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The Eastern Roman Empire, today commonly known as the Byzantine Empire, ruling from the Balkans to the Euphrates, became increasingly defined by and dogmatic about Christianity, gradually creating religious rifts between the doctrines dictated by the establishment in Constantinople and believers in many parts of the Middle East. [66] The Council of Europe raised their concerns over the attacks on civilians and the blockade of Cizre. They conquered Persia, Iraq (capturing Baghdad in 1055), Syria, Palestine, and the Hejaz. Although the mawali would experience discrimination from the Umayyad, they would gain widespread acceptance from the Abbasids and it was because of this that allowed for mass conversions in foreign areas. [51] Twenty-two people were killed and more than 8,000 were injured, many critically. This article lists political parties in Bulgaria. [36] Turkey refused to deliver any at the time. [1] Mesopotamia was home to several powerful empires that came to rule almost the entire Middle Eastparticularly the Assyrian Empires of 13651076 BC and the Neo-Assyrian Empire of 911609BC. [citation needed], On August 16, 1960, Cyprus gained its independence from the United Kingdom. This page was last edited on 22 October 2022, at 21:45. 424/70, No. The Republic of Turkey was created after the overthrow of Sultan Mehmet VI Vahdettin by the new Republican Parliament in 1922. They also rearranged the balance of power in the Muslim world as Egypt once again emerged as a major power. Amnesty International: Turkey Briefing, London, November 1988, AI Index Eur/44/65/88, Ali arkolu, "Economic evaluations vs. ideology: Diagnosing the sources of electoral change in Turkey, 20022011. [106], Most of the Kurdish people living in Turkey are Sunni Muslims, though Alevism comprises a sizeable minority. [10] The words "Kurds" or "Kurdistan" were banned in any language by the Turkish government, though "Kurdish" was allowed in census reports. Political parties with the same number of deputy members are listed alphabetically. [11] It was founded by Nezihe Muhiddin and several other women but was stopped from its activities, since during the time women were not yet legally allowed to engage in politics. Their ideology was nationalist in character, and was a precursor of the movement that would seize control of Turkey following World War I. [92], Most Kurds live in Turkey, where their numbers are estimated at 14,000,000 people by the CIA world factbook (18% of population). Formerly, some of the Janbegli, Rashvan and Milan tribes were of Alevi origin and followed Alevism. During this same time period, Sargon the Great appointed his daughter, Enheduanna, as High Priestess of Inanna at Ur. Britain was granted a Mandate for Palestine on 25 April 1920 at the San Remo Conference, and, on 24 July 1922, this mandate was approved by the League of Nations. The Ottoman Sultanate will be known as the Ottoman Empire; Removing the Kemalists from power and restoring the authority of the Sultan was but only the early steps to our master plan. [111][112] They number between 50,000 and 100,000 people. The Assyrian Empire, at its peak, was the largest the world had seen. [98] The population growth rate of Kurds in the 1970s was given as 3.27%. (19611987) eventually merged with the, banned in 1991; ban found contrary to Article 11 (freedom of association) of the, ban found contrary to Article 11 (freedom of association) of the, banned on 22 June 2001; (1998-2001) ECHR case withdrawn by applicant 2005, banned on 16 June 1994; found contrary to Article 11 (freedom of association) of the, banned on 13 March 2003; found contrary to Article 11 (freedom of association) of the, banned on 11 December 2009; ECHR case ongoing (2005-2009), This page was last edited on 11 October 2022, at 10:36. This empire dominated sizable parts of what is now the Asian part of the Middle East and continued to influence the rest of the Asiatic and African Middle East region, until the Arab Muslim conquest of Persia in the mid-7thcentury AD. The Bourbon Restoration was the period of French history during which the House of Bourbon returned to power after the first fall of Napoleon on 3 May 1814. [68], On 16 April 2017, the Turkey constitutional referendum was voted in, although narrowly and divided. The doctrine originated with the primary goal of containing Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War.It was announced to Congress by President Harry S. Truman on March 12, 1947, and further developed on July 4, 1948, when he Originally, new parties were only required to have 1,000 members. Nationalist magazines Bozrukat and Chinar Altu called for the declaration of war against the Soviet Union. For the next five years, the Empire was a one-party state ruled by the CUP under the leadership of Enver Pasha (who returned to Constantinople after having served Turkey abroad in various military and diplomatic capacities