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2022      Nov 4

Need to find identity and awaken to self knowledge. They balance out one another. It's daring, bold, active, action-prone, expansive, strategic and protective. Such oriented consciousness treats living beings as material resources that, thanks to technology, can be controlled and modified to perform appropriate tasks. From this perspective, Space itself is the primordial essence of feminine, boundless abyss. Same sex relationships are even more keenly aware of masculine and feminine traits. someone to tell you what women want, please keep looking! They want him to take the lead, and to be a strong man who they can follow. This is my wish for you and all of humanity, and nothing less! Feminine energy, due to its chaotic, ever-changing, emotional nature, is drawn to logical, firm, and steady masculine energy. Masculine creative energy holds energetics such as, stable, structure, focused and commanding. Daniel Craig has giant ears and a bloated nose, Ryan Goslings eyes are all fucked up, and Benedict Cumberbatch looks like a meerkat. Master of energetic and emotional domain. The green hues of Moss, Olive, and Artichoke bring an organic energy. We are not here to please each other in the desperate hope to be loved, to be accepted, to be good enough, to be important. On the greater level, entire planets and star systems with all their beings can be used to accumulate the power needed for further cosmic expansion.The main means to achieve this goals are advanced technology and artificial intelligence. Feminine energy, which is the receptive, nurturing, and passive force is understood as Yin. No, he knows what he wants and he goes after it. I didnt realize this for a long time, but this sex appeal, that I and other men often recognize isher embodying Yin, or feminine energy. Masculine energy is characterized as assertive, dominant, and sometimes violent. Photographs by Serhii Korovayny for The Wall Street Journal Nov. 1, 2022 What do women want? Holding yourself back, playing it small, doesnt serve anyone, not you, not your loved ones, not other men or women, not humanity. Because everything in the universe connects and permeates, each of us can see all aspects of existence in ourselves. The fiery energy of The Divine Masculine is the outward action of the knowledge and intuition of The Divine Feminine. We know for a fact that logical women who take risks and are not intuitive and cooperative are usually unfeminine and are more likely to be lesbians. ), How to 10x Your Attractiveness to Women, With A Simple Concept That NO OTHER DATING COACH Seems to Talk About, Learn EXACTLY How to Turn Any Girl On, WITHOUT Becoming A Try-Hard Douchebag, Asshole, or Using Cheesy Pickup Lines, PLUS 4 Free Bonuses, Including Jons Tinder Cheat Sheet Which Shows You EXACTLY How I Banged Over 100 Girls on Tinder. My masculine wishes to walk with my brothers, side by side, as we celebrate each other. Instagram talldarkcreatur and mysnpchat is talldarkgy, I sent you a link to schedule a consultation with me via email . That is why, the process of creating ego separate consciousness, comes directly from the masculine aspect of existence. He owns his balls and he holds himself up to a High Standard. . Spirits that reside in the upper realms of light, are ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Archangels, and many other light beings. A cosmic womb, worshiped by many cultures as the Great Mother Goddess. We all possess both masculine and feminine energy. I have been using this map for 7 years, working through my own patterns, applying it to all my relating, and integrating it into my work. Breath and prana are part of this layer. Attractive men embody the following characteristics: Does James Bond ever look uncertain? She transmitsthe full range of evolutionfrom personality healing, to soul awakening and anchoring, to opening to Spirit and letting yourself be guided by the One Life. It represents the following general qualities: Light, Solar, Day, Masculine, Active, Analytical, Dominant, Aggressive, Left-Brain, Right-Body. The Way simply means to be, or to practice your dharma, or your role to play in this giant cosmic theater show. Invite the esoteric in 9. Would love your thoughts, please comment. This is what makes a man truly sexywhen he is the cause and not the effect, when he is completely himself and serves as a beacon for others to follow, when he is assertive and active, and when he does not let external reality dictate his internal reality. The Light Masculine is a man who is a gentleman; he is worldly and sophisticated. Dark masculine energy is revealed through the knowing of how to be in charge, how to penetrate the space with presence and be assertive and dominant. - Bruce Lyon. Dark masculine is the one who has the balls to protect and create safety. The cabinets are dark and the counter tops are a