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. . . . . . . . . . . ConstrResidualSum Type: double Modifiable: No Sum of (unscaled) linear constraint violations. . . . Changes to the original environment have no effect on the copy. double FeasRelax ( int relaxobjtype, boolean minrelax, boolean vrelax, boolean crelax ) Simplified method for creating a feasibility relaxation model. Identical performance is best, especially for distributed tuning, but small variations in performance wont hurt your overall results too much. . . Arguments: model: A loaded optimization model, typically created by routine GRBnewmodel or GRB- readmodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arguments: model: A loaded optimization model, typically created by routine GRBnewmodel or GRB- readmodel. . . . . . . vval: Numerical values associated with constraint matrix non-zeros. Cutting planes can be added at any node of the branch-and-cut tree. . . . The lengths of the input arrays must all be the same. . . . . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while extracting the basis. . Return value: An empty expression object. Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . Example usage: int desired[] = {0, 2, 4, 6}; int cbasis[4]; error = GRBgetintattrlist(model, "CBasis", 4, desired, cbasis); GRBsetintattrlist int GRBsetintattrlist ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, int *values ) Set the values of an integer-valued array attribute. . . . . . . Arguments: list: Initial list of member tuples. Options are = (equal), < (less-than-or-equal), or > (greater-than-or-equal). GRBgetvarbyname int GRBgetvarbyname ( GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int *varnumP ) Retrieves a variable from its name. The first section of the Gurobi log provides information on the extent to which presolve succeeds in this effort. . Can be NULL, in which case all variables are given default names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRBExpr GetObjective ( ) Return value: The model objective. lower: Lower bounds for linear expressions. GRBLinExpr.MultAdd() Add a constant multiple of one linear expression into another. . . . . . . start: The index of the first entry in the array to set. . . The complete of parameters can be found in the Parameters section. . . . . . . . . Replaying the file will repeat the exact same sequence of commands, and when completed will show the time spent in Gurobi API routines, the time spent in Gurobi algorithms, and will indicate whether any Gurobi environments or models were leaked by your program. . . . . newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . Well briefly talk about the source of the issue, and the changes required to work around it. . . . . . Arguments: expr: New model objective. . . . Note that existing models that are stored inside Python data structures (lists, dictionaries, etc. x: The x values for the points that define the piecewise-linear function. . Arguments: var: A Var object that gives the variable whose objective function is being retrieved. . . The scalar beta defines the right-hand side of the constraint. This method can be used for both continuous and MIP models, but you should be aware that the MIP version can be quite expensive. . . . . . . . . . . . Note that you must set the LazyConstraints parameter if you want to use lazy constraints. . . GRBsetstrattr int GRBsetstrattr ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, const char *newvalue ) Set the value of a string-valued model attribute. . . . . . . . . . . void set ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr, double newvalue ) Set the value of a double-valued attribute. . . . . x: Variable. . . . . . . As mentioned earlier, the concurrent optimizer is the default choice for LP models. . . Arguments: expr: Linear or quadratic expression to add. . Modifying Solver Behavior - Callbacks Callbacks can also be used to modify the behavior of the Gurobi optimizer. . . . . . double[] GetSolution ( GRBVar[] xvars ) Arguments: xvars: The list of variables whose values are desired. . . . PreSOS2BigM Type: double Default value: 0 Threshold for SOS2-to-binary reformulation Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: 1e10 Controls the automatic reformulation of SOS2 constraints into binary form. . GRBVar[] addVars ( double[] lb, double[] ub, double[] obj, char[] type, String[] names, GRBColumn[] col ) Add new decision variables to a model. . . . FarkasDual Type: double Modifiable: No Farkas infeasibility proof (for infeasible linear models only). . . . . . . GRBEnv GetConcurrentEnv ( int num ) Arguments: num: The concurrent environment number. . . ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more . void set ( GRB.IntAttr attr, int newvalue ) Set the value of an int-valued attribute. You should exercise caution with priority 100 jobs, since they can severely overload a server, which can cause jobs to fail, and in extreme cases can cause the server to crash. . . A simple user callback function might call Model.cbGet to produce a custom display, or perhaps to terminate optimization early (using Model.terminate). Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. The entries in the input arrays each correspond to a single desired coefficient change. . rhsVal: Right-hand side value for new linear constraint. COLUMNS section The next and typically largest section of an MPS file is the COLUMNS section, which lists the columns in the model and the non-zero coefficients associated with each. Note that feasRelaxS must solve an optimization problem to find the minimum possible relaxation when minrelax=True, which can be quite expensive. . Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. . . 428 GRB.Attr . double GetNodeRel ( GRBVar v ) Arguments: v: The variable whose value is desired. . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . Note that a model with both a quadratic objective and quadratic constraints is classified as a QCP, not a QP. . . . . . Presolved: 3690 Rows, 8883 Columns, 31075 Nonzeros The example output shows that presolve was able to remove 2381 rows and 3347 columns, and it required 0.12 seconds. . . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input constraint. . Note that the variable isnt actually removed from the model until the next call to GRBModel.optimize or GRBModel.update on that model. . The most common symptom of a missing update is a NOT_IN_MODEL exception, which indicates that the object you are trying to reference isnt in the model yet. vars2: Second variables for new quadratic terms. . . . . It can be set using a standard assignment statement (e.g., constr.rhs = 0). . . . . . Return value: Result expression. . . . . . . . . . It can be used to read start vectors for MIP models, basis files for LP models, or parameter settings. . Servers can be identified by name or by IP address. . . . . . . . Can be null, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous. . . . . An environment acts as the container for all data associated with a set of optimization runs. . 380 Model.addSOS() . . element: The index of the array element to be changed. . . . . . . . . . . baritercount: Number of barrier iterations performed. newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . qconstrs: A one-dimensional array of quadratic constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . SALBUp Type: double Modifiable: No Lower bound sensitivity information: largest lower bound value at which the current optimal basis would remain optimal. 464 KappaExact . . . . . . When you specify a heuristic solution from a callback, variables initially take undefined val- ues. GRBXaddconstrs int GRBXaddconstrs ( GRBmodel *model, int numconstrs, size_t numnz, size_t *cbeg, int *cind, double *cval, char *sense, double *rhs, const char **constrnames ) The size_t version of GRBaddconstrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . string[] Get ( GRB.StringAttr attr, GRBConstr[] constrs ) Query a string-valued constraint attribute for an array of constraints. . . . . string* get ( GRB_StringAttr attr, const GRBVar* vars, int count ) Query a string-valued variable attribute for an array of variables. Video recording available soon. . . To query the constant and linear terms associated with a quadratic expression, first obtain the linear portion of the quadratic expression using getLinExpr, and then use the getConstant, getCoeff, or getVar on the resulting GRBLinExpr object. . . Arguments: var: The variable whose term should be removed. It controls how much fill is tolerated in the constraint matrix from a single variable aggregation. . . The user should also be careful to never modify the data pointed to by the returned character pointer. . . . . start: The index of the first variable of interest in the list. . Example usage: int change[] = {0, 1, 3}; double start[] = {1.0, 3.0, 2.0}; error = GRBsetdblattrlist(model, "Start", 3, change, start); GRBgetcharattrelement int GRBgetcharattrelement ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, char *valueP ) Query a single value from a character-valued array attribute. . . . . . . . . . Note that the result array must be as long as the requested sub-array. . The different Gurobi language interfaces share many common features. The y values for the points that define the piecewise-linear function are stored in model.pwlobj.y. . . . . . . . . . . . . Can be null, in which case the variables get lower bounds of 0.0. ub: Upper bounds for new variables. Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . . The GRBdelq routine allows you to delete all quadratic terms from the model. . . GRBCallback.GetNodeRel() Retrieve values from the node relaxation solution at the current node. . The solution is stored in a set of attributes of the model, which can be subsequently queried (we will return to this topic shortly). . . . . Example usage: int first_four[] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; error = GRBdelsos(model, 4, first_four); GRBdelvars int GRBdelvars ( GRBmodel *model, int numdel, int *ind ) Delete a list of variables from an existing model. . . . to get version information, or: gurobi_cl --license to get the location of the current Gurobi license file. . . 