since the initial coup), Minister of the Interior Talat Pasha, and Minister of the Navy Cemal Pasha. From the early 7th century BC and onward, the Iranian Medes followed by the Achaemenid Empire and other subsequent Iranian states and empires dominated the region. Mecca and Medina (then called Yathrib) were two such cities that were important hubs for trade between Africa and Eurasia. The ensuing Balkan Wars eliminated what little presence the Ottomans had left in Europe, and only infighting between the Balkan League allies prevented them from advancing into Anatolia. These are some of the parties that were banned through extraordinary courts or the Constitutional Court of Turkey. The Ecumenical Patriarch was recognized as the highest religious and political leader (millet-bashi, or ethnarch) of all Eastern Orthodox subjects of the Sultan, though in certain periods some major powers, such as Russia (under the 1774 Treaty of Kk Kaynarca), or Britain claimed the rights of protection over the Ottoman Empire's Orthodox subjects. The Turkish Armenians want this That is, a Christian administration is demanded in Turkish Armenia, as in Lebanon.[45]. The Armistice of Mudros formalizing Ottoman surrender was signed aboard HMS Agamemnon on October 30, 1918. In 2002, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld developed a plan to invade Iraq, remove Saddam from power, and turn Iraq into a democratic state with a free-market economy, which they hoped would serve as a model for the rest of the Middle East. The Phoenician civilization, encompassing several city states, was a maritime trading culture that established colonial cities in the Mediterranean Basin, most notably Carthage, in 814 BC. ", sfn error: no target: CITEREF1976 (, A. C. Edwards, "The Impact of the War on Turkey,". To his dismay, nationalist groups swept the polls, prompting him to again dissolve parliament in April 1920. [83], Between 1982 and 1991, the performance or recording of songs in the Kurdish language on television and radio was banned in Turkey, affecting singers such as ivan Perwer, Mahsun Krmzgl and brahim Tatlses. Owing largely to poor leadership, archaic political norms, and an inability to keep pace with technological progress in Europe, the Ottoman Empire could not respond effectively to Europe's resurgence and gradually lost its position as a pre-eminent great power. By Hiwa Nezhadian", Ethnologue census of languages in Asian portion of Turkey, "Krtlerin nfusu 11 milyonda stanbul"da 2 milyon Krt yayor - Dizi Haberleri", "Krt Meselesini Yeniden Dnmek", "Bevlkerung: Die Kurden und das Geburtenproblem in der Trkei", "Bevlkerungsentwicklung: Schafft auch die Trkei sich ab? [21] In the summer of 1942, Turkish high command considered war with the Soviet Union almost unavoidable. Historically human populations have tended to settle around bodies of water, which is reflected in modern population density patterns. It ended in December 2009, following an attack on Turkish soldiers by the Kurdistan Workers' Party on the 7 December and the ban of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) on the 11 December 2009. Clashes in western Iraq on 30 December 2013 were preliminary to the Sunni pan-Islamist ISIL uprising. The earliest civilizations in history were established in the region now known as the Middle East around 3500 BC by the Sumerians, in southern Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), widely regarded as the cradle of civilization. After the 1960 coup, the State Planning Organization (Turkish: Devlet Planlama Tekilat, DPT) was established under the Prime Ministry to solve the problem of Kurdish separatism and underdevelopment. [15] During the development of the war, the empire's position continued to deteriorate, and even in the Middle East the very heartland of the Islamic world would soon be lost. [16] It sold chromean important war materialto both sides. The excerpt, "After having gone through a pretense of kissing his hand, we were conducted backward the wall opposite his seat, care being taken that we should never turn our backs on him," clearly depicts a absolute monarch because of the [99] According to two studies (2006 and 2008) study by KONDA, people who self-identify as Kurdish or Zaza and/or speaks Kurmanji or Zazaki as a mother tongue correspond to 13.4% of the population. [37] By this time the Ottomans also held Greece, the Balkans, and most of Hungary, setting the new frontier between east and west far to the north of the Danube. [23], The Chaldean community was recognized as its own millet in 1844. with coalition governments - see Economic history of Turkey. [12] Many people who spoke, published, or sang in Kurdish were arrested and imprisoned. These developments eventually led to increased U.S. involvement in the region. as "an independent Kurdish state". In 1927 MollovKafantaris population exchange agreement was signed and the bulk of the Slavic-speaking population in Greece left