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2007 118,532 2012 1,442,180 2010 550 2003 506,103 2010 65,000 American Values, with your help will fight this radical agenda state-by-state and here in Washington., 2001 34,250 2006 152,080 2009 30,000 2008 10,300 One of the listed members of the Luis Palau Associations Next Generation Alliance (see: ) has been Ugandan Evangelist Julius Peter Oyet, who is in turn a member of of the Uganda branch of Silvosos International Transformation Network. Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. It's a 2007 4,299,990 relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! At a Spring 2010 Kampala, Uganda rally, Oyet told his audience, It is not Uganda putting a death penalty on homosexuals, it is God and his word! Now, listen to me the sodomy people, the homosexuals, are even more foolish than dogs. 13. MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Wilburn219-384-8177[emailprotected], Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 The World Congress of Families has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT Hate group. 2010 300 2011 4,045,406 2009 9,500 Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Joining Oyet was Joshua Lwere, future head of Ugandas National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, whose membership represented a key block of political support for the Museveni regime. Other co-founders included evangelist D. James Kennedy, James Dobson, and the less well known financial adviser Larry Burkett, one of three co-founders of the now-mammoth National Christian Foundation. The Christian Legal Society also filed an amicus brief (see: in the The Bronx Household of Faith v. Board of Education of the City of New York court case which concerns the right of religious entities to rent worship space in public schools. States prominent Christian Reconstructionist David Chilton, The Christian goal for the world, is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics.. Many believed it helped defuse the radical leftist movement on that campus. 2012 14,200, Dominionist Vision America pastor Rick Scarborough has called upon Christians to get involved in politics and take back America for Christ (see:, In an early 2013 sermon, Scarborough declared, Twenty years ago, who called a sodomite gay? 2010 1,000 2007 1,108,780 Transform-World promotes doctrines from the theocratic Coalition on Revival. 2011 3,404,496 At the ceremony, Mitala told Ssempa, You are not fighting alone. 2012 313,651 2013 1,559,879, Family Research Institute (EIN 46-0649778). 2001 200,000 2008 400 One of the Assemblies of God official websites features ( ) a video presentation, given at the 1996 Teen Challenge National Conference, in which late pastor Herb Meppelink describes the nuances of demon-deliverance, otherwise known as exorcism. Bethel Church 29), Ed Silvoso has been credited with convening the 1999 Singapore meeting that led to the formation of one of the NARs most important apostolic networks, the International Coalition of Apostles. 2001 2,345,482 2006 37,838 The Truro Anglican Church surfaced briefly in media coverage of Ugandan MP David Bahatis sponsorship of Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill, in December 2010 when Bahati traveled to the United States, and was hosted by a Truro Church member, former Director in the Office of Non-Public Education at U.S. Department of Education Jack Klenk. Food For The Hungry 2002 1,647 While some organizations on the Christian right have over the past several years moderated their anti-gay rhetoric, the AFAs anti-gay speech has become, if anything, even more extreme. confronting those internal causes that are rooted in patterns of belief and behavior 2008 867,138 2011 0 2010 1,529,263 2003 5,000 2002 100 2009 1,371, Youthbuilders (formerly National Institute of Youth Ministry. 2006 58,200 [3] Swanson had traveled there to preach the gospel to the US Army troops, but during his visit he was deeply moved by the plight of the scores of abandoned children he saw. 2013 5,000, Rutherford Institute lawyers successfully argued, before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the (NCF-funded) Good News Club ministry which specifically targets young children in its evangelism efforts and promotes religious supremacist and eliminationist ideology the Good News Club v. Milford Central School (2001) Supreme Court case. 2013 0. 2008 1,999,900 Box 22429, Robinsdale, MN 55422-0429 (, To give special status or rights to those choosing the personally and socially destructive homosexual lifestyle is to approve and endorse that behavior, and inevitably to spread it. Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 2013 208,554, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (EIN 541829289). Click here to create an account if you live outside of the USA. You had better be. 2003 1,000 Our ministry to children is twofold: We work through local churches to provide child development programs to deliver children from economic, physical, social and spiritual poverty, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. Also attending were Dr. Judith Reisman, who promotes and endorses Scott Livelys book The Pink Swastika, Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute, and Peter LaBarbera, now head of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, who in 2014 formed a new anti-gay group with Lively (see: 2013 2,410,707. 2006 5,021 2008 2006 15,000 Orombi also served as head of the Uganda Christian University (see Truro Church entry), another vector for the U.S.-funded export of anti-LGBTI religious ideology to Uganda. 