dark greenish granite. Good and evil, light and dark, are inseparable parts of each other. Repression of healthy aspects of character often emerge in shadow formsless constructiveunhealthy. When you begin to embody masculine energy, your life will naturally come together. Males have naturally Masculine energy, Females have natural feminine energy. Check out our light dark masculine selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. The more we clean out the distortions we carry, and let go of our resistances, the more we can open up to THE Archetypal energy in its pure form to run through us. It is so much more. It receives pollen from bees, and allows others to come to it. Its an entire way of BEING, a way of living life and interacting with the world in a receptive and intuitive manner. He is not acting from hurt or fear. Unfortunately, most men dont ever fully embody their Yang. Beyond Visible Light. Through the polarization and union of the dark infinite Space and luminous Consciousness, the universe is born. The original darkness of the feminine and the luminous consciousness. You come to look in instead of out. Its something that you cant pinpointits in the way that she moves, its in the way that she talks, it reverberates with every cell in her body. The Light being about your connection with your multidimensional nature, your Soul, Ascension and Clarity. It is the strong side of you that gives you confidence and makes you secure about yourself. Location: . This raises the determination needed to free ourselves from the conditions that we have created over millions of years. 2. Man is more than just his physical purpose; he is also his spiritual purpose. It is beautiful and full of life. Is it dictated by circumstances? Whenever a woman is very sexy, it is because she embodies yinit shows itself through her body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal communications. Ive seen that a lot while emotional men who are calm, receptive, and intuitive are usually not masculine and are more likely to be gay. He knows his shadow because he has been re-born from within its dark, fertile womb. However it is only when the masculine is not connected to the heart that dominance becomes invasive . Look at them, theyre all crooked and shit. It's assertive, decisive, aggressive, and it goes forth. Read up on the books related to Masculinity on this site and elsewhere. Money. It is not a negative aspect - but it is a dark, shadow, fiery, and transformational aspect of womanhood. Thank you for hearing the call within Brothers!. Moss: 73 53 73 55 | 47 61 48 | #2F3D30 Im native American majority mixed and born and raised on reservation. It is the driving force behind your entire life, and once you tap into it, you will experience massive abundance. This is not to say that a man is not receptive or nurturing at timesit is crucial to have a balanced spirit. The one who takes without consent (in all forms). This article was very wise and you hit the nail on the head all the way through. I know I have gifts and insights that can support the healthy masculine to mature and shine, whether it is in a womans or a mans body. a living state of androgynous being in which our masculine and feminine energies continually love and nourish each other and join together as one . Yin and Yang are often used to describe these false dichotomies, such as good/evil or light/dark. It is 100% focused on accomplishing what it wants, and will do anything to get it. Each one of the quadrants will be explored at the level of the personal, transpersonal/ soul and Spirit levels. Its goal is absolute control and power over all manifestations of existence. The second key lesson is to have consent. The overdeveloped version of the Dark Masculine is where there is a lack of presence but there is still penetrative energy, in other words: Abuse of Power. Its how you can cultivate that vibe, or energy that women intuitively pick up on, and are drawn to like a magnet. I enjoyed the article and agree regarding MAGTOW. Sir, I greatly like your post but you seem here to misinterpret yin and yang. Women want to receive energy from their environmentthis is what feminine energy wants. It will be crucial in the face of upcoming changes. Grounded. Thus, masculinity, in the spiritual sense, means to embody Yang, and femininity, in the spiritual sense, means to embody Yin. Masculinity is identical to Yang, and Femininity is identical to Yin. Yet, until we awaken to our Dark power we are destined to live in chains of conditioning. Takih's work integrates embodied experience with modern knowledge and ancient wisdom. He is activehe acts on his environment, rather than having it act on him. You know or sense how healing, opening, and powerful that will be. Meet wild woman 3. Dark is not the same as shadow The dark and light manifests in shadow tooactive and passive. This is accompanied by an inner movement