for Bulgaria. During the course of such operations, security forces frequently abused and humiliated villagers, stole their property and cash, and ill-treated or tortured them before herding them onto the roads and away from their former homes. With the Tanzimat era the regulation called "Regulation of the Armenian Nation" (Turkish: "Nizmnmei Milleti Ermeniyn") was introduced on 29 March 1863, over the Millet organization, which granted extensive privileges and autonomy concerning selfgovernance. Astronomy was stressed in art. Mustafa Kemal had been a vocal critic of the Ottoman House and its Islamic orientation. The British cited the 1936 treaty that allowed it to station troops on Egyptian soil to protect the Suez Canal. The history of modern Turkey begins with the foundation of the republic on 29 October 1923, with Atatrk as its first president. [3], If the ID and serial number of a person's Turkish identity card is known anyone can query their political party membership via the website of the General Prosecution Office of the Supreme Court of Appeal or mobile phone messages. The Arabian Tectonic Plate was part of the African Plate during much of the Phanerozoic Eon (PaleozoicCenozoic), until the Oligocene Epoch of the Cenozoic Era. "The rise and fall of liberal democracy in Turkey: Implications for the West", This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 15:05. With increased pressure on Turkey from the industrializing European Great Powers, the Imperial Party stood to preserve the traditional position of the sultan as an absolute monarch and the societal status quo in the empire in general. In 1401, the region was further plagued by the Turko-Mongol, Timur, and his ferocious raids. Persian literature grew based on ethical values. [7][8] Arabic is not commonly spoken in Turkey, Iran, and Israel, and some varieties of Arabic lack mutual intelligibility, thus qualifying as distinct languages by this linguistic criterion. Minor parties are defined as political parties that have fulfilled the requirements of the Supreme Election Council[citation needed] (Yksek Seim Kurulu in Turkish, abbreviated as YSK) and whose names have been listed on ballots. Inflation was high as prices doubled. Atatrk's successor after his death on 10 November 1938 was smet nn. Furthermore, the Catholics of the Ottoman world received a protector at the Porte in the person of the French ambassador. [3], The Armistice of Mudros was signed which granted the Allies, in a broad and vaguely worded clause, the right to further occupy Anatolia "in case of disorder". This history started from the earliest human settlements, continuing through several major pre- and post-Islamic Empires through to the nation-states of the Middle East today. All of this led to the fragmentation of the empire in 1260. In 1985 the government established village guards (local paramilitary militias) to oppose Kurdish groups. Though the Sultan was retained, he made no effort to exercise power independent of the Young Turks and was effectively their puppet. [69], On 24 June 2018, Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the presidential election in Turkey again. [22] There are reports of civilians being killed in several Kurdish populated towns and villages. [79][pageneeded], According to a 2020 poll conducted by Kadir Has University 17.3% of the surveyed people who identify as Kurdish answered the question "Which form of polity do Kurdish people want?" [6][7] Turkey was established based on the ideology found in the country's pre-Ottoman history[8] and was also steered towards a secular political system to diminish the influence of religious groups such as the Ulema.[9]. [15][verification needed] A wide array of other groups such as Catholics, Karaites and Samaritans was also represented. View 3.docx from POLS INTERNATIO at skdar University - Altunizade Campus. According to official data from the Central Election Commission, there were a total of 124 political parties listed in the party registry for the year 2014. The Middle East, it turned out, possessed the world's largest easily untapped reserves of crude oil, the most important commodity in the 20th century. Interaction between the political parties keeps the balance between state and religion largely as it existed during the British Mandate. Albania has a multi-party system with two major political parties and few smaller ones that are electorally successful. In 2006 a new conflict erupted between Israel and Hezbollah Shi'a militia in southern Lebanon, further setting back any "prospects for peace". List of parties in Ottoman Empire gives an overview of political parties in Ottoman Empire.. The goal was to win territory in the East to compensate for the loses in the West in previous years during the Italo-Turkish War and the Balkan Wars. ", Cleveland, William L. and Martin Bunton. The Young Turks seized power in the 1908 Young Turk Revolution and established the Second Constitutional Era, leading to a pluralist and multiparty elections in the Empire for the first time in 1908. These millets, refusing to withdraw there autonomy slowed down the attempted reforms and the general impact they were attempting to make on the equality of religious communities.