2013 1,950, Mercy Ministries of America (EIN 72-0973419). 2005 0 2010 88,550 2004 0 Friends of the Bridegroom The Family Foundation of Kentucky 2009 1,667,448 2004 40,000 When you sponsored me, I was just another malnourished kid with brown hair, a big stomach and weak bones. For example, in 2003 E&PCC published a March 31 op-ed (The Just War Case for The War) by the noted Catholic theologian George Weigel which argued that classic Christian just war theology supported a US attack on Iraq. Christian Union also promotes the religious rights typical slate of positions opposition to legal abortion and stem cell research and support of sexual abstinence and Intelligent Design. 2006 500,000 Pepperdine University has established close ties to the Ugandan justice system (see:, through its Global Justice Program. Founded in 1952 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Compassion International is a child-sponsoring charitable organization that was originally known as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. AIM is among a class of Anglo-American pseudo-denominations (such as the Christian And Missionary Alliance and Serving in Mission), launched in the 19th Century, that are nominally non-denominational, heavily missions oriented, and aimed at evangelizing the worlds thousands of unreached people groups categorized by such mammoth evangelical global intelligence gathering projects as the Joshua Project, which makes its detailed ethnographic data on thousands of world people groups available to various missionary efforts and organizations. 2004 354,100 2004 582,900 2008 34,000 Healing Rooms Ministries If the dispute isnt resolved to Eschlimans satisfaction, he could sue in federal court to seek financial damages. 2007 0 The Becket Fund is also an organizational partner of the American Religious Freedom Program (ARFP), a sub-project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (see E&PPC entry). Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. By contrast, too often Christans broadcast all they do There are times we need to keep quiet. When the scandal of the American use of torture at Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison broke, Weigel unfurled a July 13, 2004 E&PCC op-ed (Abu Ghraib and Just War in Iraq) that argued the American public revulsion at the scandal underscored the underlying morality of the American people as well as the Just War credentials of the American invasion and occupation an enterprise which has led to the devastation of most of the previously affluent, modern, well-educated, and secular nation of Iraq. Do we think we can escape such persecution if we refuse to fight for what is right?, 2001 13,000 2009 0 Up into 2014, the ADF offered a book as a complementary gift to ADF donors, that was co-authored by ADF founder and president Alan Sears and which claimed that [homosexual] activists have followed a strategy akin to what Hitler used back in the 1920s and 1930s to take over Germany. In Asia, Compassion works in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In the same year, Christian Unions Doxa Conference series featured Ugandan evangelist John Mulinde, who helped organize a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Uganda a rally which featured both Lou Engle and top Ugandan leaders in the forefront of Ugandas anti-gay crusade and the push to pass Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. 2012 350,000 This web of deception, sin and wounding, created over time in an unsuspecting life, is called a stronghold. 2006 22,500 (Conservative Caucus Research) compassion international lgbt compassion international lgbt (No Ratings Yet) . To go to the entry for any given organization, clink on the links below. Bethany Christian Services Will Now Help LGBTQ Parents Adopt Children From this day, I knew I had a chance at life and death was arrested and my life began. 2003 0 The Iowa Family Policy Center is the educational arm of the Iowa Family Leader. As reported by the Des Moines Register in a July 23, 2104 story. But amidst the move of Exodus International away from its previous endorsement of reparative therapy, the Portland Fellowship was one of the ex-gay ministries which broke away from Exodus to form the hard-line Restored Hope Network of which Portland Fellowship head Jason Thompson was an original board member. 2003 2,500 Dobson, Eldridge told the group, and those of us at Focus on the Family in the public policy fight, see this issue as one of the key issues of our time. 2008 $47,440,500 (ORU missions $1,700) First of all thank you for your confidence. Compassion International Over the past decade, Louis Palaus son Kevin Palau has taken his fathers ministry in a bold new direction, through a partnership with the secular, liberal city of Portland Oregon in which each year thousands of volunteers from hundreds of area churches volunteer in a civic improvement campaign. 2009 7,500 And 50,000 of those children have been waiting for more than a year, a much higher number due to the pandemic. 2002 0 2012 408,808 2004 1,131,750 Community development is important work that addresses the external circumstances of poverty and is an important complement to our work. In response to these issues we draw attention to the following Biblical teaching and its 2002 65,000 2011 131,100 2009 10,000 Not pity, but Gods Law must govern our conduct toward those who have set themselves against Godeven if they are our own children.. 