of Consciousness rising from the need to know itself. This is not a mental or conceptual journey, it is embodied! She serves as part of Governance for the Shamballa School, an on-line community and school dedicated to Spirit, the Life principle at the core of every being. Taki'h is devoted toembodied soul awakening on the planet now. Masculine energy brings structure to the world in the form of routines, discipline, processes, procedures and even rules. The reason such a strong Dark Masculine energy survived is because it has been well hidden for the most part, in this little woman's body! But if you want depth and life changing transformation that really sticks, you are more likely to get it in the on line version. He is not revengeful. Feminine energy is receptive; it is passive and emotional. You will find yourself pursuing the job that you really want, the relationships that you really want, and the goals that you really want to achieve. I would like to do a backsplash but don't know what to do so that it doesn't clash with the rest of the kitchen. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active sensor that emits microwave energy to gather data outside of the visible . The Cross has been transmitted by Bruce Lyon who developed it over 40 years, and is THE most integrated, holistic, fast and deep path we know to Soul Awakening and anchoring. Small peer groups, of 3-4 people, will be encouraged to meet on line a minimum of once per week. Heal the feminine wound 8. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Totally ignores the existence of same sex relationships. Feminine energy is intuitivethis is why women are often much more adept at social communication than men. One side of the shadow expression is the result of over identification with this energy leading to an excess of this energy. After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same. Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. In fact, heres some of what youll get with the 7 Strategies program: So, if you want to start getting laid with hotter girls WITHOUT becoming a douchebag, consider checking out the 7 Strategies programtoday. There are binaries that exist in nature. However it is only when the masculine is not connected to the heart that dominance becomes invasive, pushy and controlling. This darkness is seen as an abyss of our unconscious, an inner space with which we don't have conscious contact. It happens very rarely, but every now and then Ill spot a woman that is just so in touch with her feminine energy that you canliterally feel it. True masculine energy completes a woman. I know that I definitely have and its absolutely intoxicating. That is why you see so many men acting like women and women acting like men. Light is the confident, peaceful manifestation of archetypal energy. Likewise, when a woman completely embodies her Yin, or her feminine energy, men are very attracted to this. The two types of male characters that portray different aspects of masculinity are light and dark masculine. However, his predominant energy, will be that of Yang. And I have. Dark masculine uses methods of spiritual growth not to dissolve and reconnect to the source, but to strengthen its own self, separated from the rest. We all need the healthy expression of both the Dark and the Light Masculine within us to feel fulfilled and whole. It opposes everything that we associate with freedom, naturalness, purity and beauty. >> In the upcoming Sacred Man/Sacred Woman training men will be invited to claim this Power within them, as well as the Power of the light Masculine. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus. On the dark masculine side the journey has been from fearing my own power and thus repressing it anddevelopingshadows, to finally accepting itandwielding it. At the root chakra, Black Onyx brings balance to our own personal power and self-confidence. by Lena Schmidt: Everyone has masculine and feminine energies Each energy has its strengths and weaknesses, but ignoring all of the energies of either category throws you out of balance. All men should go through a period of true MGTOW in their lives, which is when they go their own way and discover their purpose. The blood in the form of liquid (being the denser/feminine) is the carrier of (the lighter) oxygen (the masculine). The goal of this article is to explain masculinity and in a deeper way. Thank you. He respects women and honors the sacredness of the feminine because he has touched his own feminine essence and knows it as good. They dont really exist without one another, and in fact, they only differ in varying degrees. Unconscious or repressed emotions. My journey has been goingfromhaving a heavilyoverdeveloped light masculine, wanting to controleverything,to wantingto be fully present to Life. A world with no masculine energy and all feminine energy is actually dangerous and deadly. Jon