[40]. The British found an ally in Sharif Hussein, the hereditary ruler of Mecca (and believed by Muslims to be a descendant of Muhammad), who led an Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule, after being promised independence. They gave Turkey a line of credit to purchase war materials from the West and a loan to facilitate the purchase of commodities. Allied troops arrived in Constantinople and occupied the Sultan's palace shortly thereafter.International Law Studies. [35] After the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, which ended the caliphates and sultanate in Turkey, there have been several Kurdish rebellions since the 1920s: Kokiri Rebellion,[36] Beyitssebab rebellion, Sheikh Said Rebellion,[37] Dersim Rebellion,[38] Ararat rebellion. [45][46][47] Shortly thereafter, the Welfare Party (RP) was banned and reborn as the Virtue Party (FP). Other parties eligible to contest in elections (by january 2022)[39][40]. This plan sought to create an Arab state and a separate Jewish state in the narrow space between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. In July 1942, Bozrukat published a map of Greater Turkey, which included Soviet controlled Caucasus and central Asian republics. Initially the ancient inhabitants of the region followed various ethnic religions, but most of those began to be gradually replaced at first by Christianity (even before the 313 AD Edict of Milan) and finally by Islam (after the spread of the Muslim conquests beyond the Arabian Peninsula in 634 AD). They forced the sultan to reintroduce the constitutional rule in 1908. This was cited as a barrier for new parties before parliamentary elections which took place at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012. [8] The Ottoman state used religion rather than ethnicity to define each millet, and people who study the Ottoman Empire do not define the Muslims as being in a millet. ", "After Being Banned for Almost a Century, Turkey's Kurds Are Clamoring to Learn Their Own Language", "the Dersim rebellion, the last Kurdish rebellion", "Genocide in Kurdistan? Mark Sykes, "The Kurdish Tribes of the Ottoman Empire", Yurdatapan, anar. In 1899, the Ottomans would comply with a request from the United States government and leverage their religious authority as caliphs to order that Tausug Sultanate of Sulu (located in the Philippines) stop resisting and submit to U.S. sovereignty; the Tausug people would heed Sultan Abdul-Hamid II's order, and surrender.[13][14]. In 1979, Egypt under Nasser's successor, Anwar Sadat, concluded a peace treaty with Israel, ending the prospects of a united Arab military front. 'office of the caliphate') was the claim of the heads of the Turkish Ottoman dynasty to be the caliphs of Islam in the late medieval and the early modern era.During the period of Ottoman expansion, Ottoman rulers claimed caliphal authority after the conquest of Mamluk Egypt by Also, the state of Israel reserves the right to determine to which community a person belongs, and officially register him or her accordingly even when the person concerned objects to being part of a religious community (e.g., staunch atheists of Jewish origin are registered as members of the Jewish religious community, a practice derived ultimately from the fact that the Ottoman Millet ultimately designated a person's ethnicity more than a person's beliefs). In Palestine, conflicting forces of Arab nationalism and Zionism created a situation the British could neither resolve nor extricate themselves from. Second place went to the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Despite successful elections (although boycotted by large portions of Iraq's Sunni population) held in January 2005, much of Iraq had all but disintegrated, due to a post-war insurgency which morphed into persistent ethnic violence that the American army was initially unable to quell. From the 7th century, a new power was rising in the Middle East, that of Islam. [105] Women in Kurdish dominated provinces of eastern Turkey also have an illiteracy rate about three times higher than men, which correlates with higher birth rates. Muslims regard Islam as a return to the original faith of the Abrahamic prophets, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus, with [6] An article on the Daily News Egypt website states that religious parties have gone around the ban by not explicitly advocating a state based on Islam in their political programs. Domination soon turned to outright conquest: the French annexed Algeria in 1830 and Tunisia in 1878 and the British occupied Egypt in 1882, though it remained under nominal Ottoman sovereignty. Thus the clash between the kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar in 525 displayed a higher power struggle between Byzantium and Persia for control of the Red Sea trade. [27] According to Mark Sykes, the earliest population transfer (or exile) of Kurds to Central Anatolia was carried out during the reign of Selim I (151220). The Lakhmid capital, Hira was a center for Christianity and Jewish craftsmen, merchants, and farmers were common in western Arabia as were Christian monks in central Arabia. These dangers include earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. The authors of the 1906 revolution in Persia all sought to import versions of the western model of constitutional government, civil law, secular education, and industrial development into their countries. Since travel was faster and easier by sea, civilizations along the Mediterranean, such as Phoenicia and later Greece, participated in intense trade. He remained as the president of the country until 1950. The worldwide change of governance in Eastern Europe, Latin America, East Asia, and parts of Africa following the dissolution of the Soviet Union did not occur in the Middle East. In Egypt for instance, the application of family law including marriage, divorce, alimony, child custody, inheritance and burial is based on an individual's religious beliefs. [67] In 2008 and also in the indictment in the Peoples' Democratic Party closure case the demand for education in Kurdish language or the teaching of the Kurdish language was equated of supporting terrorist activities by the PKK. [118] It is said that the new generation of Kurdish people in some settlements no longer speak Kurdish. Geographically, the Middle East can be thought of as Western Asia with the addition of Egypt (which is the non-Maghreb region of Northern Africa) and with the exclusion of the Caucasus. Some of the village guards are fiercely loyal to the Turkish state, leading to infighting among Kurdish militants. Defunct parties include Democracy Party (DEP; 199394), Democratic People's Party (19972005), Democratic Society Party (DTP; 200509), Freedom and Democracy Party (ZDEP; 199293), Kurdistan Islamic Movement (19932004), Peace and Democracy Party (200814), People's Democracy Party (HADEP; 19942003), People's Labor Party (HEP; 199093), Workers Vanguard Party of Kurdistan (197592). The Byzantine-Sasanian rivalry was also seen through their respective cultures and religions. The Crusades were unsuccessful but were far more effective in weakening the already tottering Byzantine Empire. The British Empire also established effective control of the Persian Gulf, and the French colonial empire extended its influence into Lebanon and Syria. Another turning point came when oil was discovered, first in Persia (1908) and later in Saudi Arabia (1938) as well as the other Persian Gulf states, Libya, and Algeria. The most prominent of the city-states was Sumer, which gave its language to the area, [presumably the first written language,] and became the first great civilization of mankind. In 1961, the DPT prepared a report titled "The principles of the state's development plan for the east and southeast" (Turkish: Devletin Dou ve Gneydouda uygulayaca kalknma programnn esaslar), shortened to "Eastern Report". At its greatest extent, the Arab Empire was the first empire to control the entire Middle East, as well three-quarters of the Mediterranean region, the only other empire besides the Roman Empire to control most of the Mediterranean Sea. The Seljuks ruled most of the Middle East region for the next 200 years, but their empire soon broke up into a number of smaller sultanates. , 2, , TRUD Publishers, 2004, Don Peretz, The Middle East Today, 6th Edition (1994). [1], Islamic domain under the Ottoman dynasty (15171924), This article is about the office of the Caliph. [citation needed] The Gulf War led to a permanent U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf, particularly in Saudi Arabia, which offended many Muslims, and was a reason often cited by Osama bin Laden as justification for the September 11 attacks. In the early 2010s, a revolutionary wave popularly known as the Arab Spring brought major protests, uprisings, and revolutions to several Middle Eastern countries, followed by prolonged civil wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. Approximately two-thirds of 758,000866,000 of the Jews expelled or who fled from Arab lands after 1948 were absorbed and naturalized by the State of Israel. [61][62] 2015 Ankara bombings was the deadliest terror attack in modern Turkish history. The outcome of this election, which brought the Turkish and Kurdish ethnic/nationalist parties (MHP and DTP) into the parliament, affected Turkey's bid for the European Union membership.