2009 550 2008 2,862,715 As reported in Kenyan media (see: ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. [5] In 2022, it would be present in 27 countries. In an October 2013 broadcast, Robertson likened transgender people to castrated horses (see: Acknowledge God as the Creator and Governor over His creation (Genesis 1:1) In 2010, Stewart attended the CEFs triennial National Convention, which featured as a keynote speaker Dr. A. Charles Ware president of Crossroads Bible College. The Conservative Caucus 2013 6,100, Council For National Policy (EIN 72-0921017). The emphasis on redistribution of wealth as the answer to poverty and deprivation 2012 0, Family Life EIN 95-6006173 2007 10,000 [T]he endgame of homosexual activists is not simply to upend duly enacted laws defining marriage. 2006 1,000 Vision America, Inc. 2010 32,100 I wanted to tell you, thank you so much for helping us rebuild our house when we lost it to flames. History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Social Movements Writing for Freedom Writer, journalist Mike Shaver described (see: the presentation of Focus on the Family leader John Eldredge who outlined a stealth strategy in which national-level organizations such as Focus on The Family would operate through state and local proxy groups: John Eldridge, the first speaker, brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dr. The First Academy (of Central Florida) The arbitrary new nations (e.g. Camerons discredited research has established many of the tropes used to demonize the LGBT community which are now being deployed in Africa and elsewhere beyond U.S. shores, including claims that homosexuals have vastly reduced life expectancy, and the [debunked] statistical association of same-sex orientation with pedophilia. As a June 30, 2015 AIC Kenya Facebook page post ( ) states, The US Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the United States. Create the impression that the anti-gay movement is a grass-roots movement Few Christian leaders, and vanishingly few politicians, are avowed Christian Reconstructionists. 2006 50,400 Wrote Gentry, the family must align itself with God and His Law, rather than with blood ties or emotional attachment, as is so often the case. I knew someone thought of me and prayed for me and that I was loved. 2004 20,000 Neither heterosexual sex outside of marriage nor any homosexual act constitute an alternative lifestyle acceptable to God., The statement also stipulates, I understand that if I am found being involved in a lifestyle that does not conform to the FCAs Sexual Purity Statement I will need to step down from my leadership position with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes., (see: Treat any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement as valid. (see: As USA Today reported in a an August 3, 2014 story, The broadest attack yet on states gay marriage bans will be Wednesday in a packed courtroom in downtown Cincinnati, where lawyers challenging four states prohibitions will stand shoulder to shoulder in hopes of convincing a three-judge panel that the bans are unconstitutional.. The Alliance Defending Freedom was launched in 1994 with a conference call co-hosted by Campus Crusade For Christ founder Bill Bright, who in turn was an inner-sanctum member of the Washington D.C. network known as The Fellowship (long headed by Douglas Coe.) [26] Compassion provided services under its Child Sponsor Program to 145,000 Indian children. 2002 12,978 2008 64,150 2011 22,750 Dr. Antonios worked the crowd into a frenzy, shouting that Africa will become a graveyard for homosexuality! multiple times. (see: 2003 85,750 2009 194,750 Hollywood serves up a steady diet of irresponsible sex and violence. 2003 50,000 2002 1,500 2001 5,000 2011 1,600 Longtime head of The Family Douglas Coe is one of the three agents of The International Foundation listed on its 2012 990 tax form as having received financial compensation from the nonprofit. New Hope has acquired, as a co-leader, Anne Paulk who was a co-star in the 1998 Love Won Out campaign that showcased ex-gay couples in full-page ads which ran in leading print media venues such as the New York Times. The ideological bent of Christian Union shines through in its semi-annual publication the Ivy League Christian Observer: In the Winter 2014 issue, we find a glowing cover of an October 2013 appearance of Heritage Foundation fellow and Princeton alumnus Ryan P. Anderson at a Princeton University event sponsored by the Anscombe Society. His Servants 2008 5,200 2012 6,500 2012 25,500. Methods: Participants ( N = 558; Mage = 22.4, SD = 5.4) were recruited for the study through online-based . 2009 89,200 In March 2009, Don Schmierer, a program director at Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute (sometimes referred to as Fieldstead and Company) who co-led the 1997 presentation with Schlossberg, spoke at a Kampala, Uganda conference credited with dramatically escalating anti-gay hatred in Uganda. 2007 1,400,000 2001 700 A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The more Gods judgments are poured out on earth, the more explicitly will they be able to give that instruction., Desert Stream Ministries (EIN 95-3889820). While the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God is not typically identified as an anti-LGBT hate organization, the officially AoG statement on homosexuality ( ), approved in 1979 (and not updated since then) cites Old Testament scripture, including scripture from the book of Romans, which mandates capital punishment for homosexuality. 2013 984,914, Marketplace Leaders Ministries (EIN 20-5399884). 