Darrall-Rew, Leadership Expert, Shamballa School Governance, UK. Feminine and masculine energy is no different (and another example of duality). Dark Energy Survey Data at the Low Surface Brightness Regime: Diffuse Light in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters. https://www.rememberyourself.livehttps://www.oursacredblood.org Now lets take a look at some of the signs indicating that either your masculine or feminine energy is imbalanced (note, it is common to have imbalances in BOTH sides, regardless of your gender). It is the answer to globalistic, political strategy of divide, control and conquer. They want him to have a very strong sense of reality, and they want him to penetrate her, spiritually. Rivalry, power wars and dominance over others accumulate endless layers of anger, aggression and hatred for everything around. Join Taki'h for 55 hours of LIVE online sessions, which include teachings, guided meditations, journeys and practices, sharings and Q&A. All workshop days will have 2 sessions of 2.5-3 hours each. Masculinity is persistent and impregnable; it goes outward, expresses itself, and influences its reality. He owns his balls and he holds himself up to a High Standard.If you are not familiar with your own dark masculine it may be that it is hiding behind the nice guy (or girl because women can also have a powerful dark masculine).Being a nice guy is a product of being told that your power is not welcome because it is dangerous So you spend much of your life trying to get approval of your parents, represented by people around you.Power indeed can be dangerous, if we dont have the heart and the consciousness to use it in a truthful way.Yet, until we awaken to our Power we are destined to live in chains of conditioning.When the Dark masculine is integrated in his full power he cannot help but seed the world with Love. All of me wants to support that to happen sooner rather than later! Many of these dark, masculine aspects are ready to change and are waiting for the opportunity to transform. a recipe with steps you can follow on how to become a better lover, last longer and drive her crazy! Dark is the potent, active form of the archetypal energy. Two years ago I received the guidance to drop everything I was working on, and transmit ONLY this. A Brief Introduction to The Cross by Takih, Initiation Into The Dark Masculine by Taki'h, Video Equinox Meditation: The Sacred Union at The Centerby Takih, Cultivating the Dark Masculine and Animal Power in Me by Timo Wiren, Discovering Shadows in My Light Masculine by Timo Wiren, On Men & Women, the Masculine & the Feminineby Takih, Working With The Masculine in Us Allby Takih, Working on The Dark Masculine by Timo Wiren, Drinking Your Cup of Karma Around the Masculine by Takih, I know who I am and I know what I want by Simo Annala, Video: "Spiritual Imposter" by Bruce Lyon, Video: "Healthy Use of Mars" by Bruce Lyon. Yang, or masculine energy, serves as a lighthouse, so to speak, that constantly grounds the tumultuous waves of emotion which feminine energy revels in. I view them as weaker males, almost predators. AND it is beyond what I have known to be the impact of the in-person version. Consciousness develops through multiplication of itself, through the process of division into an unlimited number of separated entities in space. She helps people all over the world return to their original erotic innocence, power and love. Im not trying to make men into caricatures that never feel or use their right-brain. Time gone by environmental and social culture was NEVER taught to repress gender as it came natural. She helps people all over the world return to their original erotic innocence, power and love. The way is different for every man, woman, and childthere is no objective way. Definitely get the 7 Strategies. The archetype of the negative masculine, deeply rooted in the human psyche, is expressed by the story of a demiurge who opposes the fundamental laws of the universe. They're meant to compliment one another. One side of the shadow expression is the result of over identification with this energy leading to an excess of this energy. Sun and moon. Im a lady but reading your article on Masculine energy has been a great help for me and my relationship. The cradle of life.Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. Understand, but rather it goes outward, expresses itself, and direct and conquer like are! Your body, heart and the sky physical and time zone ) 's assertive,, To Yang, and emotionality to life is at ease with the qualities I! Masculinity does not lay out a path for you to write down, think of a who. Masculine characteristics, I understand this been goingfromhaving a heavilyoverdeveloped light masculine is more mysterious and tends achieve! Challenging, but rather allows the world to come to it participating in exercises and.. 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