[49]. [4], Johann Strauss, author of "A Constitution for a Multilingual Empire: Translations of the Kanun- Esasi and Other Official Texts into Minority Languages", wrote that the term "seems to be so essential for the understanding of the Ottoman [60], On 6 and 7 October 2014, riots erupted in various cities in Turkey for protesting the Siege of Kobani. Mustafa Kemal Pasha offered the caliphate to Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi, on the condition that he reside outside Turkey; Senussi declined the offer and confirmed his support for Abdulmejid II. After first being denied a license by the political parties commission,[4] the Supreme Administrative Court allowed Gamaa Islamiya to form the Building and Development Party. Parts of the Ottoman Empire on the Arabian Peninsula were eventually taken over by Saudi Arabia and Yemen. [130] Turkey refused to release him. [2] However, in practice, religious parties have been allowed. In the early 13th century, a new wave of invaders, the armies of the Mongol Empire, mainly Turkic, swept through the region. [52], "Evacuations were unlawful and violent. The Armenian Nation, "Milleti Ermeniyn", which is considered here, is the Armenian Orthodox Gregorian nation (millet) of that time. The Young Turk government resigned en masse and Enver, Talat, and Cemal fled Turkey aboard a German warship. Papal response to the loss of these communities was initially a call to the crusade, but the response from the European Catholic monarchs was weak: French interest, moreover, lay in an alliance with the Turks against the Habsburgs. Abdul-Hamid strengthened the Empire's position somewhat, and succeeded briefly in reasserting Islamic power, by building numerous schools, reducing the national debt, and embarking on projects aimed at revitalizing the Empire's decaying infrastructure. [7] In contrast, Michael Ursinus writes that the word was used to refer to non-Muslim subjects of the Ottoman Empire even before that time. Egypt held out under the Fatimid caliphs until 1169, when it too fell to the Turks. [47] On 2 February 1925, the Greek parliament, claiming pressure from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which threatened to renounce the treaty about the GreekSerbian Alliance of 1913, refused to ratify the agreement, that lasted until 10 June 1925. In Anatolia, they were stopped in the Siege of Constantinople (717718) by the Byzantines, who were helped by the Bulgarians. The ArabIsraeli conflict in Palestine culminated in the 1947 United Nations plan to partition Palestine. By the end of the war, the Ottomans had lost virtually their entire Empire. General information on other political parties registered in the Ministry of Interior: The following parties are inactive, and they are not listed in the active political parties list by the Supreme Court of Appeal.[41]. [117], Two or the four primary dialects of Kurdish are used by the Central Anatolian Kurds. Syria was occupied in 1516 and Egypt in 1517, extinguishing the Mameluk line. Tanzimat reforms aimed to encourage Ottomanism among the secessionist subject nations and stop the rise of nationalist movements within the Ottoman Empire, but failed to succeed despite trying to integrate non-Muslims and non-Turks more thoroughly into the Ottoman society with new laws and regulations. The United States and its allies described this operation as part of a global "War on Terror". Red Sea rifting began in the Eocene, but the separation of Africa and Arabia occurred in the Oligocene, and since then the Arabian Plate has been slowly moving toward the Eurasian Plate. 'office of the caliphate') was the claim of the heads of the Turkish Ottoman dynasty to be the caliphs of Islam in the late medieval and the early modern era. Palestine became the "British Mandate of Palestine" and was placed under direct British administration. In the Ottoman Empire, the Tanzimat reforms re-invigorated Ottoman rule and were furthered by the Young Ottomans in the late 19th century, leading to the First Constitutional Era in the Empire that included the writing of the 1876 constitution and the establishment of the Ottoman Parliament. [20] nn signed a non-aggression treaty with Nazi Germany on 18 June 1941, 4 days before the Axis powers invaded the Soviet Union. Based on higher birth rates among Kurdish people, and using 2000 Census results, KONDA suggested that this figure rises to 15.7% when children are included, at the end of 2007. Before the turn of the 19th century, the millets had a great deal of power they set their own laws and collected and distributed their own taxes. Early 20th centuries, Middle Eastern oil and the bulk of the failed coup half of Empire!, Y-chromosomes F-M89 * and IJ-M429 * were reported to have been observed the. Iranian history, as in Lebanon. [ 70 ] and often defy simple classification in terms of French The perception of the book '' or `` district '' ) that is perceived to be the closest the! Musicas well as classical and folk music carried out the invasion of SyriaLebanon the [ 27 ] in some Kurdish dominated provinces women give birth to children. 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