409 LinExpr.add() . . . . . . . . This is followed by one of more quadratic terms. . . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. The Work section of the log provides information on how much work has been performed to that point. . . . . For example, if you want three concurrent environments, they must be numbered 0, 1, and 2. . . . Additional parameters The ScaleFlag parameter can be used to modify the scaling performed on the model. . . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . . . 101 GRBgetcallbackfunc . . 20.1 Setting Up and Administering Gurobi Remote Services Setting up Gurobi Remote Services is generally quite straightforward. void addLazy ( const GRBLinExpr& lhsExpr, char sense, double rhsVal ) Arguments: lhsExpr: Left-hand side expression for new lazy constraint. 264, 265 . If the objective is quadratic, the model is a Quadratic Program (QP). GRBEnv GRBEnv ( ) Create a Gurobi environment (with logging disabled). . . . cbeg: Constraint matrix non-zero values are passed into this routine in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format by this routine. . . . Each new constraint has an associated cbeg value, indicating the start position of the non-zeros for that constraint in the cind and cval arrays. . . . 478 ConstrResidual . For example, model$A refers to component A of list variable model. . Linear expressions are used to build con- straints. . . Return value: A linear expression that is equal to the sum of the two argument variables. . . . . . . The file type is encoded in the file name suffix. . . If you are writing a Java program that makes use of multiple Gurobi models or environments, we recommend that you call GRBModel.dispose when you are done using the associated GRBModel object, and GRBEnv.dispose when you are done using the associated GRBEnv object and after you have called GRBModel.dispose on all of the models created using that GRBEnv object. 279, 280 . . . GRBModel.remove() Remove a variable, constraint, or SOS from a model. . . . . 9.6 Quality Attributes These are solution quality attributes. . . You can also obtain information about the 385, 386 . . . . . . Models are dynamic entities; you can always add or delete variables or constraints. . . . . . 386, 387 . . . . . One entry for each variable in argument constr. . . . . . . . . . qval: Numerical values associated with quadratic terms. 334 GRBQConstr.Set() . . . . . . . . . . . GBytes) exceeds the specified parameter value, nodes are compressed and written to disk. modelsense (optional): The optimization sense. GUROBI OPTIMIZER REFERENCE MANUAL c 2020, Gurobi Optimization, LLC Version 9.0, Copyright Contents 1 . . . 21.1 Configuring a Distributed Worker Pool Before your program can perform a distributed optimization task, youll need to identify a set of machines to use as your distributed workers. . . Gurobi Optimization WELCOME You have successfully installed version 9.5.1 of the Gurobi Optimizer. . . 526 SubMIPCuts . value (optional): The location in which the current value of the specified parameter should be placed. . Example usage: char defaultval[GRB_MAX_STRLEN]; char currentval[GRB_MAX_STRLEN]; error = GRBgetstrparaminfo(GRBgetenv(model), "LogFile", currentval, defaultval); 99, 100 . names: Names for new constraints. . . . filter (optional): Filter for values to print name of constr/var must match filter to be printed. . . . . Example usage: 379, 380 . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . This argument can be NULL, in which case the right-hand-side values are set to 0.0. constrnames: Names for the new constraints. . If the solution violates any lazy constraints, the solution is discarded and one or more of the violated lazy constraints are pulled into the active model. . cval: Numerical values for non-zero values in the linear expression. . . . . The other attributes that can be queried are: ObjVal, Ob- jBound, IterCount, NodeCount, and BarIterCount. . . . . . . 311 GRBModel.GetQConstr() . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . double feasRelax ( int relaxobjtype, boolean minrelax, boolean vrelax, boolean crelax ) Simplified method for creating a feasibility relaxation model. . . Controlling Concurrent Optimization If you wish to use the concurrent optimizer to solve your model, the steps you need to take depend on the model type. . 440 gurobi_iis() . . . . . 567 16.3 Gurobi Remote Services and Compute Server Administration . . . . . Can be a Var or a LinExpr. . . . This routine requires that the non-zeros for constraint i immediately follow those for constraint i-1 in cind and cval. . . Arguments: expr: New model objective. 473, 474 . Example usage: error = GRBsetstrattrelement(model, "ConstrName", 0, "NewConstr"); GRBgetstrattrarray int GRBgetstrattrarray ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int start, int len, char **values ) Query the values of a string-valued array attribute.

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