2011 55,000 2007 11,116 2008 225,855 No. 2006 5,000 AIM was conceived from the efforts of Scottish missionary Peter Cameron Scott, and launched its missions and church-planting work with an 1895 expedition to Kenya, where AIM is particularly well established in Africa. 2011 104,600 When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. 2008 2,674,708 2006 37,500 The IFA website showcases numerous anti-gay articles re-titled by IFA was inflammatory headlines such as US embassy raises flag in support of homosexual deviants and Limbaugh Right, OReilly Wrong: Homosexuals Molest Kids. 2008 493,765 We are an army of salvation, they chorused. 2013 245,000, Head of Hope For The Heart is June Hunt, heiress to the Hunt oil fortune. 2011 58,000 2013 100, International House of Prayer (EIN 74-2938033), 2001 to 2003 0 2007 1,250 2008 4,248 Bickle has preached that Apostle Paul preached that In the last days the homosexual agenda will become so intense that, before the Lord returns, marriage will be outlawed in various parts of the earth and stated that the gay marriage agenda is rooted in the depths of Hell. 2004 15,500 He knew he had to do something. The sponsorship model was launched in 1953 and the organization officially became Compassion International in 1963. Former Dean of Pepperdine University and now-President and Chancellor of Baylor University Kenneth Starr serves on the Advocates International board (see: Nonetheless, major leaders associated with The Gathering such as the late Charles Colson led aggressive efforts to build co-belligerant working relationships between Protestant evangelical and Catholic groups. It is little surprise that Campus Crusade is a major recipient of NCF funding; two of the three initial founders of the National Christian Foundation had close ties to Campus Crusade one as a former CCC financial manager ( Larry Burkett ), the other as a member of CCCs board of directors ( Ron Blue ). Vision Forum Ministries practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person" (p. 1). First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. 2011 10,000 2004 10,200 Reconstructing the World: The Answer is Jesus, One of Michael Cromarties resume distinctives has been his participation in a little known but pivotal 1987 conference known as the Villars Consultation, which under the co-sponsorship of the international evangelical aid and development charity Food for the Hungry and Howard F. Ahmansons Fieldstead and Company brought representatives of leading Christian aid and relief groups (such as World Vision and Food For the Hungry) together with leaders from the Christian Reconstructionism movement and representatives from its main political front, the Coalition on Revival, whose COR members pledged their lives to to help the Church rebuild civilization on the principles of the Bible so Gods will may be done on earth as it is in heaven (see: Not even animals can avoid the fiery passion of mans sexual lust. (see: Eternal Perspective Ministries Other founding members of the Restored Hope Network include Ron Smith of New Hope Ministries, Andy Comiskey of Desert Stream Ministries (NCF-funded, see entry), David Kyle Foster of Mastering Life Ministries (NCF-funded, see entrry), Dr. Robert Gagnon of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (NCF-funded), Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries, and Jason Thompson of Portland Fellowship (NCF-funded, see entry), 2012 3,600 It's a 2012 230,615, Officers Christian Fellowship (EIN 38-1415401), ( see: ), 2001 3,000 2010 7,400 The ranks of Faith Angle Forum featured authorities informing Americas media elites at the conference are heavily populated with speakers who have been featured at The Gathering. Donald Wildmon, an original signatory to the theocratic Coalition on Revival. 2011 $28,496,200 (ORU Alumni Foundation $250,000), 2012 14,036,350 (Oral Roberts Missions and Outreach 73-0739626), Pacific Justice Institute (EIN 91-1823641). South Tampa Fellowship Church To help operationalize the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people into USAIDs development approach, USAID released the LGBTQI Vision for Action, a document that reflects USAIDs commitment to protect LGBTQI+ people from violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization and advance their human rights; and Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations, a document that identifies ways to include marginalized and vulnerable groups in USAIDs work. So much hinges on what happens with the full agenda of the militant gay movement., Emphasizing the importance of keeping up a smooth public relations front, Eldredge told attendees, We must never appear to be attempting to rob anyone of their rights their constitutional rights. COR helped disseminate Christian Reconstructionist and dominionist ideas widely within conservative evangelicalism. With more than three decades of research and experience, Portland Fellowship has gained recognition as a leading authority on healing for the homosexual. Faith 2 Action Baehr has participated and spoken at World Congress of Families events and is personal friend to Natalya Yakunina, wife of Vladimir Yakunin (a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin) who heads Russias vast and strategically critical rail system. 2008 100 2012 2,640 American Values will respond to the attack on marriage. 2002 10,180 2009 19,500 Here are further demographic highlights of the leadership team: The Compassion International executive team is 36% female and 64% male. 2002 7,500 This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming.

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