Olive Simpson. WebThe NWA United States Tag Team Championship was a professional wrestling tag team championship contested for previously in the United States-based Jim Crockett Promotions (JCP), World Championship Wrestling (WCW) promotions, with the title now in current use by the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Quand la WCW ralisait le match entre Sting et Hogan pour le WCW World Heavyweight Championship, le PPV ralisait le plus fort taux d'achats de l'histoire de l'organisation et Bischoff tait largement congratul les mois qui suivirent ce pay per view pour ne pas aussi avoir fait une construction de l'vnement la va-vite. Continuing to improve, Koloff became a big enough heel to get a match against NWA World Champion Ric Flair at The Great American Bash 1985 on July 6. On April 11, Koloff and Dusty Rhodes won the second-annual Jim Crockett, Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament, defeating the Four Horsemen team of Tully Blanchard and Lex Luger in the finals. Go Orange. L'opinion gnrale tait que le Screwjob et l'acquisition de Bret Hart par la WCW tait favorable celle-ci et allait porter un coup fatal la WWF. He first started using the ring name CM Punk when he was put into a tag team named The Chick Magnets with CM Venom after another En faisant cela, ils ont augment leur audience pour une semaine seulement et perdu beaucoup d'argent qui aurait pu tre gagn si le match tait en main-event de PPV. Returned to Rhodes due to the way Ladd wins. [14] he was also known as "The Russian Road Warrior" due to his power and ferocity, which was compared to The Road Warriors. Won at NWA Florida Wrestling Alliance Luck of the Draw tournament, This page was last edited on 19 September 2022, at 09:54. Il insistait pour que le match continu (avec lui-mme en tant qu'arbitre) pour viter que Sting se fasse avoir comme le Hitman l'a t la WWF dans le Montral Screwjob. Ceci a galement endommag la compagnie qui n'avait pas propose laffiche dont une large publicit a t faite, ce qui tait peru comme tant une manire facile de remplir une arena de cette envergure. Ces titres ont t actifs pendant l'Invasion. The exact length of at least one title reign is uncertain, so the shortest possible length is used. The championship is currently vacant. Jim Duggan was the last champion in his only reign. Alors qu'originellement, Vince McMahon tait cens produire des shows tlviss pour TBS Atlanta, il se contenta de ne vendre que des rsums de ses shows de la WWF. During his career, Koloff held championships including the NWA World Six-Man Tag Team Championship, NWA World Tag Team Championship, NWA United States Championship, NWA World Television Championship, and UWF World Television Championship. "Daily pro wrestling history (02/26): Verne Gagne wins AWA title on his birthday", "On this day in pro wrestling history (August 11): Verne Gagne vs. Lou Thesz for AWA title, first ever G1 final", "DAILY PRO WRESTLING HISTORY (02/10): MASA SAITO WINS AWA GOLD AT THE TOKYO DOME", "Pro wrestling history (01/17): Vader wins IWGP heavyweight title", "Daily pro wrestling history (02/20): Flair Vs . Hogan tait extrmement critiqu pour ne pas avoir fini un match d'une manire clean, ce qui rendait confus et irritaient les fans qui attendaient pendant prs d'un an que Sting prenne le dessus sur la nWo. Belts MAKER < /a > Your new NWA World Womens Television title out. Qui avait t scripteur plusieurs annes auparavant, remplaait donc le duo par intrim went to great lengths keep. The ring sometime between March 12, 1938 and March 17, 1989 episode of Wrestling. Dressing room fight with Wahoo McDaniel to unify the title was also after! 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